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Workplace Safety

Never operate any machine or equipment unless you

are specially authorized to do so by your supervisor.

Do not operate defective equipment.

Do not use broken hand tools. Report defective or hazardous equipment to your supervisor.

Obtain full instruction from your supervisor before

operating a machine with which you are not familiar.

Never start on any hazardous job without being

completely familiar with the safety techniques, which apply to it. Check with supervisor if in doubt.

Workplace Safety
Make sure all safety devices and attachments are in
place and properly adjusted before operating any machine.

Do not operate any machine or

equipment at unsafe speeds. Shut off equipment, which is not in use.

Wear all protective garments and

equipment necessary to be safe on the job. Wear protective footwear. Sandals or other open-toed or thinsoled shoes should not be worn.

Workplace Safety
Do not wear loose, flowing clothing or
long hair while operating moving machinery. Safeguard hair of persons to be prevented from the risk of getting into the moving parts of machinery.

No key chains, rings or watch chains

to be worn near moving parts of machinery and electrical conductors.

Do not wear gloves while operating on moving


Workplace Safety
Person who is exposed to inflammable, explosive or
toxic dusts shall not wear clothing having pockets, cuffs or turn-ups that might collect such dusts.

Never repair, adjust any machine or

equipment unless you are specifically authorized to do so by your supervisor.

Never lubricate, clean, inspect, repair or

adjust any machine while it is in motion.

Never repair or adjust any powered ( e.g. electric, air,

etc. ) driven machine without opening and properly locking / tagging the main switch.

Workplace Safety
Put tools and equipment away when they are not in use. Do not lift items, which are too bulky or too heavy to
be handled by one person. Ask for assistance.

Keep all aisles, stairways and

exits clear of pallets, boxes, air hoses, equipment and spillage.

Do not place equipment and

materials so as to block emergency exit routes, fire extinguisher boxes or fire extinguisher cylinders, hose reels, hydrants, machine or electrical control panel.

Workplace Safety
Stack all material neatly and make sure they are
stable (preferably not exceeding 5 feet height of stacking). Material and equipments shall be placed on firm foundation and not overload the floor, pallet, cabinet or rack. Do not stack material against partitions or walls of buildings which is unknown its strength to withstand the pressure. Do not store or place the material or equipment so close to any edge of a floor or platform as to endanger persons below.

Workplace Safety
Keep your work area, machinery and all company
facilities clean and neat.

Do not participate in horseplay, tease or otherwise

distract fellow worker. Must always walk but not run in company premises.

Forklift drivers must safeguard

other workers at all times and workers must show courtesy to forklift drivers. No passenger is allowed on any forklift. Never take chance, if you are unsure or in-doubt, ask your supervisor. Let good common sense be your guide.

Electrical Safety
Only competent personnel should carry out electrical

The electrician or chargeman is

responsible for the safety of those who are assigned to work with him and any one who might be in the vicinity of the working area including his personal safety.

All electrical circuits should be

treated as live until competent personnel certify it.

Electrical Safety
Appropriate lock-out/tag-out signs must be affixed on
all main switches when maintenance is carried out.

Electricians or
chargeman must be familiar with all regulations concerning electrical equipment and circuits when maintenance is carried out.

Electrical Safety
Electricians or chargeman should have knowledge in
artificial resuscitation and CPR.

Report immediately to your supervisor

of any unsafe electrical condition such as loose wires or connections, short circuit or opened doors of electrical stations.

Only authorized or competent personnel

are allowed to enter switch rooms and transformer rooms.

Electrical fires can be put out with ABC or CO2 Fire

Extinguishers. In the event of electrical fire, isolate the supply if possible and then only put out the fire.

Electrical Safety
To rescue a person in contact with electrical circuit: Isolate electrical supply whenever
it is possible. If not possible to isolate power supply, then use dry wood, rope, cloth or any non-conducting material to loop around victim and drag him away from the electrical circuit to a safe distance. Immediate first aid and artificial resuscitation is to be given, send for medical help immediately when possible.

Lead Soldering Workplace

Always wash your hands before eating and no food or
drinks must be consumed around the working area.

Do not place the heating

soldering iron near to flammable material.

Skin and eye contact, inhalation

of chemicals should be avoided.

All the pregnant or breast-feeding

workers should be immediately removed and not allowed to work in this work area.

Lead Soldering Workplace

Ensure the installed local exhaust ventilation
equipment is functioning prior start to work.

Always perform the soldering work under local

exhaust ventilation equipment.

Ensure the operator is well trained and competent to

the soldering job.

Report immediately to
your supervisor of any local exhaust ventilation system problem.

Lead Soldering Workplace

Smoking is restricted in workplace. All solder dross, chemical and solvent
waste must be kept in approved containers and label

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