Hip Secondary Guidebook 15 Apr 240117161505

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Addressing Fundamental Factors to enhance English proficiency

1 2 3 4
School Teachers Students Parents &
Head Community
The Anchor The Doer The Learner The Supporter

• Create an English • Create an English • Take charge of • Create an English

environment environment personal development environment
• Be a leader and • Conduct effective and learning • Provide expertise
constant motivator teaching and learning • Support teachers in • Lend help and
• Ensure sustainability • Create English activities assistance
• Involve parents and programmes, tools, and • Involve parents and • Provide financial aid
community aids community in • Implement CSR
• Organize events and activities activities

Implementation Plan
Best Implementation Adaptation Possible
Practices Steps Ideas Challenges

Impact on Ease of Special/
Students Which level of Suitable for Total cost of
English implement- critical
involved? students? rural/ urban? the activity?
proficiency? ation? requirements
School Heads
• Lead the school in creating an English environment.
Create an English • Provide constant motivation and support to teachers to carry out English programmes .
Environment • Speak in English during English Day/Week/Month activities/ assembly.
• Greet students, teachers and school community in English .
• Ensure all English programmes are carried out effectively.

• Maintain a high level of commitment by being actively involved in meetings and activities.
• Provide constant motivation and support to teachers to carry out various English programmes.
Be a leader and • Initiate English support programmes and provide facilities– Reading corner, SAL centre, Book
constant motivator Kiosk, etc.
• Ensure effective and fun teaching methods are carried out.
• Lead by example (role model) e.g. communicate in English and lead specific English activities.
• Create a learning culture by participating and encouraging teachers to be involved in
professional learning communities.

• Monitor English teachers– Management by Walking Around (WAYS).

• Support all English programmes carried out in school.
Ensure Sustainability
• Observe English lessons.

• Encourage teachers, parents and students to work together to ensure maximum impact.
Involve parents and • Greet and meet parents and students at the gates - all conversations are in English.
community • Seek involvement of higher education institutions and private sectors to carry out English
programmes and provide career guidance.
• Work proactively to transform and change perception of parents and community towards English
through active engagement.
For English Teachers
Create an English •Encourage learning and sharing in the school with peers, students, parents and community.
Environment •Organise and implement the use of English in school events and the learning of English.

For All Teachers

•Practise English in school with colleagues, students, parents and community.
•Organise and support the use of English in the learning of subjects and school events.

For English Teachers

Be a Leader and •English teachers act as mentors to all other teachers
Constant Motivator •Encourage Professional Learning Communities (PLC)-sharing of professional practices
•Encourage students to use English in the learning of subjects and school events

For All Teachers

•Peer encouragement and support in the use of English
•Encourage students to use English in the learning of subjects and school events

For English Teachers

Encourage Learning •Implement creative and innovative teaching strategies (21 st century skills)
Using English •Conduct differentiated teaching and learning for different levels
•Organise inter-school/class competitions
•Collaborate with parents and community to organise activities using English
•Create a print-rich English environment in the school
Best Practices: Fundamental Factors
1.Encourage peers to use English.
Create an English
2.Use English with peers, teachers, parents and community.
3.Collaborate with peers, teachers, parents and community to create and
implement English activities.

1. Participate actively in English language activities and competitions.

Build Confidence in
Using English 2. Engage in activities that develop motivation to learn English.
3. Encourage peers to participate in English based activities.

Engage in Personal 1. Lead English activities such as newspaper in education, debates, spelling, story
Development and telling, English Month/Week activities.
Learning 2. Utilize alternative media to learn English.
Best Practices: Fundamental Factors
1.Encourage peers to use English.
Create an English 2.Use English with peers, teachers, parents and community.
Environment 3.Collaborate with peers, teachers, parents and community to create and implement
English activities.

1. Participate actively in English language activities and competitions.

Build Confidence in
2. Engage in activities that develop motivation to learn English.
Using English
3. Encourage peers to participate in English based activities.

Engage in Personal 1. Lead English activities such as newspaper in education, debates, spelling, story telling,
Development and English Month/Week activities.
Learning 2. Utilize alternative media to learn English.
Parents and Community
• Support actively via PIBG to create a school culture and environment that supports the use of
Create an English English.
Environment • Encourage the use of English at home.
• Buy English reading materials for use at home.
• Encourage children to watch English programmes on the television.

• Organise Story-telling corner

• Organise Parents Talk ( e.g. Career Talk).
• Organise Remedial / supplementary classes.
Direct Involvement in • Organise Training for choral speaking competitions.
School Activities • Organise Mind Your English lessons – before/ after school.
• Organise international exchange programmes.
• Organise Educational Camps – during holidays.
• Organise Talentimes programmes.

• Provide transportation for English-related activities.

