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Diagnosis Rehabilitasi Medis


dr. Wikha Aprian

Activities and Participation

Body Condition
Struktur dan Fungsi Tubuh Aktifitas Partisipasi
Faktor-Faktor Lingkungan Faktor-Faktor Personal
Activities and Participation

1. Learning and applying knowledge

2. General tasks and demands
3. Communication
4. Mobility
5. Self care
6. Domestic life
7. Interpersonal interactions and relationships
8. Mayor life areas
9. Community , social and civic life
Learning and applying knowledge
1. Purposeful sensory experience
- Watching
- Listening
- Other purposeful sensing
- Purposeful sensory experiences, other specified and specified
2. Basic learning
- Copying
- Learning through actions with objects
- Acquiring information
- Acquiring language
- Acquiring additional-language
- Reheasing (latian)
- Acquiring skills
- Basic learning, other specified and unspecified
3. Applying knowledge
- Focussing attention
- Directing attention
- Thinking
- Reading
- Writing
- Calculating
- Solving problem
- Making decision
- Applying knowledge , other specified and unspecified
- Learning applying knowledge, other specified
- Learning applying knowledge, other unspecified
General tasks and demands

1. Undertaking a single task

2. Undertaking multiple task
3. Carrying out daily routine
4. Handling stress and other psychological
5. Managing one’s own behavior
6. General tasks and demands, other specified
7. General tasks and demands, other unspecified

1. Communicating- receiving
- Communicating with – receiving – spoken messages
- Communicating with – receiving – non verbal messages
- Communicating with- receiving- written messages
- Communicating – receiving, other specified and unspecified
2. Communicating- producing
- speaking
- Pre-talking
- Singing
- Producing nonverbal messages
- producing messages in formal sign language
- Writing Messages
- Communication- producing, other specified and unspecified
3. Conversation and use of communication devices and techniques
- Conversation
- Discussion
- Using communication devices and techniques
- Conversation and use of communication devices and techniques , other specified and unspecified
- Communication , other specified
- Communication , other unspecified
1. Changing and maintaining body position
- Changing basic body position
- Maintaining a body position
- Transferring oneself
- Changing and maintaining body position, other specified and unspecified
2. Carrying , moving and handling objects
- Lifting and carrying objects
- Moving objects with lower extrimities
- Fine hand use
- Hand and arm use
- Fine foot use
- Carrying , moving and handling objects, other specified and unspecified

3. Walking and moving

- Walking
- Moving around
- Moving around in different locations
- Moving around using equipment
- Walking and moving, other specified and unspecified
4. Moving around using transportation
- Using transportation
- Driving
- Riding animals for transportation
- Moving around using transportation , other specified and unspecified
- Mobility , other specified
- Mobility , unspecified
Self Care
• 1. Washing oneself
• 2. Caring to body parts
• 3. Toileting
• 4. Dressing
• 5. Eating
• 6. Drinking
• 7. Looking after one’s health
• 8. looking after one’s safety
• 9. Self Care, other specified
• 10. Self care , unspecified
Domestic Life
• Acquistion of necessities
– Acquiring a place to live
– Acquistion of goods and services
– Acquistion of necessities, other specified and unspecified
• Household Task
– Preparing Meals
– Doing housework
– Household tasks, other specified and unspecified
• Caring for household objects and assisting others
– Caring for household objects
– Assisting others
– Caring for household objects and assisting others, other specified and unspecified
– Domestic life , other specified
– Domestic life , unspecified
Interpersonal interactions and relationships
• General interpersonal interactions
– Basic interpersonal interactions
– Complex interpersonal interactions
– General interpersonal interactions, other specified and unspecified
• Particular interpersonal relationships
– Relating with strangers
– Formal relationships
– Informal social relationship
– Family relationship
– Intimate relationships
– Particular interpersonal relationships , other specified and unspecified
– Interpersonal interactions and relationships, other specified
– Interpersonal interactions and relationships, unspecified
Major life areas
• Education
– Informal education
– Preschool education
– Preschool life and related activities
– School education
– Vocational training
– Higher education
– School life and related activities
– Education , other specified and unspecified
• Work and Employment
– Apprenticeship (work preparation) (Magang )
– Acquiring , keeping and terminating a job (
– Remunerative employment (pekerjaan yang memberi upah )
– Non-remunerative employment
– Work and employment, other specified and unspecified
• Economic Life
– Basic economic transactions
– Complex economic transactions
– Economic self-suffiency (kemandirian ekonomi )
– Economic life, other specified and unspecified
– Engagement in play (dilibatkan dalam permainan)
– Mayor life areas, other specified
– Mayor life areas , unspecified
Community , social and civic life
• Community life
• Recreation and leisure
• Religion and spirituality
• Human rights
• Political life and citizenship
• Community , social and civic life, other
• Community, social and civic life, unspecified
• Xxx.0 no difficulty
• Xxx.1 mild difficulty
• Xxx.2 moderate difficulty
• Xxx.3 severe difficulty
• Xxx.4 complete difficulty
• Xxx.8 not specified
• Xxx.9 not applicable

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