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Speed Reading

English 8 Quarter 1 Lesson 5


This lesson will help you learn

and understand: Speed

Directions: On the space, before the number,

write PM if the statement refers to Point
Method, TPM, if Tracker and Pacer Method,
SPM if Scanning or Previewing Method.
_____1. Involves moving your eyes quickly down the page, often
down the center and identifying specific words and phrases as you
_____2. This is sometimes called "hand pacing" or "meta guiding”
_____3. Holds a pen, with its cap still on, and underline or trail each
line as you read it
_____4-5. An advantage of these two methods is that they reduce
your need to skip back
Reading plays an important role in learning and everyone’s
life. It helps you grow mentally, emotionally, and psychologically.
It broadens your imagination, enhances your creativity, vocabulary,
language command, and communication skills. It allows you to
explore new ideas, helps you discover yourself, imparts valuable
lessons from years of experiences, and improves your focus and
concentration. It is a great source of motivation to expand your
knowledge and makes you smarter.

You’ve learned techniques in reading rapidly such as

using rapid eye movement and finding keywords to move
quickly through text to get a general overview of the
material and to find specific facts. For today, you are going
to apply those techniques in speed reading. But first, you
have to know more about it.
Speed reading is the process of rapidly
recognizing and absorbing phrases or sentences on
a page all at once, rather than identifying individual
words. The amount of information that we process
seems to be growing by the day whether it is
emails, reports, and websites at work, social media,
or books and magazines at home. There are three
methods to boost your reading speed.
1. The Pointer Method

This is sometimes called "hand

pacing" or "meta-guiding." Holding a card
under each line or drawing it down the page
as you read works just as well.

An advantage of this method is that it should reduce

your need to skip back.
2. The Tracker-and-Pacer
This is a variant of the Pointer method where
you hold a pen, with its cap still on, and underline or
track each line as you read it, keeping your eye above
the tip of the pen. This will help to increase the pace
at which you take in each line, and improve your
focus on the words. Whether you underline the words
is your choice.
The same as with the Pointer Method, the
advantage of it is that it should reduce your need to
re-read sentences – a hindrance to speed reading
that is known as “regression”.
3. The “Scanning” (or
Previewing) Method
"Previewing" involves moving your eyes
quickly down the page –often down the center –
and identifying specific words and phrases as you
go. These can be key sentences often the first
sentence of each paragraph, names, numbers, or
trigger words and ideas. Learning to expand your
peripheral vision can help with this.
You won’t read every word, but your eye
will land on what is important to allow grasping
the basic idea.
Guided Practice
Let’s practice using methods in speed reading. I’ll give you five minutes to read the story.
Be ready. You may start now
Situ Bagendit
Folklore from West Java
Nyai Bagendit was a widow. She was the richest person in
the village and had a very big house filled with a lot of jewelry.
She also had many servants working for her. Nyai Bagendit was
known for her bad attitude - she doesn‟t like helping other people.
Whenever the villagers need some money, they borrow from her.
However, when they return it, they had to pay double. If they
cannot pay the debt, she would ask her servants to take the
villagers‟ belongings.
Nyai Bagendit hated beggars. She thought that beggars
were lazy people. She never felt sorry for any of them who
come asking for help. So when an old beggar came to her
house, she immediately asked her to go.

Nyai Bagendit hated beggars. She thought that beggars

were lazy people. She never felt sorry for any of them who
come asking for help. So when an old beggar came to her
house, she immediately asked her to go.
“Go away, you lazy old woman! Go out of my sight!”
she said.

“Please, Nyai, give me some money or just give me

some food. I’m so hungry.” said the beggar.

“Food? Did you ask for food? This is my house, not a

restaurant. Go now! I don’t want to see you here!” Nyai
Bagendit then threw a stone to the old beggar.
The old beggar was very sad. She then said, “Nyai
Bagendit, I know you are the richest person in this village.
You have everything, but you never help other people. You
are not grateful to God. You will be punished.” The old
beggar then left Nyai Bagendit‟s house.

“Hahaha! You are right. I’m the richest person here. So

no one can punish me, not even God!” She then went back
to her big house. Not long after that, an earthquake
happened and her house fell.
“Help me! Somebody, please help me!” she cried.

