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Quality 2

The word quality has a variety of definitions. Some of the definitions are as follows:
Quality is
 “Fitness for the purpose.”
 “Degree of customer satisfaction”
 “Accuracy in meeting the specification or design”
 “Meeting the standard value or measure”
 “The degree to which a class of product possess potential satisfaction for people in terms
of price, availability, guarantee, durability, etc.”
 “The degree to which a specific product satisfies the wants of the customer or conforms
to the design or specification”
Quality 3

Definition of Quality according to ISO 9000:

Quality is “ the totality of features and characteristics of a

product or service that can bear on its ability to satisfy the stated or implied
needs of the customer.”
Quality 4

Dimensions of Quality:
1. Features or characteristics
2. Performance
3. Aesthetics and/or appearance
4. Durability
5. Reliability
6. Serviceability
7. Safety
8. Perception
Quality 6

Quality Gurus and their contributions:

 Edward Deming’s 14 principles
 Juran’s Triology
 Philip Crosby’s quality building tools
Quality 7

Dr. W. Edwards Deming :

 Deming was an American engineer, statistician, professor, author, lecturer and
management consultant.
 He offered 14 key principles for management to follow for significantly improving
the effectiveness of a business or organization.
 These points were first presented in his very famous book “Out of the crisis”
Quality 8

Deming’s 14 Principles:
1. Create constancy of purpose toward the improvement of products and
2. Adopt the new philosophy
3. Cease dependence on mass inspection as a means of achieving quality
4. End the practice of awarding business on price tag alone
5. Constantly and forever improve the system of production and service
6. Institute modern methods of training on the job
7. Institute modern methods of supervision
Quality 9

8. Drive out fear in workplace

9. Break down barriers between staff areas and department
10. Eliminate slogans and numerical goals for the workforce
11. Eliminate work standards and numerical quotas, substitute leadership
12. Remove barriers that hinder the hourly worker
13. Institute a constant and vigorous program of education and training
14. Accomplish the transformation.
Quality 10

Dr. Joseph M. Juran:

 Dr. Joseph M. Juran, the main contributor to the Japanese quality
revolution, was an international lecturer and he also worked with Walter
Shewart in the Hawthorne Plant in 1924.
 His philosophy focused on the fact that quality represents a universal
concept called “fitness for use” i.e., a vital requirement for a product or
service is that it should meet the needs of the society who actually uses it.
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Juran’s Triology:
Stands on three pillars they are

 Quality Planning
 Quality Control
 Quality Improvement
Quality 12

Juran’s Triology:
 Quality Planning:
 Detect/ identify/ locate the customers
 Determine customer requirements/needs
 Develop a product that can meet these needs.
 Develop Processes
 Determine process controls
Quality 13

Juran’s Triology:
 Quality Control
 Assess actual performance
 Appraise actual performance with quality goals
 Act on the difference between actual performance and the goals.
Quality 14

Juran’s Triology:
 Quality Improvement:
 Project the need for improvement
 Point out specific programs for improvement
 Predict the causes
 Provide remedies
 Prove that the remedies are effective
 Provide control to maintain the gain
Quality 15

Philips Crosby:
• Philips Crosby is a world renowned quality consultant.
• He created “quality building tools,” of which “management maturity grid”
is noteworthy.
• Throughout his work, Crosby's thinking was consistently
characterized by four absolutes:
 The definition of quality is conformance to requirements.
 The system of quality is prevention.
 The performance standard is zero defects.
 The measurement of quality is the price of non-conformance.
Quality 16

Philips Crosby:
Philips Crosby’s 14 point procedure is another “quality building tool” that
reflects his quality philosophy.
1. Management commitment
2. Quality Improvement teams
3. Quality measures
4. Cost of quality evaluation
5. Quality awareness
6. Corrective action
7. Zero defects planning
Quality 17

Philips Crosby:
Philips Crosby’s 14 point procedure is another “quality building tool” that
reflects his quality philosophy.
8. Supervisor training
9. Zero defects day
10. Goal setting
11. Error/cause removal
12. Recognition
13. Quality councils
14. Do it all over again.

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