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AmpedUp Supplies
(An e-commerce website)

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Mr. Basudeo Singh Roohani Anubhav Singh Chahar
Ms. Shanu Priya Chauhan 2001430100052
(Internship Coordinators) CSE1

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

IMS Engineering College, Ghaziabad, India

+ Coding Blocks is a prominent and well-respected company that specializes in providing high-quality coding and
programming education to aspiring software developers and tech enthusiasts. Founded by Arnav Gupta, Ankush Singla,
and Dhayalan S., Coding Blocks has established itself as a leading institution in the field of computer science education.

+ The company offers a wide range of courses and programs that cover various programming languages, data structures,
algorithms, web development, mobile app development, and more. With a focus on hands-on learning and practical
application of coding skills, Coding Blocks equips students with the knowledge and expertise needed to excel in the
ever-evolving world of technology.

+ Coding Blocks is renowned for its team of experienced and dedicated instructors who are passionate about teaching and
mentoring students. Through both online and offline platforms, the company has been instrumental in nurturing the
talents of countless individuals, helping them build successful careers in software development and related fields.

+ With a commitment to fostering innovation and technical excellence, Coding Blocks continues to empower the next
generation of software engineers, making a significant impact in the tech industry. Whether you're a beginner looking to
start your coding journey or an experienced programmer seeking to enhance your skills, Coding Blocks provides a
supportive and enriching environment to help you achieve your goals in the world of programming and technology.
+ Name of Company : Coding Block
+ Founder : Arnav Gupta, Ankush Singla, and Dhayalan S
+ Human Resources : Shagun Trivedi
+ Revenue of Company: INR 1cr-100cr
+ Type : Internship
+ Headquarter : Noida
+ Period of internship : 6th July 2023 – 10th August 2023
+ Faculty Guide : Naman Tyagi
+ Designation : Software Developer
+ AmpedUp Supplies is an innovative e-commerce platform designed to cater to the needs of individuals and businesses
seeking reliable, high-quality batteries and inverters, with a special focus on Luminous products.
+ This project offers a seamless and convenient shopping experience for those looking to power their homes and
establishments efficiently and sustainably.
Key Features and Services:
+ Extensive Product Range: AmpedUp Supplies boasts an extensive catalog of batteries, inverters, and related products.
Customers can find a wide selection of Luminous brand offerings, including various battery types, capacities, and
inverter models to meet their specific requirements.
+ Product Information: Detailed product descriptions, specifications, and customer reviews are provided to assist
shoppers in making informed decisions. The platform ensures that users have access to comprehensive information
about each product.
+ User-Friendly Interface: The website features an intuitive and user-friendly design, making it easy for customers to
navigate, search for products, and place orders. It includes search and filter options for enhanced convenience.
+ Secure Shopping: AmpedUp Supplies prioritizes the security of its customers' personal and financial information.
Secure payment gateways and encryption protocols are in place to ensure safe transactions.
+ Customer Support: A responsive and knowledgeable customer support team is available to address queries,
provide product recommendations, and assist with order-related issues. Contact options include email, chat, and a
dedicated helpline.
+ Delivery and Installation Services: The platform offers flexible delivery options, ensuring that products reach
customers' doorsteps promptly. Additionally, installation services for inverters are available upon request.
+ Educational Resources: AmpedUp Supplies believes in empowering its customers with knowledge. It offers
educational resources on battery and inverter maintenance, energy efficiency, and sustainability to help users get the
most out of their products.
+ Warranty Information: Detailed warranty information is provided for each product, assuring customers of the
reliability and durability of Luminous batteries and inverters.
+ Sustainability Focus: In alignment with Luminous' commitment to sustainability, AmpedUp Supplies promotes the
use of eco-friendly, energy-efficient products that help reduce the carbon footprint.
+ Regular Updates and Promotions: Customers can stay informed about the latest product releases, promotions, and
discounts through newsletters and social media channels.
+ Hardware
- RAM : 2GB
- Storage : 128GB
- Keyboard : 122 keys
+ Software
- OS : Windows/Linux/MacOS
- Web Browser : any
+ HTML (Hypertext Markup Language):
HTML is the standard markup language used to create the structure and content of web pages. It consists of a set of elements (or
tags) that define the various components of a web page, such as headings, paragraphs, images, links, forms, and more. HTML
elements are enclosed in angle brackets and often come in pairs, with an opening tag and a closing tag that defines the beginning
and end of an element.
+ CSS (Cascading Style Sheets):
CSS is a stylesheet language that is used to define the presentation and visual style of HTML elements on a web page. It separates
the content (HTML) from its appearance, making it easier to change the design of a website without altering the underlying
content. CSS rules consist of selectors (which target HTML elements) and declarations (which specify how those elements should
As in this project the front end work is done by me and the back end work was done by team member of my group. So
the methodology used for the front end in this project was:
+ Requirements Gathering: Understand client goals and user needs.
+ Design: Create wireframes and visual design.
+ Tech Stack: Choose front-end tools (HTML, CSS, JavaScript).
+ Responsive Design: Ensure it works on all devices.
+ Development: Write code, build features, and implement user interface.
+ Testing: Thoroughly test for issues and compatibility.
+ Performance Optimization: Optimize for speed and accessibility.
+ Integration: Connect front-end with back-end systems.
+ Security: Implement security measures.
+ Launch: Deploy the front-end and make the site live.
+ Monitoring: Continuously monitor and gather user feedback.
+ Updates and Iteration: Improve based on feedback and trends.
In conclusion, the "AmpedUp Supplies" e-commerce website is a comprehensive platform designed to meet the needs of
customers seeking high-quality batteries and inverters, with a primary focus on Luminous products. The project is rooted
in a well-structured methodology that covers various aspects of development, from requirements gathering to continuous
improvement. The methodology for both the front-end and overall project encompasses key phases such as design,
development, testing, security, performance optimization, and integration.

With a user-friendly front-end, AmpedUp Supplies provides an intuitive and responsive interface for customers to
browse, select, and purchase products. The use case diagram illustrates the interactions between customers and
administrators, showcasing how various users engage with the system.

The success of the "AmpedUp Supplies" e-commerce project depends not only on the implementation of the front-end
but also on the continuous monitoring, feedback collection, and iterative improvements that ensure it remains competitive
in the dynamic e-commerce market.

As this project continues to evolve, it has the potential to serve as a valuable resource for individuals and businesses
seeking reliable power solutions, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable and efficient use of energy resources.

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