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Quarter 2 Lesson 1

Interpreting Non-
Linear Texts
found in
Expository Texts
It is hoped that after completing this session, you will be able to:
1. Identify non-linear texts found in expository texts.
2. Explain the verbal-visual relationship illustrated in tables, graphs
and informational maps found in expository texts.
Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is
correct, FALSE if it is not. Write the answer
on the space before the number.
___________1. Nonlinear texts have multiple reading paths.
___________2. Line graphs are visual representations of
information on parts or segments as a proportion, percentage or
fraction of the whole.
___________3. Tables consist of facts and figures arranged in
columns and rows for quick reference.
___________4. Bar graphs consist of columns or bars arranged
horizontally or vertically
___________5. Pie charts are easy to read because the reader is
able to identify the trend based on the direction of the line.
___________1. Nonlinear texts have multiple reading paths.
___________2. Line graphs are visual representations of
information on parts or segments as a proportion, percentage or
fraction of the whole.
___________3. Tables consist of facts and figures arranged in
Trueand rows for quick reference.
___________4. Bar graphs consist of columns or bars arranged
False or vertically
___________5. Pie charts are easy to read because the reader is
able to identify the trend based on the direction of the line.
Expository texts frequently use non-linear texts to present
facts and information. These are designed to explain, inform,
and present facts on specific topics.
Here is an example of an expository test using nonlinear text.
“What Is the Content of Your Prayers?”
Prayer is not only the most common faith
practice among American adults, it’s also
one of the most complex and multifaceted. A
new study from Barna reveals the diverse
prayer habits of American adults.
American adults who pray with regularity do so with varying
motivations, the most common being to offer “gratitude and
thanksgiving” (62%). Generationally, this is lowest among Millennials
(53%) and highest among Boomers (71%). An equally popular prayer
incentive is the “needs of their family and community” (61%),
followed by “personal guidance in crisis” (49%). The latter is most
common among those with lower levels of education (49% with a high
school diploma or less, compared to 39% of college graduates).
What are non-linear texts?
Nonlinear text is the opposite of linear text. As
what its name suggests, it is nonlinear and non-
sequential. The readers do not have to go through the
text in a sequential manner to make sense of the text.
This type of text has many reading paths.
What are the types of non-linear
Illustration - is a drawing or sketch.
Photograph - provides a literal snapshot of
the person, place or thing being discussed.
Digital image of protesters
praying, Collection of the
Smitonian National Museum of
African American History and
Culture, Gift of Jermaine Gibbs,
-Jermaine Gibbs
Graphs and charts - are visuals that show the
relationship between two or more sets of
Line graphs - are
commonly used to show
trends. They are easy to read
because the reader can
identify the trend based on
the direction of the line.
Bar graphs - consist of
columns or bars arranged
horizontally or vertically.
Normally, they are used to
show comparison between
variables. They are also
used to show the frequency
of events in different classes
or intervals.
Pie charts - are visual
representations of information on
parts or segments as a proportion,
percentage, or fraction of the
Tables - consist of facts and figures arranged in columns
and rows for quick reference.
Guided Practice
Answer the questions based on the non-linear text below.
1. What kind of non-linear is presented above?
- It is a table. It consists of facts and figures arranged in
columns and rows for quick reference.
2. What religion has the greatest number of followers in the
- It is Christianity. According to the global assessment 2012, it
gained2.4 billion followers with 33% of the global population.
3. What percentage does the least number of followers have?
- It is 7%. The religion which has the least number of followers
is Buddhism with 521 million with 7% of the global population.

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