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Unit 1- Lesson

Latitude Circles
Table of contents
01 03
Latitude Circles 02 Main Latitude
Importance of Circles
Latitude Circles
04 05
Climate Zones Locations
Latitude Circles
Latitude Circles : are invisible lines covering Earth. They run east-west as circles
parallel to the equator. The equator is the main latitude circle that divides Earth into
Northern and Southern Hemisphere at 0 degree latitude.
-Latitude circles are 180 circles.
-90 circle north of the Equator and 90 South of it.
-The distance between each two latitude circles almost (111Km)
-Latitude circles are complete circles run parallel to the equator.
-The circles are not equal. The equator is the biggest circle, while all lines of latitude get smaller as
we move closer to the north and south poles until they become single point at North and South pole.
Importance of latitude Circles
Importance of Latitude Circles
1-Latitude lines help partially in determining locations north and south the equator.

2-Latitude circles help determine climate conditions in a region. They are resource for determining
the climate zones.

3-Latitude circle are related to the four seasons and Earth’s rotation around the Sun.
Main Latitude Circles
7 Main Latitude Circles
● The Equator circle , the main line and the biggest latitude circle at zero degrees. The equator divides Earth into
two equal hemispheres; the Northern and Southern. The Sun is vertical on the equator in autumn and spring.
The equator passes through one Arab country, Somalia.
● The Tropic of Cancer is located north the equator at 23.5 degrees; sun is vertical on the 21st of June. Summer
starts in the Northern Hemisphere and winter starts in the Southern.
● The Tropic of Capricorn is located south the equator at 23.5 degrees; sun is vertical on the 21st of December.
Winter starts in the Northern Hemisphere and summer starts in the Southern.
● The Arctic Circle is located north the equator at 66.5 is determined as the latitude where, on a certain
day, the sun does not rise and on another it does not set.
● The Antarctic Circle is located south the equator at 66.5 is determined as the latitude where, on a
certain day, the sun does not rise and on another it does not set.
● The North Pole is located north the equator at 90 degrees in the farthest latitude circle from the center of the
Earth in the Northern Hemisphere.
● The South Pole is located south the equator at 90 degrees in the farthest latitude circle from the center of the
Earth in the Southern Hemisphere.
Climate Zones
Climate zones
-Becouse of: This led to: The Equator and
neighboring regions
The Earth’s oblate Three climate zones; receive larger amount
spheroid shape and its Warm area of sun rays compared to
orbit around the sun Temperate area the north and south
locations on Earth do Cold area poles.
not receive the same
amount of the sun rays
Determining Locations
We use longitude lines and latitude circles together.

They form an integrated network of coordinates on the world map.

Through this network, we can determine any location on Earth.

The longitude lines determine one coordinate and the latitude circles determine the
second coordinate.
Test your knowledge
True or False
1-Latitude circles on Earth run east-west as circles parallel to the equator.
2-The equator is the main latitude circle that divides Earth into the Northern
and Southern Hemispheres at 0 degrees latitude.

3-Latitude circles are equal in size, with each circle covering 180 degrees.
4-The distance between each two latitude circles is approximately 111 km.
5-Latitude circles are complete circles that run parallel to the equator.
6-All lines of latitude get smaller as we move closer to the North and South
poles until they become a single point at the poles.

7-Latitude lines help determine locations only north of the equator.

8-Latitude circles help determine climate conditions in a region and are a
resource for determining climate zones.
9-Latitude circles are not related to the four seasons and Earth's rotation around the Sun.
10-The Equator is the main line and the biggest latitude circle at zero degrees.
11-The Tropic of Cancer is located south of the equator at 23.5 degrees.
12- The Tropic of Capricorn is located north of the equator at 23.5 degrees.

13-The Arctic Circle is located north of the equator at 66.5 degrees.

14-The Antarctic Circle is located south of the equator at 66.5 degrees.
15-The North Pole is located north of the equator at 90 degrees.
16-The South Pole is located south of the equator at 90 degrees.
17-The Earth's oblate spheroid shape and its orbit around the sun result in different
amounts of sun rays received by locations on Earth.

18-There are four climate zones: warm area, temperate area, cold area, and polar area.
19-The Equator and neighboring regions receive a larger amount of sun rays compared
to the north and south poles.

20-Longitude lines and latitude circles together form an integrated network of coordinates
on the world map used to determine any location on Earth.

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