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Marking Signals
English 8 Quarter 2 Lesson 2
This lesson will help you learn and understand: Opinion-
Marking Signals.
It is hoped that after completing this module, you will be able
1. Identify common opinion-marking signals.
2. Use opinion-marking signals to share ideas.
Directions: Write YES if the sentence given needs an opinion-marking
signal or phrase at the beginning, write NO if it doesn’t. Write the answer on
the space before the number.
___________ 1. Is health more precious than wealth?
___________ 2. In my opinion, people should wear masks at all times.
___________ 3. I think, poor quality sleep can impact mood and increase
anxiety and depression symptoms.
___________ 4. A nutritious diet can boost your immune system.
___________ 5. I believe that a balanced diet supplies the nutrients your
body needs to work effectively.
YES 1. Is health more precious than wealth?
___________ 2. In my opinion, people should wear masks at all times.
___________ 3. I think, poor quality sleep can impact mood and
NOanxiety and depression symptoms.
___________ 4. A nutritious diet can boost your immune system.
YES 5. I believe that a balanced diet supplies the nutrients
your NO
body needs to work effectively.
We learned from the previous lesson the importance
of Visual-Verbal Relationship. We learned that nonlinear
text is the opposite of linear text. As what its name
suggests, it is nonlinear and non-sequential. The readers
do not have to go through the text in a sequential manner
to make sense of the text. This type of text has many
reading paths. Examples of nonlinear texts are graphs,
charts, illustrations and other diagrams.
Opinion-Marking Signals are phrases which are used
to indicate one’s own thoughts, ideas, and feelings about
some things, situations, and experiences. Some of the
examples of opinion-marking signals are: In my
opinion, I think, and in my experience.
Which word or phrase is used by the woman in
expressing her opinion about smoking? The
woman used the opinion-marking signal:
“In my opinion…”
Today, you will be learning about the importance
of opinion-marking signals.
What is an opinion-marking signal?

An opinion-marking signal is a tool that you

can you use to mark that the statement is an
opinion. The table below shows examples of
opinion-marking signals used in different
parts of oral and written forms:
Here are some examples:
• To begin with, the pandemic made us reconnect to God and to our families.

The signal, “To begin with,” is used by the speaker to introduce the statement.

• Also, in my opinion the pandemic has taught us important lessons about

resilience and faith in God.

The signals, “Also” and “In my opinion,” are used by the speaker as an
additional statement.
• Additionally, the pandemic taught us how to build a stronger

The signal, “Additionally,” is used by the speaker to state a second

supporting opinion.

• Finally, I strongly believe that the pandemic has taught us to rebuild our
relationship with God and to be more resilient.

The signals, “Finally and I strongly believe,” are used by the speaker to
conclude the major opinion mentioned in the first example.
Guided Practice
In this time of pandemic, which is safer and healthier, to live in the city, or to live in the province?

City Life vs Country Life


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