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(Achiever’s First &
Final Choice)
Excellence Coaching Network (Mentoring is Better than Teaching)
Academic Training
XII (Batch) – Physics Theory +
Numericals (all Q’s Board +

Prepared by: Sir Ahmed Hussain

Present by: Sir Ahmed Hussain
Excellence Coaching Network (Mentoring is Better than Teaching)
Paper Format / Pattern
• Section “A” (Compulsory – MCQ’s) Marks 17, 20 Minutes

• Section “B” (Short Questions) Marks 40, 2 Hour.40 Minutes (Both)

10 questions to be attempted out of 15 questions (4 Marks Each)

• Section “C” (Detailed Questions) Marks 28, 14 marks each

02 questions to be attempted out of 3 questions (comprising of a,b


Excellence Coaching Network (Mentoring is Better than Teaching)

(Course Outline)
11.***** Heat.
12.***** Electrostatics .
13. *** Current Electricity.
14.***** Magnetism & Electromagnetism.
15. ** *** Electrical Measuring Instruments.
16. ** Electromagnetic Waves & Electronics.
17.***** Advent of Modern Physics.
18. ****** The Atomic Spectra.
19.***** The Atomic Nucleus.
20. ** Nuclear Radiations.

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Chap # 11, LECTURE 1

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1. Heat and Temperature.

2. Different scale of temperature.
3. Thermometric property.
4.***Bimetallic Thermometer, Bimetallic strips.
5.*****Linear and Volumetric Expression of solids
6.*****Prove that  = 3 α
7. ***Boyle’s law , Charle’s law.
8. **** Prove that general gas equation.
9. *** K.M.T of Gases.
10. ***** Prove of Boyle’s law and Charle’s law on the basis of
11. ***** Prove that K.E α T.
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12.*****Prove that P = 
13. *****Heat capacity , specific heat, molar specific
14. *****Prove that CP – CV = R.
15.***** First law of Thermodynamics.
16. *****Application of first law of Thermodynamics.
17. ***Second law of Thermodynomics.
18.***Second law of Thermodynamics In terms of
19. *****Carnot Engine and its efficency.
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Total K.E of a molecules of a body is called heat.
Average K.E of a molecule of a body is called temperature.
Degree of Hotness and Coldness of a body is called it’s temperature.
1. Heat is a form of energy.
2. The sum of kinetic energies of all molecules of a body show the amount of
3. Heat flows from hot bodies to cold bodies.
4. Amount of heat is denoted by “Q” and its change by “Q”
5. Its unit is “Joules”.
6. Heat is measured by an instrument called colorimeter.

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1. Temperature is a thermal condition which determines the direction of flow of heat.
2. The average of kinetic energies of all molecule of a body. Shows temperature of body.
3. Temperature determines the direction of flow of heat.
4. Temperature is denoted by “T” and its change by “T”.
5. Its unit are “C, F and K.
6. Temperature is measured by an instrument called thermometer.

“An instrument which is used for the measurement of
temperature is called the Thermometer. Any property of a substance
which changes uniformly with temperature can be used
to measure the temperature”.
The three scales commonly used to measure the temperature are:
7. Centigrade or Celsius scale.
8. Kelvin’s or absolute scale.
9. Fahrenheit scale.

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•Fo = Co + 32

•K = Co + 273

Fo = C o + 32

Put Fo = c o

Fo = Fo + 32

Xing by “5” on both sides.

5Fo = 9Fo + 160

-160 = 9 Fo – 5 Fo
-160 = 4Fo
Fo =

Fo = - 40
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STATEMENT: Change in length is directly proportional to original length of rod
& change in temperature .
L α L T
L = α L T ---------- I
(To finding total length)
Where (alpha) is coefficient of
linear expansion.
L’ - L = α L T
L’ = L + α L T
L’= L (1 + α T)
(To finding the length after heating)

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Change in length per unit length per degree rise of temperature is called
coefficient of linear expansion.
It is measured in K-1.It is denoted by “α”
•Value of “α” is depends upon nature of particle..


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STATEMENT: Change in volume is directly proportional to original volume of
cube & change in temperature .
V α V T
V =  V T ______(I)
Where ” is coefficient of
volumetric expansion.
V ‘ – V =  V T
V ‘ = V +  V T
V ‘ = V (1+  T)

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Change in volume per unit volume per degree rise in temperature is called
coefficient of volumetric expansion .It is denoted in K-1.It is denoted by “”
•Value of  is depends upon the nature of particle.

 =

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PROVE THAT: = 3α OR α = 
At temperature “T”
At temperature “ T ‘ ”
V‘ = L‘ x w‘ x h‘
V ‘ = L (1 + α T) x w (1 + α T) x h (1 + α T)
V ‘ = L x w x h (1 + α T)3
V ‘ = V[1 + 3 (1)2 (α T)+ 3 (1) (α T)2 + (α T)3]
Since “T” is very small, so that the term involving
higher power of T may be neglected.

