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Let’s go!!!
Amperel Ltd. Structure

a leading company in the field of import and

distribution of fast-moving consumer goods
(FMCG) in the Bulgarian market
Amperel Ltd. Structure
Vocabulary (CB – p.37)

- Subsidiary /səbˈsɪdɪəri/: a company partly or wholly (at

least 50%) owned by another company (parent company)

- Call centre: an office where people answer customers’

questions, make sales etc over telephone

- Service centre: a place where you can have products,

equipment, or vehicles checked and repaired and where
you can buy parts

- Head office/quarters: the main office of a company


- Distribution centre: a warehouse from which goods

that arrive from factories or suppliers are sent on to shops
or customers

- Warehouse: a large building used for storing goods in

large quantities

- Branch: a local office or shop of a business

- Outlet (= retail shop): a place where goods are sold to

the public
Vocabulary (CB – p.37)

Vocabulary (CB – p.37)

1. stock level => warehouse

(stock = the number of goods available in warehouse)

2. check with parent company => subsidiary

3. hold on, transfer => call centre

4. deliver consignment => distribution centre

Vocabulary (CB – p.37)

5. production line, operating at full capacity =>

factory/plant (+ assembly line)
6. Board of Directors, annual general meeting =>
7. email head office, design for window display =>
8. engineers working on repairs => service centre
Vocabulary (CB – p.37)
Vocabulary (CB – p.37)
Vocabulary (CB – p.37)

Vocabulary (CB – p.37)

1. a lot of paperwork, spend a lot of time looking into files

on the computer & in paper archives => Administration
2. getting enquiries from journalists, dealing with broadcast
media => Public Relations
3. deal with a lot of employees, recruitment, running
training courses, dealing with retirement => Human
Vocabulary (CB – p.37)
Vocabulary (CB – p.37)

- Bureaucratic /ˌbjʊərəˈkratɪk/ (adj): involving or having a lot of

complicated and unnecessary official rules

- Decentralised /diːˈsɛntrəlʌɪz/ (adj): responsibility and jobs are

moved away from a central place to several smaller places

- Impersonal /ɪmˈpəːs(ə)n(ə)l/ (adj): without human warmth and


- Democratic /dɛməˈkratɪk / (adj): organised according to

principle that everyone has a right to be involved in making

- Market-driven (adj): refers to sth that is a result of customer

- Centralised /ˈsɛntrəlʌɪzd/ (adj): organised according to
principle that one central group has power and tell people in
other places what to do

- Professional /prəˈfɛʃ(ə)n(ə)l/ (adj): connected with a job

requiring advanced education and special training

- Conservative /kənˈsəːvətɪv/ (adj): tending to maintain existing

institutions; opposed to change or innovation

- Hierarchical /hʌɪəˈrɑːkɪk(ə)l/ (adj): organised in levels and the

people at one level have authority over those below them

- Progressive /prəˈɡrɛsɪv/ (adj): supporting new or modern ideas


Group discussion: Your future company

• Company name
• Product/service
• Operation scale
• Organisational structure (How many departments?
What are they? How many employees? Your position
in the company?
• …..
ORGANISATION – Reading CB p. 38

A: b B: 4- Making offices interesting places to be

5- Intellectually challenging work
6- A culture of autonomy & empowerment
7- Learning & development programme
ORGANISATION – Reading CB p. 38

1-T (L10-12) 2-F (L17-20) 3-F (L28-29)

4-T (L32-38) 5-F (L43-45) 6-T (L59-63) 7-T (L67-70)
ORGANISATION – Reading CB p. 38

1-b 2-a 3-e 4-c 5-d

ORGANISATION –Language review p.40
ORGANISATION – Language review p.40
ORGANISATION – Listening CB p. 40
A. CD1.24
Listen to Richard Rawlinson, Vice-President of the management consultants Booz & Co
and complete the gaps with NO MORE THAN TWO (2) WORDS. You will hear the
piece TWICE.
When analysing a company's organisation, Booz & Co looks at four areas.
The first area is (1).............: who reports to who, what their official responsibilities are.
The second area is (2).............: What does the position actually have the authority to
decide, who do they need to consult, who do they need to keep informed, who do they
need to have approvals?
The third area is (3).............. communications, information, the sort of data that is
provided and who gets it.
The final area is rewards, the (4).............. : who gets bonuses, what they're based on,
how you get promoted, how people get rewarded in all the other ways that provide
(5) .............. in an organisation.
ORGANISATION – Listening CB p. 40

A. CD1.24
When analysing a company's organisation, Booz & Co looks at four areas.
The first area is (1) formal structure: who reports to who, what their official
responsibilities are.
The second area is (2) decision rights: What does the position actually have the
authority to decide, who do they need to consult, who do they need to keep
informed, who do they need to have approvals?
The third area is (3) information flow: communications, information, the sort of
data that is provided and who gets it.
The final area is rewards, the (4) performance management: who gets bonuses,
what they're based on, how you get promoted, how people get rewarded in all the
other ways that provide (5) incentives in an organisation.
ORGANISATION – Listening CB p. 40

B. CD1.25
Listen to the second part of the interview and decide whether the following
statements are True (T) or False (F). You will hear the piece TWICE.
1. On the website, there's a survey tool where you can answer many
2. Your answers are compared to those from some other executives.
3. Comparing companies is useful for analysing organisations.
4. Organising workshops is one way to know more about organisations.
5. The reality of decision-making process is the same as the theory.
ORGANISATION – Listening CB p. 40

B. CD1.25
Listen to the second part of the interview and decide whether the following
statements are True (T) or False (F). You will hear the piece TWICE.
1. On the website, there's a survey tool where you can answer many
questions. F
2. Your answers are compared to those from some other executives. T
3. Comparing companies is useful for analysing organisations.
4. Organising workshops is one way to know more about organisations. T
5. The reality of decision-making process is the same as the theory. F
ORGANISATION – Listening CB p. 40

C. CD1.26
Listen to the second part of the interview and answer the following questions
with NO MORE THAN TWO (2) words. You will hear the piece TWICE.
1. How was the large global American company organised?
2. What was Manufacturing responsible for?
3. What was Marketing responsible for?
4. What type of organisation did the company decide to move to?
5. Which country was the company's headquarters based?
ORGANISATION – Listening CB p. 40

C. CD1.26
Listen to the second part of the interview and answer the following questions
with NO MORE THAN TWO (2) words. You will hear the piece TWICE.
1. How was the large global American company organised? BY FUNCTIONS
2. What was Manufacturing responsible for? PLANTS
3. What was Marketing responsible for? BRANDS
4. What type of organisation did the company decide to move to?
5. Which country was the company's headquarters based? US
ORGANISATION – Skills CB p. 41

1-outsourcing 2-offfice equipment 3-

4-divisions 5-employees
6-headquarters 7-offices

2-TV commercials
3-trade fair
5-labour force
6-research project

1-c (sales assistant) 4-e (needs analysis)

2-f (savings account) 5-b (sports car)
3-a (customs officer) 6-d (labour costs)

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