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Freelance work

2.Body Parts

Mikayıllı Mikayıl Tibb-1B

Klinefelter syndrome is a disease that is available only for males. This syndrome occurs randomly.
This syndrome also known as 47-XXY, where a male has 47 chromosomes. In this syndrome there is 1
more “X” chromosome. Normally, man has 46 chromosomes in which 44 chromosomes are autosome
and 2 of them are gender chromosomes:
In male there are 44+XY, in woman 44+XX chromosomes, but when a male has Klinefelter syndrome
there are 3 gender chromosomes XXY. In this case, totally, person has 47 chromosomes. The primary
features are:
1. Poorly functioning testicles (toxumluqlar).
2. Weaker muscles
3. Less body hair
4. Breast growth
5. Less interest in coupling
Often, this symptoms can be noticed at puberty (yetişkənlik). To avare this disease there are some
 1. An older mother has much more risk of a child with Klinefelter syn.
 2. Testosterone replacement may be a good way to help a patient to reduce growth of his body
parts. Genetic diseases cannot be cured, but they can be prevented or can be reduced by some
treatments. Testosterone replacement is one of them. It can help a patient to have more interest
in coupling and it can help to prevent breast growth. Also breasts can be removed by a surgery.
 3. The pregnant mother must eat healthy food and to not drink alcohol, cigarettes and other
harmful things.
 4. If there will be a lot of stress and other factors for a pregnant mother she can also bring a
child that has Klinefelter syn.
 Klinefelter syn. Is one of the most common chromosomal disorders, in average 1 of 1000 males
has Klinefelter syn.

As you can see there are one more X


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