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Home energy management for energy

Optimization using IOT and Big Data


• Introduction
• Objective
• Methodology
• Budget
• Outcome
• India is the third largest producer of electricity in the world. During
the fiscal year(FY) 2021–22, the total electricity generation in the country was
1,719 TWh, of which 1,484 TWh was generated by utilities

• The national electric grid in India has an installed capacity of 410.3 GW

as of 31 December 2022

• Renewable power plants, which also include large hydroelectric power

plants, constitute 40.7% of the total installed capacity.

• India has a surplus power generation capacity but lacks adequate fuel
supply and power distribution infrastructure

• It is expected that non-fossil fuel generation contribution is likely to be

around 44.7% of the total gross electricity generation by 2029–30

• Traditional power grids are uni-directional and centralised by design


•Demand Response (DR) can be defined as the changes in electric usage by

end-use customers from their normal consumption patterns in response to
changes in the price of electricity over time.

•Further, DR can be also defined as the incentive payments designed to

induce lower electricity use at times of high wholesale market prices or when
system reliability is jeopardized
• To develop an IOT based Home Energy Management pilot
project in order to minimize energy consumption and provide
optimized energy solution.
• In the project hundred customers will be enrolled and their
real time data of electricity usage will be monitored and sent
to utilities.
• Utilities will send price signals and emergency alerts for load
shedding. Based upon which customers participation will be
measured. Accordingly customers will be incentivized based
upon their participation using Demand Response Algorithm.
• In case of emergency alert Direct Load Control will also be
followed by utilities using IOT
• In the proposed model users can enroll themselves for participation
in Demand Response Program
• Once the users are enrolled , then smart meters will be placed at
their residences which will collect the data and send over to server
room for further analysis using IOT platforms
• Server room is divided further into primary server and secondary
server. The role of primary server is to analyze customers electric
usage pattern
• Secondly the data will be passed on to secondary server where
Demand Response algorithm will be applied.
• Utilities will going to tell the price signals for day ahead market
using load forecasting methods with the help of machine learning
• Utilities will deliver emergency alert messages for load shedding in
case of peak hours
Equipments specifications No. of units cost
Node MCU microcontroller 10 5000/-
DHT 11 Temperature Sensor 10 5000/-
Current Sensor sensor 10 5000/-
Energy Meter Smart meters 2 300000/-
Relay Board Relay switch 5 volt 10 5000/-
LCD screen 16*2 10 5000/-
Power Supply 5 volt supply 10 10000/-
IFTTT/thingspeak software 100000/-
Android App For users 100000/-
Laptop i7 up to 16 GB 2 300000/-
Raspberry pi IOT board 3 15000/-
Publication 50000/-
Big Data analytics software 150000/-
Miscellaneous 100000/-
Total 1150000/-
• Users can track real time energy consumptions and can
minimize their electricity bills.
• Demand Response programs can help in peak shaving with the
help of load shedding in peak hours
• This will help in reducing carbon emissions which is global
• Demand Response Program will help in establishing Power
balance between grid and customers. Frequency control is
easily achieved if the load is managed by users wisely
Thank You

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