• “Reserve” teaching (taking into account qualifications of parents) .
• Provide and support Teaching assistants.
• Attend monthly performance dialogue.
• Ensure students complete homework.
• Initiate and be involved in Parents “Support Group.”
Provide Support and
• Implement English enrichment activities in schools through the partnership and assistance of
employees from the private sector.
• Support schools in English activities and provide extra classes through the assistance and effort of
undergraduates from Higher Education Institutions.
• Sponsor UPSR materials (employer; corporate sector).
• Support for Tuition/remedial classes in English
• Support and Prepare for SSR/DEAR reading materials
• Donation to school
Supporting activities to create a highly immersive environment
1 2 3 4
In-Class Out-of-Class Extra Classes Outreach
To create effective & engaging To increase English immersive
To increase the usage and To further support high-need
in-class programmes to facilitate immersive environment of through community outreach &
and achieving students
the learning of English English in school various collaborations

• I’m in! • The Young Teachers

• Let’s Engage • We Care
• Musical.ly Programme
• Expand Me • Trip To London
• Dedication (DD) Corner • Nature Trail
• Building Blocks • Lit Attack
• Drop Everything & Chat (DChat) • Dreaming High
• Talking Chips • Helping Hands
• Language Masters • Silver Screen Prattle
• Media Craze • Creative Minds
• eE (Eat English) • Our Best Kept Secrets
• Find Me
• We’ve Got Talent • Chefs In The House
• Creating Images
• Little Free Library
• IT’s The Way
• Budding Writers
• The View

Implementation Best Implementation Adaptation Possible

Plan Practices Steps Ideas Challenges

Group of Impact on Ease of

Suitability for Cost of the Critical
Parameters students English implement-
rural/ urban activity requirements
involved proficiency ation


List of activities: In-Class
Objective: To create in-class activities that are effective and engaging for students
to learn English

No. Activity Brief Description

1 Let’s Engage This activity aims to boost students’ repertoire of vocabulary and confidence in using English
effectively. It focuses on developing students’ vocabulary in a creative and non-threatening
environment as it provides a platform to reinforce vocabulary learnt.
2 Expand Me This activity focuses on developing sentences into meaningful paragraphs in English. It aims to
develop students’ fluency and confidence in using the English language. It can be carried out at
any stage of the lesson. Students are expected to talk for a minute (1) on a selected item/topic for
the day.

3 Building Blocks This activity focuses on creating a meaningful text of the same topic/theme by developing
paragraphs in a creative and non-threatening environment. This activity aims to develop and
consolidate the aspect of cohesion and coherence in paragraph building.
4 Talking Chips This activity enables students to exchange ideas and give opinions on topics of interest as well as
take part in conversations and discussions. It is a cooperative learning strategy which encourages
group work and individual presentations. It also facilitates turn taking skills among students which
would create a non-threatening environment for students to speak in English.
5 Media Craze Media Craze focuses on using English creatively in a non-threatening environment. This activity
aims to boost students’ engagement and confidence in using the language. It allows students to
gain knowledge in English and enhance ICT skills by investigating and extracting details using the
media to solve complex problems.
6. Find Me This activity aims at providing opportunity and practice for elements of literature to be internalized
and reinforced. It also aims at internalizing the English language among the students by fostering
reading, writing and speaking skills.

7. Creating Images This activity provides opportunity for students to be involved in the process of visualising a
literature text. It aims to allow students to comprehend and interpret the literary text as well as to
extend their understanding of the text by creating their own version of text in different forms
cription This activity aims to boost students’ repertoire of vocabulary and confidence in using English effectively. It focuses on developing
students’ vocabulary in a creative and non-threatening environment as it provides a platform to reinforce vocabulary learnt.
s • To build and enhance students’ vocabulary based on the topics learnt.
• To reinforce vocabulary learnt by developing at least three phrases.

tices • Encourage whole class participation.

n immersive • Employ collaborative and cooperative learning strategies.
nt) • Create student-centred activities.
• Link activities to real-world situations.
• Encourage peer learning among students.

tation Steps 1. Identify the relevant vocabulary according to the topics.

2. Select the vocabulary required by students.
3. Place the vocabulary list in envelopes.
4. Divide students into groups of four/five (4-5).
5. Ensure the groupings are of mixed-ability.
6. Provide clear instructions on how to carry out the activity(s).
7. Allocate 10 minutes for the activity.
8. Prepare relevant materials- template for word and meaning.
9. Maximise students’ participation and monitor the use of English throughout the activity(s).