V ‘ = V [ 1+ 3 α T] [V = V ‘ - V
V + V = V + 3V α T V ‘ = V + V]
V = 3V α T
= 3α
 =3α
α =  Hence it is proved
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•α =
•L = α L T
•L’= L (1 + α T)
•L’= L [1 + α (T2 – T1)]
• =

•V ’= V (1 +  ∆T)
•V ’= V [1+  (T2 – T1)]
• = 3α
•V =  r3
•r =

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PAGE NO : 38 PROBLEM NO:(11.2)
A steel rod has a length of exactly 0.2 cm at 30 oC what will be its length at 60 oC?
L = 0.2 cm => 0.2 x 10-2 m.
T1 = 30oC
T2 = 60oC
Value of steel rod “α” = 1.1 x 10-5 K-1
L’ =?
SOLUTION: According to linear expansion:

L’ = L [1 + α (T2 – T1)]

L’ = 0.2 x 10-2 [1+1.1 x 10‑5 (60 – 30)]

L’ = 2.00066 x 10-3 m

L’ = 0.20006 cm Ans.

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Find the change in volume of a Aluminium sphere of 0.4 m radius when it is heated from 0 to 100 oC.
r = 0.4 m
∆T = 100 – 0 = 100oC
α = 2.4 x 10-5 K-1
∆V =?

According to volume of sphere.
.: V =  r3
V= x 3.14 x (0.4)3

V = 0.26 m3
According to co-efficient of Volumetric expansion.
.: β =
∆V = β x V x ∆T .: β = 3α
∆V = 3α V∆T
∆V = 3 x 2.4 x 10-5 x 0.26 x (100 – 0)
∆V = 1.872 x 10-3 m3

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A Steel bar is 10 m in length at – 2.5oC .what will be the change in its length
when it 25 oC. (β for steel = 3.3 x 10-5 K-1)
L = 10 m .: β= 3.3 x 10-5 K-1
T1 = - 2.5oC α = 1.1 x 10-5 K-1
T2 = 25 oC
According to linear expansion:
∆L = α L ∆ T
∆L = (1.1 x 10-5) [(10) (25 – (– 2.5)]
∆L = (1.1 x 10-5) [(10) (27.5)]
∆L = 3.025 x 10-3 m.

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2006 Find the change in volume of brass sphere of 0.6 m diameter when it is
heated from 30oC to 100oC (α = 1.9 x 10-5 oC-1)
∆V = ?
D = 0.6 m , r = = = 0.3 m
T1 = 30oC
T2 = 100oC
∆T = 100 – 30
∆T = 70oC
α = 1.9 x 10-5 oC-1
Solution: According to co-efficient of Volumetric expansion.
∆V = β Vo ∆T ___________(i)
For Vo:
Vo =  r3
= (3.142) (0.3 )3
Vo = 0.113 m3
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For β:
β = 3α = 3 x 1.9 x 10-5
β = 5.7 x 10-5 oC-1
Therefore Equation (i) =>
∆V = β Vo ∆T
= 5.7 x 10-5 x 0.113 x 70
∆V = 4.51 x 10-4 m3

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2005 A brass ring of 20 cm diameter is to be mounted on a metal rod of
20.02 cm diameter at 20oC. To what temperature should the ring be heated?
(α For brass = 1.9 x 10-5 oC-1).
Lo = 20 cm
L’ = 20.02 cm
T1 = 20oC
T2 =?
α = 1.9 x 10-5 oC-1
Solution: According to linear expansion:
∆L = α Lo∆ T
L' – Lo = Lo α ∆T
= ∆T

= ∆T

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∆T = 52. 63
T2 – T1= 52.63
= 52.63 + 20
T2 = 72.63oC Ans.

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A cylinder of diameter 1 cm at 30oC is to into a hole in a steel plate. The hole has a diameter of 0.9997 cm at 30oC. to what
temperature must be heated the plate? (α for steel = 1.1 x 10-5 oC-1)
L’ = 1 cm
T1 = 30oC
L0 = 0.9997 cm
T2 = ?
α = 1.1 x 10‑5 oC-1
According to linear expansion:
∆L = L0 α ∆T
L’ – Lo = Lo α (T2 - T1)
+ T1 = T2

= T2

= T2

T2 =

T2 = 57. 3 oC.

