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Discuss the names of the logos

Like Dislike

• good quality (reliable • free advertising to companies

product) • advertising hype around brand
• attracting attention • not wanting to impress people with lots of
• products: stylish, good design logos
• impressing other people • seeing the same things wherever
• showing style & good taste • illegal copy of products

• value for money: worth the price you pay for it

• durable: lasting a long time even if it is used a lot
• upmarket: expensive, of good quality (>< downmarket)
• timeless: not becoming old-fashioned
• cool (informal) : attractive, fashionable, interesting
• well-made: carefully constructed, skillfully built
• classic: attractive in a simple traditional way

What is BRAND?
(n): A name given to a product or group of products by
a company for easy recognition.
(v): to give a name to a product or group of products

Related phrases
-Branded (adj): branded goods or products have brand
names. => branded goods >< non-brand goods

- Branding (n): the activity of giving brand names to

products, developing people’s awareness of them.

Types of products Brands

- Clothes - ……………
- Mobile phones - ……………
- ……………
- Cosmetics
- ……………
- Motorbikes
- ……………
- Foods
- ……………
- Soft drinks....

Types of products Brands

- Clothes - Nike, Adidas, Zara, Mango,...

- Mobile phones - iPhone, Galaxy, Nokia, Blackberry,

- Cosmetics - Mac, Chanel, L’Oreal, Urban Decay, ...

- Foods - KFC, Mc Donald’s, BBQ, Lotteria...

- Soft drinks - Pepsi, Red bull, O’long tea plus, Sting,

Wonderfarm, V’fresh...
................. .................

Related phrases
- Brand loyalty (n): the degree to which people buy a
particular brand and refuse to change to other brands.

- Brand image: all the ways that people think about a


- Brand manager (n): someone in a company

responsible for developing a brand.
=> brand management (n)
Related phrases
- Brand stretching/extension (n): when a company
starts to use an existing brand name on a different type
of product, hoping that people will buy it because they
recognize the name.

- Brand awareness: the degree to which people know a


-Brand name (n): the name given to a product by a

company so that the product can easily be recognized
by its name or design.
Related phrases
- Product placement: when the maker of a product arranges
for it to appear in a film or TV programmes as a form of

- Product endorsement: the use of a well-known person in

a product advertisement.
=> To endorse a product (v) / endorser (n)

- Product range: the set of products made by a company

- Product awareness: awareness about a company’s

products and different features that they have.

Related phrases
- Product launch: the introduction of a product to the
market. => to launch a product to the market (v)

- Product lifecycle: 4 stages in existence of a product

+ introduction: high prices & low sales
+ growth: sales rise fast & profits increase
+ maturity: sales rise slowly
+ decline: sales & profits fall
=> Product may be removed from the market.

Related phrases
- Market share: the percentage of
sales a company has
- Market leader: the best-selling
product/brand in a market
- Market challenger: the second
best-selling product/brand in a market
- Market research: collecting and analysing
information about markets, competitors, customers'
opinions and problems
UNIT 1: BRANDS – Vocabulary p.7
UNIT 1: BRANDS – Vocabulary p.7

=> 2c-3b-4e-5a-6i-7j-8f-9h-10g-11m-12n-13k-14o-15l
UNIT 1: BRANDS – Vocabulary p.7
UNIT 1: BRANDS – Vocabulary p.7
1. No one recognises our logo or slogan. We need to spend
more on advertising to raise brand awareness.
2. Consumers who always buy Sony when they need a new
TV are showing brand loyalty.
3. A fashion designer who launches his or her own perfume is
an example of brand stretching.
4. The brand image of Mercedes-Benz is such that its
products are seen as safe, reliable, luxurious, well made and
5. George Clooney advertising Nespresso is an example of
product endorsement.
6. A product lifecycle consists of introduction, growth,
maturity and decline.
UNIT 1: BRANDS – Vocabulary p.7

7. Tesco's wide product range means that it appeals to all

sectors of the UK market.
8. The use of Aston Martin cars and Sony computers in
James Bond films are examples of product placement.
9. Microsoft is the market leader in computer software.
10. In countries with ageing populations, the over·60s age
group is becoming an increasingly important market
11. Pepsi is the market challenger in carbonated soft drinks.
12. Focus groups and consumer surveys are ways of
conducting market research.
UNIT 1: BRANDS – Vocabulary p.7
UNIT 1: BRANDS – Listening p.8

