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Contact Details

•Mobile number
•Email address – It should
sound professional, such as
your full name.
•Location -Just write your
rough location, rather than
your full address.
•LinkedIn profile or portfolio
URL – If you include these,
ensure they’re sleek,
professional and up-to-date.

•Avoid photos: Recruiters can’t

factor in appearance, gender or race
into the recruitment process, so a
profile photo is totally unnecessary.
Additionally, company logos or
images won’t add any value to your
application, so you’re better off
saving the space to showcase your
experience instead.
 Find an internship that can help you gain experience and showcase your abilities.
 Create a portfolio that demonstrates your projects and skills. You can use a website, a
GitHub account, or a blog to display your work. Make sure your portfolio is clear,
organized, and up-to-date2.
 You can attend meetups, hackathons, conferences, or online forums to connect with people
who share your interests and goals.
 Make sure your resume and cover letter are tailored to the specific job and highlight your
relevant skills and achievements1.
 Prepare for the interview by researching the company, reviewing your portfolio, and
practicing common questions and coding challenges.
Some common interview questions:
 Tell me about yourself.
o Response: Start with a brief introduction about your background, education, and any relevant internships or personal projects.
Highlight your passion for coding and your desire to learn and grow as a developer.

 What programming languages are you proficient in?

o A possible response is: I am proficient in Python, JavaI have used these languages to develop various web, desktop, and mobile
applications. I am also familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for front-end development.

 Can you describe your experience with version control systems, such as Git?
o A possible response is: I have used Git for managing and collaborating on different projects. I am comfortable with basic commands
such as git init, git add, git commit, git push, git pull, git branch, git merge, and git checkout. I have
also used GitHub and Bitbucket as online platforms for hosting and sharing code repositories.

 Explain the difference between Git and GitHub.

o A possible response is: Git is a distributed version control system used for tracking changes in code, while GitHub is a web-based
platform for hosting and collaborating on Git repositories. You can mention other similar platforms like GitLab or Bitbucket for
 Explain the concept of a function.
o A possible response is: Functions are reusable blocks of code that perform a specific task. They can take parameters and return
values. Provide an example of a simple function in your chosen language.

 Have you ever worked with Agile methodologies?

o A possible response is: Yes, I have worked with Agile methodologies in some of my previous projects. I have participated in daily
stand-ups, sprint planning, sprint review, and sprint retrospective meetings. I have also used tools such as Jira and Trello for
tracking and managing tasks.

 Describe a project where you had to work with a database.

o A possible response is: One of the projects I worked on was a bookstore website that allowed users to browse, search, and
purchase books online. I used MySQL as the database for storing and retrieving book information, user accounts, orders, and
reviews. I used SQL queries to perform CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations on the database tables. I also used PHP to
connect and interact with the database from the web server.

 Explain the concept of object-oriented programming.

o A possible response is: Object-oriented programming is a paradigm that organizes data and behavior into reusable units
called objects. Objects have attributes (data) and methods (behavior) that define their state and functionality. Objects can also
inherit attributes and methods from other objects through a mechanism called inheritance. This allows for code reuse and
abstraction. Object-oriented programming also supports other concepts such as encapsulation, polymorphism, and abstraction.

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