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Primary Mental



Seven Primary Mental Abilities of Thurstone’s
Intelligence Theory
The Numerical Factor
It involves the ability of an individual to do quick and accurate numerical computations. It can be measured by
checking the accuracy and speed of the person in solving various arithmetic problems.

The Verbal Factor

It refers to the ability of the person to understand and use various words, sentences, language, or other verbal content
pieces. This ability can be assessed through vocabulary tests, jumble word tests, and verbal or reading
comprehension tests.

The Space Factor

It refers to the spatial visualization of the person. This ability comes into play when the person tries to understand
the manipulation of various real/imaginary objects in space. The test that measures this ability involves solving
various kinds of puzzles, understanding various geometric figures, and identifying the correct mirror image of the
object, or choosing the correct image of the object when it is rotated by different angles.
It refers to the ability of the person to quickly memorize the various concepts or phenomena and retaining them for a
longer period of time. Various memory tests like asking the participants to learn nonsense syllables, and their ability to
remember them could be a measure of their memory factor. The ability to recall the learned concepts by the students
during the exams is largely dependent on this primary mental ability factor.

The Verbal Fluency/Word Fluency Factor

When a person is asked to rapidly speak several isolated words or sentences, then verbal fluency comes into play; a
person with high verbal fluency may excel in this task, while the person with low verbal fluency may have difficulty in
this task. This factor is responsible for the communication skills of the person. The tests to measure this factor may
involve asking participants to rapidly think of words that begin or end with a specific letter.

The Inductive Reasoning Factor

This reasoning involves the ability to deduce a general principle from a specific concept. This ability is measured
through various tests like number series, word series, and classification of words or numbers. The inductive reasoning
tests may involve selecting an appropriate number or image according to the sequential order of the given numbers or
images series.
Perceptual Speed Factor
It involves the ability of a person to rapidly recognize and compare the specific images, numbers, or letters, and to
accurately proofread various types of content. Tests like picture recognition, rapidly crossing specific letters from the
series of numbers, and finding particular words in the paragraphs are used to measure the perceptual speed factor of
the person.
What Is Intelligence?
• Intelligence has been
defined in many ways: the
capacity for abstraction,
logic, understanding, self-
awareness, learning,
emotional knowledge,
reasoning, planning,
creativity, critical thinking,
and problem-solving
According to the triarchic theory, intelligence has three aspects: analytical, creative, and
practical (Sternberg, 1985).

Analytical intelligence, also referred to as componential intelligence, refers to intelligence

that is applied to analyze or evaluate problems and arrive at solutions. This is what a
traditional IQ test measures.

Creative intelligence is the ability to go beyond what is given to create novel and
interesting ideas. This type of intelligence involves imagination, innovation, and problem-

Practical intelligence is the ability that individuals use to solve problems faced in daily life
when a person finds the best fit between themselves and the demands of the environment.

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