Suggested activity
1. Distribute the vocabulary list to each group.
2. Get each group to state the definition of the words to the other members of the group and write it onto the template provided by
3. Ask each group to pass the completed list/template to the other groups.
4. Get each group to display their work on the walls for the whole class to view or carry out a gallery walk.
5. Check the accuracy of definitions.
6. Reward/praise group with the most number of correct definitions of the vocabulary list.
7. Get students to form phrases or idiomatic phrases using the existing vocabulary list.
8. Reward/praise students who provide the correct phrases or idiomatic phrases.
Activity 1: Let’s Engage
Adaptation Ideas • Provide students cartoon strips with empty speech bubbles and get them to fill in the correct
(To adapt to restrictions, vocabulary.
special requirements, • Use cue cards to help the low proficiency students to identify the definition of the vocabulary
and/or cost) involved.

Tips for Effective • Encourage active participation in a non-threatening environment.

Implementation • Employ effective time management.
• Manage effective grouping of students.
• Ensure effective class control.
• Select strategies that are familiar and popular among students.
• Incorporate dictionary skills.

Students Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special / Critical
involved Lower Sec. or Rural / Low Proficiency Implementation Requirements
(All, Selected, High Upper Sec Urban / Impact (Low, Med, High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, Low
Both (Low, Med, High) sufficient teachers,
Performing, etc)
All Low Both Low High Low None
Brief Description This activity focuses on developing sentences into meaningful paragraphs in English. It aims to develop students’
fluency and confidence in using the English language. It can be carried out at any stage of the lesson. Students are
expected to talk for a (1) minute on a selected item/topic for the day.

Objectives • To enable students to develop at least three to five (3-5)meaningful sentences in English.
• To use these sentences confidently to talk about topics of interest in English.

Best Practices • Encourage whole class and individual participation through discussions and Question & Answer (Q&A) sessions.
(Creating an immersive • Employ collaborative and cooperative learning strategies.
environment) • Link activities to real world situations.

Implementation 1. Divide students into groups of four or five(4-5).

Steps 2. Ask each group to identify a topic of interest.
3. Get each group to list the vocabulary related to the topic. Each member in a group generates at least four to five
words related to the topic.
4. Give three to four (3-4) minutes for each member to prepare his/her sentences based on the words generated.
5. Allocate a minute or two(1-2) minutes for each student to share his/her sentences with the group members.
6. Teacher facilitates when the need arises.
7. Combine/expand these sentences into a meaningful paragraph.
8. Nominate a representative from each group to present their paragraph.
Activity 2: Expand Me

Adaptation Ideas • Divide students into groups of four or five.

(To adapt to restrictions, • Provide four or five pictures with key words to each group.
special requirements, • Each member of the group is required to select a (1) picture and a key word to form a sentence.
and/or cost) • All the members of the group combine their sentences to form a meaningful paragraph.

• Note: Teacher should select pictures and key words carefully to suit students’ level. These
pictures and key words should also enable the students to form meaningful paragraphs.

Tips for Effective • Provide encouragement and create a non-threatening environment.

Implementation • Progress from sharing within a group to individual presentations (confidence building).
• Employ effective time control.
• Select content words that are in trend among students but within the learning units.

Students Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special / Critical
involved Lower Sec. or Rural / Low Proficiency Implementation Requirements
(All, Selected, High Urban / Impact (Low, Med, High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, Low
Upper Sec.
Both (Low, Med, High) sufficient teachers,
Performing, etc)
All Both Both Low High Low None
ief Description This activity focuses on creating a meaningful text on a particular topic/theme by developing paragraphs in
a creative and non-threatening environment. This activity aims to develop and consolidate the aspect of
cohesion and coherence in paragraph building.

bjectives • To enable students to create a meaningful text by developing paragraphs in a creative and non-
threatening environment in English.
• To develop and consolidate the aspect of cohesion and coherence in paragraph building.

est Practices • Encourage whole class participation.

reating an • Employ collaborative and cooperative learning strategies.

mplementation 1. Teacher selects a topic based on the unit/theme of the week.

eps 2. Teacher provides samples of texts such as informative/explanatory texts to highlight the structure of a
paragraph. Teacher may also use the sandwich concept to help students to visualize the content of a
3. Teacher provides students with appropriate template based on the i-think map prior to writing exercise.
4. Teacher uses the template to guide students to organise their thoughts based on the topic selected.
5. Teacher emphasises cohesion and coherence of the paragraphs as it is important in determining a
good text.

Sandwich concept - Involves the Topic Sentence, Supporting details and Closing sentence.
Adaptation Ideas Stoplight Paragraph Concept.
(To adapt to restrictions, •Provide samples of two (2)excerpts to students.
special requirements, and/or •Each excerpt consists of a topic sentence, supporting details and closing sentence.
cost) •Highlight these sentences in different colours e.g; green to show topic sentence, yellow to show
supporting sentences and red to show the closing sentence.
•Teacher explains the structure of writing a paragraph.
•Get students to identify the structure of the paragraphs i.e. topic sentence, supporting details,
closing sentence in the second excerpt.
•Provide sentence strips and get students to rearrange the strips according to the paragraph
structure to form a meaningful paragraph.
•Assist students to arrange the paragraph cohesively and coherently.
•Provide a topic and ask students to write a paragraph based on the structure.
•Students with higher ability may want to continue writing the paragraphs, others may write a
short paragraph.
•Students share their end products with other groups.
•Students display the outcome of their work on the wall for a gallery walk.
•Teacher facilitates and gives input for rectification and improvement.
•Get students to add ideas from other groups to be included in their paragraph.

