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Parenting vs.

 In today's world, parenting has evolved significantly, with modern parents
adopting different approaches to raising their children. This presentation will
explore the differences between traditional parenting and modern parenting,
with a particular focus on parental involvement after the age of 18 and the
impact of the educational system on parenting. We will examine the benefits
and drawbacks of each approach and provide insights into how parents can
navigate the challenges of modern parenting.

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Second Skill Third Skill Conclusion
Traditional Parenting
 Traditional parenting refers to a style of
parenting that has been practiced for generations.
This style of parenting is characterized by a
strict, authoritarian approach that emphasizes
obedience and discipline. Parents who practice
traditional parenting typically have high
expectations for their children and believe that
children should be seen and not heard.
• Parents are the authority figures and make all the
decisions for their children.
• Discipline is strict and often involves physical
• Children are expected to obey their parents
without question.
• Parents believe that children should be seen and
not heard.
Third Skill PAGE 3
First Skill Second Skill Conclusion
Modern Parenting

• Modern parenting methods have

evolved with changes in society
and technology. They often
prioritize open communication,
positive reinforcement, and a
focus on the child's individual
needs and interests.

Open Positive Individual Needs and
Communication Reinforcement Interests
Modern parenting often focuses on
Modern parenting often Modern parenting also the individual needs and interests
emphasizes the importance of frequently employs positive of each child, rather than a one-
open communication between reinforcement techniques, such size-fits-all approach. This can
parents and children. This can as praising good behavior and involve tailoring discipline
involve discussing emotions, rewarding achievements. This methods, education plans, and
setting boundaries, and can help build self-esteem and extracurricular activities to the
encouraging children to express encourage children to continue child's unique strengths and
their thoughts and feelings positive behaviors. weaknesses.

 Comparison of Traditional and
Modern Parenting Methods
 Parenting has evolved over time, with
traditional methods being replaced by modern
techniques. While both methods have their
advantages and disadvantages, it is important
to understand the differences between the two
and how they impact the development of
• Traditional parenting emphasizes strict
discipline and obedience, often relying on
physical punishment as a means of correction.
• Modern parenting focuses on positive
reinforcement and open communication,
encouraging children to express their feelings
and thoughts.

One major difference between traditional and modern parenting is the level of
involvement parents have in their children's lives after the age of 18. In
traditional parenting, children are expected to become independent and self-
sufficient once they reach adulthood, while modern parenting encourages
parents to maintain a close relationship with their adult children and provide
support when needed.

Parental Involvement After 18 Years

 Parental involvement after the age of 18 can take many forms and can vary greatly depending on
cultural and familial norms. Some parents may continue to play an active role in their child's
decision making, while others may take a more hands-off approach. However, studies have shown
that parental involvement can have a positive impact on young adults as they navigate the challenges
of adulthood.
• Financial support: Many parents continue to provide financial support to their children after the age
of 18, whether it be through paying for college tuition or helping with living expenses. This support
can help young adults establish a strong foundation as they begin their careers.
• Emotional support: Even as young adults become more independent, they may still rely on their
parents for emotional support during times of stress or uncertainty. Parental involvement in this
capacity can help young adults build resilience and cope with the challenges of adulthood.
• Advice and guidance: Parents can continue to provide advice and guidance to their children as they
navigate important life decisions, such as career choices or major purchases. This guidance can help
young adults make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes.

Educational System and

 Impact of Educational System on

 The educational system can have a significant impact
on parenting styles and practices. For example, parents
may feel pressure to ensure their children excel
academically, leading to a focus on grades and test
scores rather than overall well-being. Additionally, the
educational system may reinforce certain parenting
approaches, such as a focus on discipline and
obedience rather than emotional intelligence and
communication skills.

 Balancing Educational
Demands and Parenting
 Parents may struggle to balance the
demands of the educational system with
their own parenting priorities. It is
important for parents to communicate
with teachers and school administrators to
ensure that their child's education is
aligned with their values and goals.
Additionally, parents can prioritize their
child's emotional well-being and overall
development by encouraging creativity,
curiosity, and a love of learning outside of
the classroom.

 In conclusion, it is clear that parenting has undergone significant
changes in recent years. Traditional parenting methods have been
challenged by modern parenting practices, which emphasize the
importance of parental involvement throughout a child's life. As we
have seen, this involvement extends beyond the age of 18, with
many parents continuing to play an active role in their children's

lives well into adulthood.
 Furthermore, the impact of the educational system on parenting
cannot be ignored. As schools become more competitive and
demanding, parents are increasingly feeling pressure to provide
additional support to their children in order to ensure their success.
This has led to a shift in the traditional parent-child dynamic, with
parents taking on a more hands-on role in their children's
 Overall, it is clear that parenting is a constantly evolving process,
shaped by societal changes and new technological advancements.
As parents, it is important to remain open-minded and adaptable, in
order to provide the best possible support to our children.

Conclusion PAGE 13
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