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By Hayelom Kahsay

An Expert System for

Automotive Failure Diagnosis

By Hayelom Kahsay
► Introduction ►Development of the system
► Literature review ►How it works
► Objective ►clips
► Significance of the project ►Application of clips
► Automotive failure diagnosis ►Recommendation
► Expert system ►Conclusion

By Hayelom Kahsay
Nowadays, it seems like almost every one own a car and in
fact, we can say that the number of cars is increasing
Each of those who own a car definitely don’t want to have
a problem on their cars as the troubleshooting of the car
can be a nightmare to them
Some of those who own a car don’t know how to deal with
their cars whenever it’s having a problem
So, this expert system is hoped to help those who are in
need of guides to deal with their car’s problems
By Hayelom Kahsay

 Any successful decision-making is strongly dependent

upon various capabilities that include the effective
acquisition, storage, distribution, and sophisticated use of
the knowledge of the human experts in the field
 In the context of computer-aided systems for monitoring
and information processing, these capabilities would be
achieved through developing an expert system
 Building an expert system is much like writing a program
in a procedural language.

By Hayelom Kahsay
 The most successful application of Artificial Intelligence
(AI) in decision making so far is the development of
Decision Support System (DSS), particularly expert
system, which is a computer program that act as a
‘consultant’ or ‘advisor’ to decision makers
 Expert systems are cheaper compared to human experts in
the long-term scenario. However, expert systems are
relatively costly to develop but easy and cheap to operate
 In addition, expert systems allow automation of many tasks
that could not be effectively handled by human experts
By Hayelom Kahsay

 To develop an expert system on automotive maintenance

and troubleshooting that is capable of assisting car’s owner
in dealing with their cars problem and troubleshooting
them whenever time is limit and the human expert, also
known as mechanic is not available at that very time
 It acts as an advisor even for garage inspector which helps
in decision making

By Hayelom Kahsay
 The development of the system surely have some
significances to humans especially those who own a car
and to the system developer as well. Among others, the
system will:
 help the car’s owner in making decision on action they
should take in their attempt to troubleshoot the car’s
 save much time, cost and energy for the user especially to
those who are in hurry as they don’t have to wait for the
mechanics to repair the damages
 to get the peoples even more closer the world of
computerization and technology
By Hayelom Kahsay
Automotive failure diagnosis
Includes Knowing:
 Its failures
 Its causes
 And remedy

By Hayelom Kahsay
 It is in general development system of
modeling of an expert and his knowledge in a
software so that every one can use to solve
his/her problem that can be solved by the
human expert

By Hayelom Kahsay
 Knowledge acquisition (expert, knowledge
engineer, software developer)
 Knowledge modeling-Rule based paradigm
 Coding (using clips as a tool)

By Hayelom Kahsay
How it works
Observable or ask able facts (gained from user)
Facts calculated
Conclusion generated

By Hayelom Kahsay
The name is an acronym for "C Language
Integrated Production System."
CLIPS is a public domain software tool for
building expert systems
The first versions of CLIPS were developed
starting in 1985 at NASA-
Johnson Space Center
The original name of the project was NASA's
AI Language (NAIL).
By Hayelom Kahsay
CLIPS is probably the most widely
used expert system tool because it is
fast, efficient and free
Because of its portability, extensibility,
capabilities, and low-cost, CLIPS has
received widespread acceptance
throughout the government, industry,
and academia.

By Hayelom Kahsay
CLIPS provides three types of programming paradigms
 Rule-based, Object-oriented, procedural

 We will focus on the rule-based programming aspect

Basic components of a rule-based expert system with
 Fact list: contains the data which inferences are derived

 Knowledge base: contains all the rules

 Inference engine: controls overall execution

By Hayelom Kahsay
Knowledge base - models a
human’s long term memory
as a set of rules

By Hayelom Kahsay
 Inference engine – models human reasoning
by combining problem facts (working
memory) with rules (knowledge base) to infer
new information
 Working memory - models a human’s short
term memory and contains problem facts both
entered and inferred by the firing of the rules

By Hayelom Kahsay
CLIPS usage (application)
in real world
 NASA, the CLIPS originator, uses it in a number of
projects in the following domains:
 intelligent computer aided crew training
 weather forecasting
 shuttle space planning
 shuttle diagnostics
 Mission Control Center - telemetry data analysis and
 flight assistance and control
 Many others related to the diagnostics

By Hayelom Kahsay
Other organizations
 CLIPS is widely used in industry, government and
academic organizations
 Medical inspection of illness
 Cray research - CLIPS will be a cornerstone for Cray
III maintenance and diagnostic system
 Fujitsu Network Communications (simulation
 Mannesmann Mobilfunk, Germany (mobile
communication) - for fault management alarm-
correlation and root-cause-analysis (prototype)

By Hayelom Kahsay
Expert System Structure

By Hayelom Kahsay

By Hayelom Kahsay
 To be able to use this system, the user must have some
knowledge about automotive so that he can answer the
questions correctly
 The user must have computer (lab top) access where
ever he may be
 There must be enough time to study and program this
expert system so that it can be applicable for different
models and for a number of failures

By Hayelom Kahsay
It is not denied that the role of expert system in almost
every part of human’s life is getting bigger. This is all
because of the performance that the expert system has
shown of what it can do to help the human beings
People’s life seems to be easier in many ways with the
presents of expert system
This Expert System for Automotive Maintenance and
Troubleshooting is believed to be the right and excellent
idea as another application of expert system and how we
can utilize the enormous function of it
By Hayelom Kahsay
Training, internship, and experience takes
time and is expensive
Expert systems could reduce the cost of
training, synthesis, design, control,
diagnostics, . .
Expert systems make knowledge available to
a wider audience and improve performance

By Hayelom Kahsay
It is possible that an expert system that
synthesizes the knowledge of many experts
could perform in ways that no single expert
The expertise can be codified in permanent
form, unlike human experts who may retire,
quit, die, etc.

By Hayelom Kahsay
CLIPS Basic Programming Guide, NASA JSC-
Rahman & Bathnagar, “An Expert System
Based Algorithm For Short Term Load

By Hayelom Kahsay
By Hayelom Kahsay

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