Tips for Effective • Encourage active participation from every student.

Implementation • Progress from writing a paragraph to a meaningful text of many paragraphs.
• Employ effective time management by providing a time frame.
• Manage effective class control- e.g assign specific role for every member of the group.
• Select familiar topics that appeal to the students.

Students Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special / Critical
involved Lower Sec. or Rural / Low Proficiency Implementation Requirements
(All, Selected, High Urban / Impact (Low, Med, High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, Low
Upper Sec.
Both (Low, Med, High) sufficient teachers,
Performing, etc)
All Both Both Low High Low None
ef Description This activity enables students to exchange ideas and give opinions on topics of interest as well as take
part in conversations and discussions in English. It is a cooperative learning strategy which encourages
group work and individual presentations. It also facilitates turn taking skills among students which would
create a non-threatening environment for students to speak in English.

ectives • To present a point or talk in cohesion and coherence.

• To convey ideas or information verbally in a discussion using the right sentence structure.
• To develop students’ confidence in creating meaningful texts.
• To use the English language to communicate ideas confidently in both oral and written forms.

t Practices • Encourage whole class and individual participation.

ating an • Employ collaborative and cooperative learning strategies.
ersive • Link activities to real-world situations.
ronment) • Provide positive feedback to students.

lementation 1. Teacher introduces the structure of a presentation .e.g greetings, introduction to the topic, content
ps and conclusion.
2. Teacher selects a topic to model the structure of a presentation.
3. Divide the groups in four or five (4-5).
4. Provide each student with a talking chip (students can have more talking chips depending on their
proficiency). The talking chips can be in the form of coins or discussion tokens.
5. Set a topic for each group to discuss.
6. Allocate a minute or two (1-2) minutes for each member to think of a point.
7. Get each member to share his/her point. Ideally, each member is expected to share one pertinent
point with some elaboration for a minute (1 )minute with the rest of the group members. The next
member should also do the same but with a different point.
8. Ensure each member of the group drops a chip into a container after he/she has spoken.
Adaptation Ideas • Provide each group with a set of words/ phrases/ sentence structures relevant to the topic and
(To adapt to restrictions, sequence connectors to support them in delivering their points.
special requirements, • These words/phrases or sentence structures are prepared according to students’ proficiency
and/or cost) level.
• Get the students in each group to state at least a simple sentence if they are extremely weak in
• Use stimulus or cue cards to help students with their presentation.
• View sample talks via YouTube on various topics.
• Alumni students give motivational talk.
• Progress from talking within a group to individual presentation for confidence building.

Tips for Effective • Select a group leader that is capable in assisting his/her members throughout the activity.
Implementation • Ensure no reading takes place when delivering the points but the structures are meant to assist
students who have difficulty in presenting their points.
• Employ effective time management.
• Ensure effective class control.
• Select topics that are of interest to the students.

Students Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special / Critical
involved Lower Sec. Rural / Low Proficiency Implementation Requirements
(All, Selected, High Upper Sec. Urban / Impact (Low, Med, High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, Low
Both (Low, Med, High) sufficient teachers,
Performing, etc)
All Both Both Low High Low None
Brief Description Media Craze focuses on using English creatively in a non-threatening environment. This activity aims to
boost students’ engagement and confidence in using the language. It allows students to gain knowledge
in English by integrating ICT skills to solve complex problems.

Objectives • To develop or enhance listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in English by using ICT.
• To develop students’ creative and critical thinking skills in choosing relevant information from various

Best Practices • Encourage teamwork among students.

(Creating an • Employ collaborative and cooperative learning strategies.
immersive • Link tasks to real-world situations.
environment) • Create student-centred activities.

Implementation 1. Teacher selects a topic and models the search for information through social media such as YouTube
Steps video clips/movies, internet, and blogs.
2. Teacher provides guidelines on how to search for information or extract ideas from social media.
3. Teacher assigns topics based on the units taught.
4. Students search and obtain information from the internet.
5. Students collate and present their ideas using various programmes/applications depending on their
creativity i.e. power point slides, movie maker, podcast, blogs and wikis.
Adaptation Ideas • Introduce the concept of blogs or wikis to encourage students practice writing in English.
(To adapt to restrictions, • Get students to post on blogs and write on wikis(collaborative writing) on a predetermined topic
special requirements, every month. The posts are accumulated and a conclusion is drawn by a forum/discussion held.
and/or cost) • Students can exchange ideas or information using various ICT applications/ programmes.