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A meter bar is of steel is correct at 0oC & another at – 2.5OC. what will be the
difference between their lengths at 30oC. (α = 1.2 x 10-5 K-1)
Data 1:
L1 = 1m
T1 = 0oC
T2 = 30oC
∆T = 30 – 0 = 30 oC
L’ = ?
α = 1.1 x 10-5 K-1
FOR L’ =?
According to linear expansion:
L’ = L [1 + α ∆T ]
= (1)[1 + 1.1 x 10-5(30)]
L’ = 1.00033 m
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Data 2:
L1 = 1m
T1 = – 2.5OC
T2 = 30oC
∆T = 30 +2.5 = 32.5 oC
L’’ = ?
α = 1.1 x 10-5 K-1
FOR L’’ =?
According to linear expansion:
L’’ = L [1 + α ∆T]
= (1)[1 + 1.1 x 10-5(32.5)]
L’’ = 1.0003575 m
Now difference of their length becomes.
∆L = L’’ – L’
= 1.0003575 – 1.00033 ∆L = 2.75 x 10-5 Answer
Excellence Coaching Network (Mentoring is Better than Teaching)
(1997 / Supplementary 2007)
A glass flask is filled to “the mark” with 60 cm3 of mercury at 20oC. if the flask
& its contents are heated to 40oC. How much mercury will be above the
mark? (α for glass = 9 x 10-6 oC-1 & β for mercury = 182 x 10-6 oC-1)
T1 = 20oC = ∆T = 20oC
T2 = 40oC
βm = 182 x 10-6 oC-1
α g = 9 x 10-6 oC-1
βg = 3α
βg = 27 x 10-6 oC-1
Vo = 60 cm3
∆V = ∆Vm - ∆Vg = ?
Solution: According to co-efficient of Volumetric expansion.
∆Vm = βmVo ∆T
= 182 x 10-6 x 60 x 20
∆Vm = Coaching
0.2184 cmNetwork
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According to co-efficient of Volumetric expansion.
∆Vg = βgVo ∆T
= 27 x 10-6 x 60 x 20
∆Vg = 0.0324 cm3

.: ∆V = ∆Vm - ∆Vg
= 0.2184 – 0.0324
∆V = 0. 186 cm3 Answer

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There are four variables which explain behavior of gaseous.
(1) Pressure (2) Temperature (3) volume (4) mole (Quantity)
By keeping two variable constant and making relation of
another two variable, gas law develops.
•Boyles law. (V.I.P) V α 1/p
•Charle’s law. (T.V).
•General gas law.

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STATEMENT: It state that volume of a given mass of gas is inversely proportional to its
pressure when the temperature of gas is remains constant.
Vα at constant “T”

PV = K Where “K” is constant of proportionality
In other words the product of the volume of a given mass of a gas and its pressure is
always equal to constant where the temperature of gas is remains constant.
PV = k at constant “T”
For 1st state of gas:
P1 V1 = K
P 2 V2 = K
P 1 V 1 = P 2V 2

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It state that the volume of given mass of gas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature
when the pressure of gas is remains constant.

V α T at constant pressure

Where “K” is constant of proportionality.

Ratio of volume of a given mass of a gas at absolute temperature is equal to constant “K” when
the pressure of gas remains constant.
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For 1st state of gas:

For second state of gas:

= K – ii

Compairing equation (i) & (ii)



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Excellence Coaching Network (Mentoring is Better than Teaching)
Excellence Coaching Network (Mentoring is Better than Teaching)
Excellence Coaching Network (Mentoring is Better than Teaching)
1. A gas consists of particles called molecules. Depending on the gas each
molecule which consists of group of atoms. All the molecule of a gas in a stable
state are considered identical.
2. Any finite volume of a gas consists of very large number of these molecule.
This assumption is justified by experiment. At standard conditions there are
3 x 1025 molecules in a cubic meter.
3. The molecules are separated by distance large as compared of their own
dimensions. The diameter of a molecule considered as a sphere is about
3 x 10-10m.
4. The molecules move in all direction and with various speeds making elastic
collisions with one another and with the walls of container. The walls of a
container can be considered perfectly smooth (elastic collision).
5. Molecules exert no forces on one another except during collision. Therefore
in between collisions with other molecules or with the walls of the container
and in the absence of external forces they move freely in straight lines.
6. Newtonian mechanics is applicable to the motion of molecules.
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Excellence Coaching Network (Mentoring is Better than Teaching)
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Excellence Coaching Network (Mentoring is Better than Teaching)
Excellence Coaching Network (Mentoring is Better than Teaching)
Excellence Coaching Network (Mentoring is Better than Teaching)
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Excellence Coaching Network (Mentoring is Better than Teaching)
Excellence Coaching Network (Mentoring is Better than Teaching)
Amount of heat required to raise a temperature by one degree of any substance
is called heat capacity it is represented by “C” & it is measured in “J /K”
Amount of heat required to raise a temperature of unit mass (1 kg) by one degree
is called its specific heat.It is represented by “C”.& Measured in J x kg -1.k-1

cm =

cm = C [.: C = ]
C = cm
It is a relation between heat capacity & specific heat.

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Excellence Coaching Network (Mentoring is Better than Teaching)
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Excellence Coaching Network (Mentoring is Better than Teaching)
Excellence Coaching Network (Mentoring is Better than Teaching)
Excellence Coaching Network (Mentoring is Better than Teaching)
Excellence Coaching Network (Mentoring is Better than Teaching)
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Excellence Coaching Network (Mentoring is Better than Teaching)
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Excellence Coaching Network (Mentoring is Better than Teaching)
Excellence Coaching Network (Mentoring is Better than Teaching)

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