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Disseminating, MDSR

Adama July 2021

MDSR dissemination 1
Workshop organization
Become familiar Become familiar
MDSR database Data analysis
• Data manipulation software • Descriptive analysis
• Data entry, Cleaning, • Compute MDSR data set
• Missing value management • Contextualizing results
• Interpretation of findings

Become familiar
Disseminating results
• Presentation skills
• Dissemination of results
• Strength and limitation

MDSR dissemination 2
Become familiar with dissemination

1. Presentation of findings using epidemiological displaying devices

[tables, graphs, charts so on.]

2. Presentation of findings using facts intended to illustrate,

person, place and time [labeling]

3. Understanding the audience during dissemination of the findings

4. Assessing for strength and limitation of analysis findings

5. Conclude the findings and provide feasible recommendation

based on the findings

6. Disseminate the findings of the analysis to providers of the

MDSR dissemination 3
What is dissemination?
• Dissemination is the process of describing the
finding of any problem to others [stakeholders]

• Process, describing, finding to others

• As a process, it has a series of activities

• Describing or illustrating the finding and its


• It has audience [Service providers, data collectors,

the public, scientific community etc]
MDSR dissemination 4
What to describe
• The finding of the problem

• Methods of study population, data collection and

its analysis

• Its limitations and strengths

• Implication of the findings

• Possible recommendation
MDSR dissemination 5
How do we display the
1. Documented report [donors, policy makers]

2. Scientific conference
[scientific population, donors, service providers, etc]

3. Poster presentation
[scientific population, donors, service providers, etc]

4. Scientific original journal [peer reviewed]

[scientific population, service providers, etc]

MDSR dissemination 6
Common reporting format
1. Introduction
[illustrating, why the data collection and analysis is made, should be reported
using literatures]

2. Objectives

3. Methods
[how the activities were implemented]

4. Result
[displaying the findings of the whole process, usually based on the objectives
of the program]

5. Discussion
[interpretation of the findings, including the limitation and conclusion]

6. Conclusion and recommendation

[Implication of the result and possible feedback]
MDSR dissemination 7
Common Methods of
Data Organization and Presentation

• Data are displayed using tables, graphs, charts

and Maps

• Determining the type of measurement scale is

necessary to select type of summary

• Type of measurement scale could be

1. Nominal 2. Ordinal 3. Discrete 4. Continuous

Mechanism of displaying the findings
Type of display Table 2. Graphs/ charts 3. Maps
Any form of Table Scatterplot
measure One way
Two way
Categorical Pie chart
Bar chart
Continuous Histogram
Time Line graph
Geographic area Spot map
Area map
MDSR dissemination 9
• A table is a set of data arranged in rows and columns

• Almost any form of quantitative or qualitative data

can be organized by tables

• Uses
• To demonstrate patterns, differences and other

• Serve as the basis for preparing more visual displays of

data, such as graphs and charts, where some of the detail
may be lost
• While developing tables consideration of the
following notes is needed:

1. Include clear and concise title telling what, when,

whom and where, (what+ person, time and place)

2. Clearly label the rows and columns,

3. Show totals, when appropriate


4. Explain codes, abbreviations, and symbols in the foot-


5. State clearly the unit of measurement,

6. Keep them simple, and should be self-explanatory,

7. If data is not original, indicate the source in the foot-

One-variable table
• Most basic table is a simple frequency distribution with one variable
Example, Column
Table 3. Major reasons for delay level one of maternal deaths
from 2006-8 in Ethiopia (n=958), Sept., 2016
Events for delay Number Percent
Lack of decision to go to health facility 347 36.22
Delayed referral from home 319 33.30
Failure of recognition of the problem 309 32.25
Traditional Practices 203 21.19
Family poverity 97 10.13
Eample 2
Table 5. Regional distribution of maternal deaths in
2007 in Ethiopia (n=379).
Regions Frequency Percent
Addis Ababa 23 6.07
Amhara 97 25.59
Dire Dawa 36 9.50
Harari 7 1.85
Oromiya 98 25.86
SNNP 45 11.87
Tigray 73 19.26
TOTAL 379 100.00
Two variable table
• Two variable table is a table linking two variables
[assessing for relationship as in analytic analysis]