Tips for Effective • Encourage students with good ICT skills to collaborate with others who are not computer-savvy.
Implementation • Seek help from the ICT personnel.
• Employ effective time management.
• Manage effective grouping of students.
• Empower students to work independently.
Students Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special / Critical
involved Lower Sec. Rural / Low Proficiency Implementation Requirements
(All, Selected, High Upper Sec. Urban / Impact (Low, Med, High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, Low
Both (Low, Med, High) sufficient teachers,
Performing, etc)
All Both Both Low High Medium Sufficient Computers
Brief Description This activity aims at providing practice for elements of literature to be internalized and reinforced through
reading, writing and speaking skills.

Objectives • To use the English language to reinforce the elements of literature.

• To develop students’ skills in identifying and extracting relevant information from the literature components.
• To foster reading skills as a starting point for both writing and discussions in the classroom.

Best Practices • Create student-centred activities.

Creating an immersive • Encourage active participation from every student.
nvironment) • Employ collaborative and cooperative learning strategies.
• Provide feedback to students.

mplementation 1. Identify topics and activity(s) that is/are suitable to the students' needs.
Steps 2. Prepare relevant materials/worksheets.
3. Provide clear instructions on how to carry out the activity(s).
4. Set clear student outcomes for the activity(s).
5. Maximise students’ participation and monitor the use of English throughout the activity(s).

Suggested Activities:
Book Trailers
• This activity allows students to create video advertisements to entice non-readers through iMovie or
• This activity provides an opportunity for students to have a firm grasp on the story’s plot, setting, theme
and main characters as well as an opportunity to focus on persuasive language.
Word and Sentence Games
• This activity helps students to comprehend ideas, sentences or whole passages from the literary
• Teacher can create a crossword puzzle for students to complete based on the vocabulary from the
literary text.
“Who Said it?”
• This activity allows students to identify and understand the characters from the literary texts that they have
learnt based on given dialogues/lines.( act out) It can be done in the form of a game to motivate students.
Adaptation Ideas • Provide clues to help students complete the task e.g. (give the page number from the selected
(To adapt to restrictions, literature texts).
special requirements, • Provide clear instructions.
and/or cost)

Tips for Effective • Employ effective time management.

Implementation • Ensure effective class control.- specific role for every member of the group.
• Manage effective grouping of students-smaller groups .
• Select familiar activities that appeal to students.

Students Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special / Critical
involved Lower Sec. or Rural / Low Proficiency Implementation Requirements
(All, Selected, High Upper Sec. Urban / Impact (Low, Med, High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, Low
Both (Low, Med, High) sufficient teachers,
Performing, etc)
All Both Both Low High Low
Brief Description This activity provides opportunity for students to be involved in the process of visualising a literature text using image
aims to allow students to comprehend and interpret the literature as well as to extend their understanding of the text b
creating their own version of text in different forms.

Objectives • Comprehend and interpret literature texts and represent their understanding of the texts using images.
• Create a different version of the literature text in different forms.

Best Practices • Encourage students to discuss, share their thoughts with one another and justify their choices of images because
(Creating an immersive one’s mental image of a word/sentence/image may differ from another person.
environment) • Encourage students to produce something which is personal and valuable to them in which can be used as a trigg
to encourage conversations and comparisons with others using English as a medium.
• Employ collaborative and cooperative learning strategies.

Implementation 1. Choose a literature text to teach (e.g. poetry, short story, novel, drama).
Steps 2. Identify a type of image for students to produce (e.g. collage, movie storyboards, diorama, caricatures, comic str
poster, metaphor).
3. Get students to work in groups of four or five (4-5).
4. Get each group to read the literature text. Suggest reading strategies to assist students in reading the text such a
jigsaw reading, graphic organisers for students to fill in information while reading or list of questions as prompts.
5. Have each group produce an image to represent their understanding of the texts.
6. Ensure each group present their images and justify their choices.
7. Encourage the other groups ask questions for clarification and provide feedback during the presentations.
Adaptation Ideas • Ask each group to extend their understanding of the literature text by creating their own version
(To adapt to restrictions, of text i.e. by creating a parody, modifying some elements in the text (e.g. plot, characters,
special requirements, settings) or interpreting the text into different forms (e.g. from a short story to a poem or from a
and/or cost) poem to a diorama) .
• Create images from verbal cues. Ask students to imagine a scene and the characters from
literary text. Teacher can use descriptive writing or conversational snippets to evoke images and
imagination in students’ minds.
• Get students to create their version of the literary text using pictures from newspapers.
• Get students to practice targeted grammatical structure by drawing selected sentences in a
game-based activity. The goal is to make students aware how sentences can be visually
expressed and to assist their understanding of the grammatical structure.

