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Assignment 1a

Completion of the first assignment

To complete Assignment 1a - the analysis of two

magazine front covers in detail. Showing understanding of denotation description and use of media terminology. Explaining Connotations - how meaning is created by the denotations. And how and why a specific audience is appealed to by the front cover.

Check list
You MUST comment
on: Copy - the language used,
devices like puns, metaphors, alliteration allusion to other media products. How this might make an audience want to buy. Images - photographs detail about how the image is presented, what the focus is, mise en scene, pose, direct/non-direct address, aware of camera of secretly taken - how it relates to audience.

Layout and format of

the front cover - how might they appeal to a specific readership?

Colours, type fonts and

sizes - how do these attract a specific readership?

Work to complete

Remember: you will not

lose marks for being over the 350 words by up to 50 words. (so you can have 200 per magazine cover if you need it) Being concise will mean that you make more points and gain more marks.

If you think you may

be complete, check your what you have done and ensure that you have fulfilled all areas of the check list

Mark Scheme
Level 6 - Candidates produce convincing and effective analyses of
media texts and explanation of their pre-production work. Media terminology is used extensively and effectively. The consumption of texts by particular audiences is discussed in detail. Responses are cogent and well structured with precise and accurate use of language and arguments clearly supported by evidence.

Level 5 - Candidates produce good-quality analyses of media texts

and explanation of their pre-production work. They use technical terminology with confidence. A sound understanding is shown of the role of audiences in the consumption of media texts. Responses are clear and well-organised with generally accurate use of language and evidence used to support points.

If you still have work to complete on
Assignment 1a you may continue to completion.

All work MUST be saved onto the iMac

AND emailed to me by 10.20am. To email: open Safari, go to school website, login to email and send to me.

Home learning
This weeks and half terms home learning
is to create a draft front cover for a new magazine for a specific target audience. You will also need to comment in 150 words approximately on how your idea uses the conventions to appeal to the readership you are aiming for.

Review of what you have learned this half term.
In your books identify three things which you
have learned about the media.
Could be something technical - blogs, surveys, editing images Could be something theoretical - audience theory, exploring connotations, discovering how the media manipulates images

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