• Eg Regional difference in death rate due to hemorrhage

Table 4. Regional difference in maternal death due to hemorrhage,
of mothers who deceased in 2007, in Ethiopia
Presence of Hemorrhage
Region Yes No Total
Addis Ababa 13 (56.5) 10 (43.4) 23
Amhara 54 (55.7) 43 (44.3) 97
Dire Dawa 9 (25.0) 27 (75.0) 36
Harari 1 (14.3) 6 (85.7) 7
Oromia 48 (49.0) 50 (51.0) 98
SNNP 22 (48.9) 23 (51.1) 45
Chi-square df Probability Tigray 35 (47.9) 38 (52.1) 73
13.8245 6 0.0317 TOTAL 182 197 379
Composite tables
• It is a table combining several separate tables

• Age, region and parity and other demographic

variables may be combined to form a single table
Age_RECODED Frequency Percent
15 - <25 88 24.18
• Example of 25 - <35 191 52.47

composite 35 - <45
45 - <49
table 49 - < HIVALUE
1 0.27

Addis Ababa 23 6.07

Amhara 97 25.59
Dire Dawa 36 9.50
Harari 7 1.85
Oromiya 98 25.86
SNNP 45 11.87
Tigray 73 19.26
Marital Status
Divorced 8 2.17
Married 348 94.31
Single 12 3.25
Widowed 1 0.27
Diagrammatic Representation of
• It allows readers to rapidly grasp the overall

• The relationship between numbers can usually

be seen more quickly and easily

• More understandable even by illiterates

• A graph displays numerical data in visual form

• It can display patterns, trends, similarities and

differences in data that may be difficult by tables.

• It is also useful to illustrate the data to people less

familiar with data

Purposes of graphics
• To visually show measured quantities

• To organize, summarize, and display information

clearly and effectively
Considerations in developing graphs
1. Clear labelling of title, source, axis, scales and legends

2. Clearly label variable legends including unit of measure

3. Portray frequencies on the vertical (Y-axis) scale starting at

Zero, and classification variable on the horizontal (X-axis) scale

4. Ensure that scales for each axis are appropriate for the data

5. Minimize number of lines on a graph

6. Define abbreviations or symbols

7. Specify any data excluded

1. Arithmetic Scale Line Graphs
• Shows patterns or trends over time

• It is used to show long series of data and compare

several series of data

• Set distance along any axis represents the same

quantity anywhere on that axis

• The Y-axis can display numbers, rates, proportions or

other quantitative
Guidelines for developing an arithmetic
scale line graph

• X-axis scale
• Time with same specificity we collected

• Y-axis scale
• about 3/5 as long as x-axis
• Start at 0, unless it is necessary for scale break
• maximum value, by identifying the largest value
• Interval size, must be equal through out the scale
Maternal mortality by time
Number of maternal deaths by months of Ethiopian calendar year
from 2006-2008
93 96
85 87 88 84 81

Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug

Seasonal distribution of maternal death, by month of death in Ethiopia

for years 2006-2008, Sept 2016
55 52 52
50 50 2006 2007 2008 51
42 39 40 40
34 32
28 30 28 30
25 24 22
21 19 21 19 19
14 17 15
7 8 6
1 3 1 0 0
sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug

MDSR analysis 23
Long term distribution
Distribution of maternal death, by months from 2006 to 2008

51 52 52 50 52
40 42
39 40
34 32 30
30 28 28
25 24
21 19 22 21
19 17 19
14 15
7 8 6
2 3 1 0 0

MDSR analysis 24
2. Histograms
• It is a graph of the frequency distribution of a quantitative
variable, based on class intervals

• Area of each column is proportional to the number of

observations in that interval

• Constructing
• Use equal class intervals
• Do not use scale breaks

• The most common x-axis variable is time (epidemic curves) (mid-


• It could show second variable by shading

Age distributi on of maternal death in Ethiopia,
from year 2006-8, Sept 2016

200 214
150 170 167

15 - <20 20 - <25 25 - <30 30 - <35 35 - <40 40 - <45 45 -6<49 491- < 2 -

MDSR dissemination 26

• Charts use only one coordinate

• Most appropriate for comparing data with

qualitative categories

1. Bar chart

2. Pie chart
1. Bar charts
• Each category of variable is represented by a bar

• Length of bar is proportional to number of

persons or events in a category

• Variables are qualitative, or treated as


• It can be displayed as horizontal or vertical

• No need of using scale break

How to construct a bar chart

• Arrange the categories in natural order

• Position bars either vertically or horizontally

• Make all of the bars the same width

• Make the length of bars in proportion to the

frequency of the event

• Show no more than five bars within a group, if


• Leave a space between adjacent groups of bars,

but not between bars within a group

• Code different variables by differences in bar

colour, shading, cross‑hatching, etc. and include
a legend that interprets your code
Types of bar charts