Tips for Effective • Assist students to relate the literature text to their context and prior knowledge.
Implementation • Provide samples of images for students to ensure they understand what is expected (to provide
cognitive clarity of the task given).
• Encourage them to search for images on the internet/newspapers/magazines.
• Encourage students’ creativity by allowing them to choose and make decisions on their own.

Students Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special / Critical
involved Lower Sec. or Rural / Low Proficiency Implementation Requirements
(All, Selected, High Upper Sec. Urban / Impact (Low, Med, High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, Low
1/2/ Both Both (Low, Med, High) sufficient teachers,
Performing, etc)
All Both Both Low High Low
List of activities: Out-of-Class
Objective: To create an environment that facilitates increased use of the English language outside the formal

tivity Brief Description

m in! This activity provides opportunity for students to enhance their speaking and listening skills through sharing of
interest that uses the English language as the medium. The special interest group may vary from sport, music,
entertainment, academic and current issues. It is aimed that through this regular activity, students are
motivated to use the English language confidently.
usical.ly This activity provides opportunity for students to enhance their pronunciation skills by singing English songs. It
is aimed to boost students’ confidence in using English in a fun way through songs.

dication (DD) Corner This activity encourages students to express themselves creatively in spoken and written forms of English.
Students are given the opportunity to speak, recite, sing or write on topics of their interest at the DD Corner.
Presentation can range from dedications, wishes or any other short presentations that can be done individually
or in small groups.
op Everything & Chat This activity encourages students and the school community to use English at all times. This activity is to be
Chat) carried out for a duration of three to five (3-5)minutes at any time during the school hours. The goal is to
encourage the whole school community to chat with others in English.

nguage Master This activity enhances students’ English proficiency by communicating and learning together with other
students who are proficient in the language.

(Eat English) This activity aims to prepare students to use English in their daily lives. Students are encouraged to
communicate in English while buying food or any products from their friends on a scheduled day(s). The whole
process of the trading (buying and selling) is conducted in English.

e’ve Got Talent This activity provides opportunity for the students to channel and exhibit their talents/creativity through the use
of English. It is aimed that through this activity, students will be enthusiastic and motivated to use English.
escription This activity provides opportunity for students to enhance their speaking and listening skills through sharing of interest that uses
English as the medium. The special interest group may vary from sports, music, entertainment, academic and current issues. It
is aimed that through this regular out-of-class activity, students are motivated to use English confidently.

ves • To create an environment in school that facilitates the use of English.

• To develop students’ confidence to speak in English in informal situations.
• To develop students’ interest to use English and to inculcate social skills among students.

actices • Allocate time and venue for the activity to take place.
an immersive • Give autonomy for students to decide on the leader of their special interest group.
ent) • Provide suggested guidelines to be conducted during the special interest group. The activities during this session would
include demonstrations, presentations, sharing of ideas, persuasive speeches and role plays.
• Nominate and award the best group/presentation of the semester.
• This activity is carried out on a weekly basis for the whole year.

entation Steps 1. Inform students the rules and guidelines to form a special interest group.
• English is used as a medium of instruction. All presentations/demonstrations/activities should be conducted in
• A special interest group should consists of at least five (5) members.
• Each group has to register with the English panel to ensure no duplication of group.
• There is no limit to the number of members in the group.
• Groups are allowed to promote their special interest to the school community to attract more members to join.
• Groups are encouraged to be creative with activities to be carried out during their gathering.

Suggested activity
1. The group members decide on the type of activity that they would like to share with the group members e.g. presentations
2. Prepare for the presentation.
3. Students may seek assistance from teachers on the format of the presentation.
4. Students-in-charge form groups to present/share their interest to other students.
Implementation Steps 5. Students-in-charge of the presentation are expected to invite the crowd to join in.
6.During the presentation by the students-in-charge, other students are encouraged to share their
thoughts and join in the discussion.

Adaptation Ideas • This activity can be conducted for few weeks that focuses on one particular theme e.g. sports.
(To adapt to restrictions,
special requirements, and/or

Tips for Effective • Provide specific place for the different groups.
Implementation • The students-in-charge may announce the theme for interest group during the assembly on
• Award the most influential group based on the most number of members.
• Prepare schedule for different levels at different time to ensure whole school active participation.
• Groups are allowed to meet at any time apart from the teaching and learning periods (PdP) at
their chosen spot within the school compound.

Students Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special / Critical
involved Lower Sec. or Rural / Low- Proficiency Implementation Requirements
(All, Selected, High Upper Sec. Urban / Impact (Low, Med, High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, Low
Both (Low, Med, High) sufficient teachers,
Performing, etc)
All Both All Low High Low None
Brief Description This activity provides opportunity for students to enhance their pronunciation skills by singing English songs. It
aims to boost students’ confidence in using English in a fun way through songs.