Nobody heard her call for help. No one in the village felt the
earthquake as it only happened at Nyai Bagendit‟s house. The land
opened and it was so big that her entire house and all her wealth
disappeared. The villagers just watched what happened to her and
her house. They knew that God punished her for behaving badly
and for not helping other people. Slowly, the place where Nyai
Bagendit‟s house stood became a lake. Since then, people named
the lake Situ Bagendit, which means „Lake of Bagendit‟.
Comprehension Questions:

1. What kind of person was the main character in the


She was a very greedy person.

Comprehension Questions:

2. How was this personality of her revealed in the story?

Her personality became apparent when she

required the villagers who borrowed money
from her to pay her back in an excessive
Comprehension Questions:

3. What did the old woman do?

The old woman cursed Nyai Bagendit

when she refused to help her.
Comprehension Questions:

4. What was the name given to the lake?

The villagers called it Situ Bagendit, which

means ‘lake of Bagendit’.
Comprehension Questions:

5. Why do you think the lake was named after her?

The lake was named after her because it

was the place where the house of Nyai
Bagendit had stood and become a lake.
Comprehension Questions:

6. What did you learn from the story?

You cannot bring your wealth to death. If

greed is stronger than compassion, there
will always be suffering.

Read the text using the Point Method in speed reading.

Write the time you started and ended on the space
Fossils can tell us a great deal about the past.
Studying fossils, researchers have found the oldest known
fossil animal. It is called an archaeopteryx. The
researchers believe it is the “missing link” between
dinosaurs and birds as it contains features of each.
On the one hand, the fossils show clear impressions
of feathers. The animal “frozen” in time has an expanded
braincase. It also has large eye sockets and a pronounced
beak, just like those of the modern birds. Besides, the
animal's hind legs have three claws at the end. Also, it has
well-developed wings. The structure and arrangement of
its feathers indicate it could fly.
On the other hand, it appears to have well-developed
teeth, like a theropod (meat-eating dinosaur). It also has a
long, well-formed tail. These are traits that are similar to
those of small dinosaurs. Scientists can only guess about
its status until more such creatures are found to support
their theory.
1. Researchers believe that the archaeopteryx is the __________.
a. oldest known fossil
b. missing link
c. simplest form of bird

2. The animal’s hind legs have __________ claws.

a. three
b. four
c. five
3. It appears to have well-developed __________.
a. Teeth
b. Muscles
c. Wings

4. The fossils have an expanded __________.

d. wing structure
e. skeletal structure
f. braincase
5. The main idea of the text is
a. fossils shows clear impressions of feathers
b. fossils can tell us a great deal about the past
c. researchers have found the oldest known fossil animal
Though ice cream may seem a relatively modern treat,
people have been eating it in some form for about 3,000
years. Originally, it was composed of snow or ice, flavored
with tastes popular with the Roman nobility in the
4thcentury B.C. We know the emperor Nero imported snow
from the mountains and topped it with fruit juices and honey
to make it sweeter.
China is reported to have recipes that could make both
water and milk ices, and it is said that the explorer, Marco
Polo, brought them back to Europe during the 13th century.
In the American colonies, people poured maple syrup
over snow and let it harden, and both George Washington
and Thomas Jefferson owned a cream machine for making
ice. First Lady Dolly Madison‟s White House dinner parties
were talked about for the large shining dome of pink ice
cream as the centerpiece. And from the early 1700s, ordinary
colonists talked about going to ice cream houses – they
weren‟t generally called ice cream parlors or cream stands
until the late 1870s.
1. People have been eating ice cream for __________.
a. 3000 years
b. 3,500 years
c. 4,000 years
2. China is reported to have created __________.
a. the first popsicle sticks
b. recipes that could make both water and milk ice
c. sweetened ice
3. Ice cream parlors got their name in the late __________.
a. 1850s
b. 1860s
c. 1870s
4. __________ owned a cream machine for making ice.
a. George Washington
b. Thomas Jefferson
c. both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson
5. The main idea of the text is
a. ordinary colonists talked about going to ice cream houses
b. China is reported to have recipes that could make both
water and milk ices
c. people have actually been eating ice cream in some form
for about 3,000 years

Do not hurry things up.

If it’s for you, it will come to you.

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