1. Simple

• One variable

• It can be displayed as horizontal or

Types of bar charts

2. Grouped
• data from 2 or 3 variable tables

• distinct colours or shading is used to differentiate

• Legend is necessary
Cell separated
One cell By a space

The meaning of
each bar is shown
in a legend

3. Stacked bar chart

• It is used to show the same data as a grouped bar chart into
a single bar

• Different groups are differentiated by different segments

within a single bar

• You are able to see the overall change easier, but changes
between groups may be difficult than grouped bars
Eg Stacked bar chart
Figure 1. Cases of S Typhimurium-infection
by age-group and sex, Herøy, Norway, 1999
70 -
60 - 69
50 - 59
40 - 49

30 - 39
20 - 29

10 - 19


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Number of cases

4. 100 component bar chart

• It is a variant of stacked bar chart , where bars are pulled

to 100 rather than their real values;

• It is helpful for comparing the contribution of different

subgroups within the categories of the main variable
Eg. 100 Component bar chart


20,9 7,1

24,8 9,8
<20 20-29 30-39 40-49

Male Female

Fig.1. Age distribution of respondents by sex of Tigrigna ethnic group,

among Eritrean Refugees in Shimelba Camp, July 2006
Eg 2 100 Component bar chart
Figure 1. Cases of S Typhimurium-infection
by age-group and sex, Herøy, Norway, 1999
Proportional distribution by sex Male Female
100 %

80 %

60 %

40 %

20 %

0-9 10 - 19 20 - 29 30 - 39 40 - 49 50 - 59 60 - 69 70 -

Stacked and 100 component bar
chart of similar data
Ti g ri g na
15 0 100%

10 0


0 0%
<20 20-29 30-39 40-49 <20 20-29 30-39 40-49

Male Female

Fig.1. Age distribution of respondents by sex of Tigrigna ethnic group,

among Eritrean Refugees in Shimelba Camp, July 2006
2. Pie charts

• Size of the “slices” show the proportional

contribution of each component part

• Useful for showing the component parts of a single

group or variable (usually qualitative variable).
Constructing Pie chart

• It usually starts at 12 O’clock

• Slices should be arranged from largest to the lowest

(and Others or unknown at last)

• Colored Shading may be necessary to differentiate


• Writing percentage may be necessary (eyes may not

Pie chart

Fig.2. Distribution of religion of participants from Kunama ethnic group

among Eritrean Refugees in Shimelba Camp, July 2006
Overall HIV Prevalence Among ANC
Attendees Aged 15-44, Zimbabwe 2000

Positive ,

Negative ,
• Maps are used to show geographic location

• Two types of map are commonly used

1. Spot maps and

2. Area maps
1. Spot maps

• It uses dotes or other symbols to represent individual cases

• More localized

• It does not show rates, thus doesn’t show risk of a disease

Example of spot map
Confirmed cases of meningococcal meningitis
type B by residence, Dublin, 1996

1 dot = 1 case


3 1
4 2
2. Area (Chloropleth) maps

• Used to show rates of disease in different areas, by using

shades/ colours

• Shades/ colors need difference in intensity of shading

Eg, Area Map (Chloropleth map)
Confirmed cases of meningococcal meningitis type B by Community Care
Area, Dublin, 1996
0.0 per 100 000
- 1.9
2.0 - 2.9
3.0 - 3.9
4.0 - 6.9
7.0 - 12.0




3 1

4 2
Incidence rates of Meningitis/ 100,000 population, Nov1988-
March 1989, and Area of 1981-1983 epidemic
Shades/ colors need difference in intensity of
Incidence Rates by County, January 1-June 1, 1991

Rubella Measles

Cases per 100,000 population

• When choosing graphics, you have to consider several
things: What are your data?

• With mainly geographical data, choose a map or a


• With mainly time data, choose a line graph.

• With data mainly arranged by personal characteristics

such as sex, age, disease or not et cetera, choose a
table or a chart.
MDSR dissemination 53

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