A. CD1.2: Chris Cleaver is Managing Director, Business Brands at Dragon

Brands. What are the qualities of a really good brand? Listen to the first
part of the interview and write NO MORE THAN TWO (2) WORDS for
each gap. You will hear the piece TWICE.
Strong brands are those that have a real attraction in the (1)................ . They
have high levels of (2)................ so people will know about them and
recognize them when they see them. That might be the physical product,
visual (3)................ or design manifestation.
But recognition is not enough. The (4)................ needs to know a lot about that
brand. So a strong brand will also communicate a set of appealing and
persuasive ideas and (5)................ that enable the end user - the
(6)................ - to know whether or not this is the brand for them or whether
it's a brand they are not attracted to.
UNIT 1: BRANDS – Listening p.8

• A. CD1.2
Strong brands are those that have a real attraction in the (1)
marketplace. They have high levels of (2) awareness, so people will
know about them and recognize them when they see them. That might
be the physical product, visual (3) identity or design manifestation.
But recognition is not enough. The (4) target customer/consumer
needs to know a lot about that brand. So a strong brand will also
communicate a set of appealing and persuasive ideas and (5)
perceptions that enable the end user - the (6) target audience - to
know whether or not this is the brand for them or whether it's a brand
they are not attracted to.
UNIT 1: BRANDS – Listening p.8

A. CD1.3: Listen to the second part of the interview and decide

whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F). You
will hear the piece TWICE.
1. Information about a brand only includes what it does, how it
appeals to you and connects with you.
2. Brands enable you to choose one thing from another in markets
where there is little actual difference between the product.
3. In the author's opinion, air conditioning is what makes car
brands different.
4. The way people feel about a brand is based on the information,
awareness and perception that they have.
UNIT 1: BRANDS – Listening p.8

A. CD1.3: Listen to the second part of the interview and decide

whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F). You
will hear the piece TWICE.
1. Information about a brand only includes what it does, how it
appeals to you and connects with you. F
2. Brands enable you to choose one thing from another in markets
where there is little actual difference between the product. T
3. In the author's opinion, air conditioning is what makes car
brands different. F
4. The way people feel about a brand is based on the information,
awareness and perception that they have. T
UNIT 1: BRANDS – Listening p.8

A. CD1.4: Listen to the final part of the interview and fill in the
gaps with ONE (1) or TWO (2) words and/or numbers. You will
hear the piece TWICE.
Nokia is the biggest mobile phone manufacturer with
(1)....................................... of the market.
Chris Cleaver's company has helped Nokia:
- relate to its (2)............................... of customers in a special way
- (3)............................... to the market
- keep the brand (4)...............................
N series of Nokia was developed to satisfy the needs that emerging
(5).............................. has.
UNIT 1: BRANDS – Listening p.8

A. CD1.4: Listen to the final part of the interview and fill in the
gaps with ONE (1) or TWO (2) words and/or numbers. You will
hear the piece TWICE.
Nokia is the biggest mobile phone manufacturer with (1) a third
(1/3) of the market.
Chris Cleaver's company has helped Nokia:
- relate to its (2) broad range of customers in a special way
- (3) react to the market
- keep the brand (4) fresh
N series of Nokia was developed to satisfy the needs that emerging
(5) customer group has.
UNIT 1: BRANDS – Listening

A. 1 - market place 2 - awareness 3 - identity

4 - target customer/consumer 5 - perceptions
6 - target audience
B. 1 - F (Information about a brand includes what it does, what's it
like and how it appeals to you and connects with you.)
3 - F (In the author's opinion, all cars have got four wheels, an
engine, air conditioning...)
C. 1 - a third (1/3) 2 - broad range
3 - react 4 - fresh 5 - customer group
UNIT 1: BRANDS – Reading pp.8-9
UNIT 1: BRANDS – Reading pp.8-9
UNIT 1: BRANDS – Reading pp.8-9
UNIT 1: BRANDS – Reading pp.8-9
UNIT 1: BRANDS – Reading pp.8-9

A. Brand image of Dior: luxurious, exclusive,

B. Point mentioned: 2
C. Note completion:
1 – demands 5 – understand
2 – label 6 – forget
3 – exclusivity 7 – double
4 - look for 8 - of luxury

Quiz: Match the two halves of the sentences

1. Brand names help customers a. distinguish one product from
identify … others.
2. A brand name ensures that b. can make us feel
we can … comfortable.
3. Brand names that are c. have become status symbols.
familiar to us …
4. The earliest types of brands d. the manufacturer of a
helped … product.
5. Some of the best-known e. to identify the maker of a
brands … product.

Quiz: Match the two halves of the sentences

1. Brand names help customers a. distinguish one product from
identify … d others.
2. A brand name ensures that b. can make us feel
we can … a comfortable.
3. Brand names that are c. have become status symbols.
familiar to us … b
4. The earliest types of brands d. the manufacturer of a
helped … e product.
5. Some of the best-known e. to identify the maker of a
brands … c product.

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