Objectives • To create an environment in school that facilitates the use of English.

• To stimulate students’ interest to learn English through songs.
• To build students’ confidence to sing in English.

Best Practices • Employ the usage of English in this activity.

(Creating an immersive • Engage and support the students to give instructions and conduct Musical.ly in English.
environment) • Voting of songs is conducted on a weekly basis to ensure the sustainability of this activity.

Implementation 1. Set up a song selection committee led by students.

Steps 2. Encourage students to suggest songs of their interest.
3. List the top five songs suggested by students.
4. Go through the lyrics of the top five songs to ensure the lyrics do not contain any profanity or inappropriate
5. Get students to cast their vote for the song of the week to be sung in the next weekly assembly (English Day).
6. Inform students the song of the week.

Suggested implementation of Musical.ly during assembly:

1. Reveal the song of the week to the students.
2. Provide the lyrics of the song to every student or display them on LCD.
3. The student-in-charge briefly explains the meaning of the lyrics to others.
4. Go through the lyrics of the song with the students.
5. Provide musical accompaniment for the song- in the form of instrumental version.
6. Get everyone to sing along.
Activity 2: Musical.ly

Adaptation Ideas • Carry out a competition based on the selected song. Encourage students to:
(To adapt to restrictions, • Perform the song based on their interpretation and/or in another forms e.g. pantomime,
special requirements, and/or sketch, poetry recitation.
cost) • Change the song lyrics and sing it.
• Change the song melody and sing it.
• Reflect on the lyrics and share their thoughts with others.

Tips for Effective • Create a fun learning English environment.

Implementation • Provide encouragement to use English language.

Students Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special / Critical
involved Lower Sec. or Rural / Low Proficiency Implementation Requirements
(All, Selected, High Upper Sec. Urban / Impact (Low, Med, High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, Low
1 / 2 / Both Both (Low, Med, High) sufficient teachers,
Performing, etc)
All Both Low Low High Low Technical equipment-
PA system, speakers.
LCD or papers
Brief Description This activity encourages students to express themselves creatively in spoken or written forms of English. Students
are given the opportunity to speak, recite, sing or write on topics of their interest at the DD Corner. Presentations
can range from dedications, wishes or any other short presentations that can be done individually or in small

Objectives • To create an environment in school that facilitates the use of English.

• To boost students’ confidence to use English in public (spoken and written forms).
• To motivate students to love the English language and start using the language freely outside the classroom.

Best Practices • Allocate time and venue for the DD Corner .e.g. during recess/after school, at the school canteen, near
(Creating an immersive staircases or in the library.
environment) • Assign students in-charge of the DD Corner (assign different classes to be in-charge of the weekly
presentations/monthly updates of the DD Corner).
• Allow students to decide on the form (oral or written) of presentation and type of presentation( e.g singing,
poetry recitation, speeches, birthday wishes and dedications.
• The students who have presented are given the ‘privilege’ to nominate other friends who have not been
nominated to present or perform to ensure whole school participation.
• Ensure this activity is conducted weekly throughout the year.

Implementation 1. Students decide on the form or type of presentation/performance.

Steps 2. Students can decide to present/perform individually, in pairs or small groups.
3. Students prepare for the presentation/performance (with the help from the teachers or friends).
4. Students present/perform at any suitable time (e.g. scheduled by the teachers).
5. Encourage students to write short notes and paste them on the board provided at the DD Corner.
6. Assign proficient students to be in-charge of the language aspects for the written products at the DD Corner.
7. Other students are expected to listen, respond and read the short notes.
8. Encourage students to nominate other friends to present/perform. (e.g. by drawing a star next to the
presenter’s name in the list).

Suggested Activity- Oral Form

1. Students can decided to present or perform individually, in pairs or small groups.
2. Students prepare for the presentation or performance with the help of the teachers or friends.
3. Students present or perform at the scheduled time that has been agreed upon by the students and teachers.
Implementation Steps 4. Other students are expected to listen, watch and respond to the presentation or
5.After the presentation or performance, students may nominate other friends to present
or perform.

Adaptation Ideas • Allocate a small space at the school canteen (perhaps in the middle of the canteen or a corner of
(To adapt to restrictions, the canteen), near the staircases, in or outside the library using masking tape to plot the space
special requirements, and/or for DD Corner.
cost) • Prepare a board or poster sheet for the students to paste the dedications (e.g. poster sheet).
• Exhibit students’ works on the ‘Wall of Fame’ at the DD Corner.
• English teachers may remind the students to prepare the notes before recess time.
• Encourage students to check the language accuracy/grammar with teachers, parents or peers
before displaying their written texts or products at the DD corner.

