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Leadership- A key of

Md. Moyenul Islam
Deputy General Manager
Quality Assurance
JMI Group
A leader is a dealer in hope. —
Napoleon Bonaparte
What is Leadership?
 Leadership, both as a research area and as a practical skill,
encompasses the ability of an individual, group
or organization to "lead", influence or guide other
individuals, teams, or entire organizations.
 Leadership is the ability of an individual or a group of
individuals to influence and guide followers or other
members of an organization.
Importance of Leadership?
 1. Vision-Successful leadership creates a clear vision of what the organization
can achieve. Leaders provide a roadmap outlining the steps and resources
their company needs to arrive at the preferred destination.
 2. Communication-Leaders help to communicate the vision and mission of
the firm to employees. This provides direction and helps everybody identify
the roles that best fit skills and experiences. Through clear communication,
leaders encourage their subordinates to act for the actualization of
 3. Decision Making-Decision making is one of the top leadership skills.
Successful leadership takes the best decision for the organization in all
situations. Leaders are experts at taking the right decisions based on the
prevailing circumstances. They weigh their organization's strengths and
weaknesses to ensure their choices put them at an advantage now and in the
 4. Passion-Leaders are passionate about their vision and infect others with
their energy to achieve it. Effective leadership inspires others to buy into the
company's objectives and provide a powerful reason for everybody to remain
dedicated to their duties.
 5. Guidance-Once employees know what to do to deliver on projects,
effective leaders oversee their work to ensure they perform their roles
effectively. Leaders make sure employee efforts align with organizational
goals for improved efficiency.
 6. Commitment-Effective leaders are committed to the success of their
organization and its employees. They remain focused on the company's long-
term goals and do not allow temporary setbacks to dampen their spirits.
When they face a setback, good leaders motivate their teams and help them
see beyond the problems preventing them from reaching the common goal.
 7. Integrity-Successful leadership teaches the organization ethical values.
Regardless of their problems, successful leaders do the right things to achieve
their goals. For them, integrity, truthfulness and fairness are core attributes
they want to see in their company and its relations with contractors and
 8. Confidence-Leaders help subordinates to excel at their work and every
aspect of life by expressing confidence in their abilities. They listen to
employees' worries about their work, provide positive feedback and ensure
the office environment brings out the best in them.
 9. Growth-The best leaders create an environment where others can grow.
They are open to new ideas and methods of achieving results and are flexible
enough to admit their mistakes. Successful leaders encourage subordinates to
provide inputs on how to improve work processes and reward excellence to
increase creativity and loyalty.
What makes a great leader?
Key leadership qualities-

 Accountable: Leaders must hold themselves and their teams responsible for the
work each is responsible for. Ownership is a vital part of leadership.
 Courageous: Leaders must have courage in various instances, such as correcting
behavior or making unpopular decisions.
 Effective communicator: Communicating in a clear, positive way creates a path
for the rest of the team, project, or meeting you are leading.
 Empathetic: Leaders need to understand how the people around them feel
about projects, decisions, morale, and more.
 Flexible: Working with a team of people means tasks, goals, and responsibilities
will shift. An adaptable leader can adjust and maintain ownership of the group,
project, or meeting at hand.
 Focused: Being clear on goals will help the rest of the team be efficient and
 Humble: Great leaders admit their mistakes and elevate those around them.
Humility is essential when leading a team.
 Innovative: Leaders should be able to develop ideas, filter the opinions of
others, solve problems and complete many other tasks that require innovation
and creativity.
 Passionate: Teams are motivated by a drive towards a common goal. The
leader of this team should be passionate about a plan, creating unity among
their team to work together.
 Patient: Mistakes, miscommunications, and failures are inevitable. Leaders
need to be patient through these times.
 Problem-solver: Developing problem-solving skills allows teams to move past
roadblocks with minimal disruption.
 Resilient: Leaders must also bear the burden of pushing through to improve
what they own. This might mean creating new processes, hiring new people,
or changing the status quo.
 Respectful: Great leaders treat their teams with respect, gaining respect in
 Transparent: Being open and honest makes work more efficient and
 Trusting: Leadership requires delegation–trusting their team to complete
what they are assigned with excellence produces positive morale and mutual
Ways To Develop Leadership Skills

 1. Practice discipline-A good leader needs discipline. Developing discipline in

your professional (and personal) life is a must to be an effective leader and
inspire others to be disciplined as well. People will judge your capacity to lead
by the amount of discipline you display at work.
 2. Take on more projects-A great way to develop your leadership skills is to take
on more responsibility. You don't have to take on more than you can handle, but
you need to do more than simply what's covered in your job description if you
want to grow. Stepping out of your comfort zone is the only way you will learn
anything new, and doing so will get you noticed by executives as someone
who takes initiative.
 3. Learn to follow-A true leader has no problem yielding control to another
person when appropriate. You should not feel threatened when someone
disagrees with you, questions your thinking, or puts forth their own ideas. Keep
an open mind and give merit where merit is due. It won't always be easy, but if
you learn to value and respect others on your team, they'll be more likely to
step up to the plate for you.
 4. Develop situational awareness-A mark of a good leader is someone who can
see the bigger picture and anticipate problems before they occur. This is a
valuable skill to have when handling complex projects with tight deadlines.
The ability to foresee and provide suggestions for avoiding potential problems
is invaluable for a leader.
 5. Inspire others-Being a leader means you are part of a team, and as a
leader, you should be able to motivate and inspire those you work with to
collaborate as best they can. When a team member needs encouragement or
guidance, offer it. Sometimes, all a person needs is someone to listen and be
 6. Keep learning-The best path to becoming a good leader is to be open to
learning new things. It keeps your mind sharp and your skills fresh. It primes
you for new challenges that may come your way, which is always a good thing
for a leader.
 7. Empower your teammates-No one is the best at everything, and the sooner
you realize that, the sooner you can learn to be a good leader. Delegating
tasks to others not only frees you up for things you do well, but it also
empowers other people on your team.
 8. Resolve conflicts-Don't be a manager from hell! Not everyone will get along
all the time. Instead of ignoring interpersonal conflicts and hoping they will
go away, address them by talking to those involved privately. Also, be open to
reassigning team members if the conflict can't be resolved.
 9. Be a discerning listener-Becoming a leader doesn't mean you always have
to be in the spotlight. An important trait of a good leader is someone who
listens to suggestions, ideas, and feedback from other people and builds on
them. Good listeners know that communication is not only about words but
picking up on non-verbal cues, such as eye contact and body language.
Any Questions?
Thank YOU!

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