Tips for Effective • Display the names of the presenters, forms and types of presentation on the board at DD Corner
Implementation to acknowledge participations.
• Assign a group of students (a class each time) to be in charged of the presentation session

Students Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special / Critical
involved Lower Sec. or Rural / Low Proficiency Implementation Requirements
(All, Selected, High Upper Sec. Urban / Impact (Low, Med, High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, Low
1 / 2 / Both Both (Low, Med, High) sufficient teachers,
Performing, etc)
All Both Both Low High Low None
Activity 4: Drop Everything & Chat (DChat)

Brief Description This activity encourages students and the school community to use English at all times. This activity is to
be carried out for a duration of three to five(3-5) minutes at any time during the school hours. The goal is
to encourage the whole school community to chat in English.

Objectives • To create an environment in school that facilitates the use of English.

• To encourage students to speak in English.
• To enhance students’ general knowledge of current issues by conversing with others in English.

Best Practices • Activity can be carried out during any time of a school day.
(Creating an immersive • Teachers monitor the activity.
environment) • Teachers support and encourage the school community to participate in the activity.
• Teachers review the outcome of the activity from time to time i.e. getting response from students/staff.
• Encourage students to write their reflections of the activity in a journal.
• Teachers may review these reflections.

Implementation 1. A special sound e.g.(siren, bell) will be played at any time during the school hours to indicate the
Steps beginning of the DChat activity.
2. The whole school would have to immediately stop whatever they are doing and chat with the nearest
person on the topic of their interest.
3. This activity will be carried out for three to five(3-5) minutes spontaneously.
4. A special sound will be played again to indicate the end of the DChat activity of the day.
Activity 4: Drop Everything & Chat (DChat)

Adaptation Ideas • Prepare a dialogue book consisting simple dialogues of every day conversations to assist low
(To adapt to restrictions, proficiency students who are unable to converse in English spontaneously.
special requirements, and/or • Materials to support the DChat activity include:
cost) • Conversations in the form of speech bubbles, comic strips and cue cards.

Tips for Effective • Provide sufficient time and opportunity for the students to chat with their friends.
Implementation • Encourage the low proficiency students to use English in their daily conversations.
• Provide a template for students to write their reflections.

Students Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special / Critical
involved Lower Sec. or Rural / Low Proficiency Implementation Requirements
(All, Selected, High Upper Sec. Urban / Impact (Low, Med, High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, Low
Both (Low, Med, High) sufficient teachers,
Performing, etc)
All Both Both Low Medium-High Low • PA system
• To get cooperation
from the whole school
Brief Description This activity enhances students’ English proficiency by communicating and learning together with other
students who are proficient in the language.

Objectives • To create an environment in school that facilitates the use of English.

• To improve students’ proficiency in English .
• To encourage the use of English through peer learning and support.

Best Practices • The activity can be carried out at any free time during the school hours.
(Creating an immersive • Award badges to the selected Language Masters to certify their role and expertise.
Implementation 1. Select a group of achieving students to be the Language Masters. The selection is based on the
Steps students’ proficiency level and the students’ performance in the English examination.
2. Inform the Language Masters of their roles. The Language Masters are expected to be the point of
reference and role model for the other students in the school.
3. Set tasks for the other students to complete. Preferably, the tasks set should comprise the four
language skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing).
4. Students are required to refer to the Language Masters to complete the tasks within a given period of
time. Language Masters will verify the completed task. Language Masters are to provide positive
feedbacks and encouragement to the students.

Suggested Activity:
1. A list of vocabulary is given to students.
2. Students identify the definitions of the vocabulary involved.
3. Students form sample sentences with the vocabulary involved.
4. Students present the definition and sample sentences orally to the Language Masters.
5. Language Masters verify the sentences by signing or stamping.
Activity 5: Language Masters

Adaptation Ideas • Divide students into two levels – the lower and upper secondary. Set different tasks for different
(To adapt to restrictions, levels.
special requirements, and/or • Assign Language Masters to each group of students to assist them in their learning.
Tips for Effective • Provide orientation/training sessions for the Language Masters.
Implementation • Award students who have shown improvement in their language proficiency and performance.
• Set up a committee to design the tasks.
• Ensure English is the mode of interaction with the Language Masters.
• Language Masters verify the completed tasks in the form of signature or stamping.
• Display students’ scores of the tasks as a form of motivation.

Students Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special / Critical
involved Lower Sec. or Rural / Low Proficiency Implementation Requirements
(All, Selected, High Upper Sec. Urban / Impact (Low, Med, High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, Low
1 / 2 / Both Both (Low, Med, High) sufficient teachers,
Performing, etc)
All Both Both Low High Low Language Masters who
are proficient in English.
Activity 6: eE (eat English)

Brief Description This activity aims to prepare students to use English in their daily lives. Students are encouraged to
communicate in English while buying food or any products from their friends on a scheduled day(s). The
whole process of the trading (buying and selling) is conducted in English.

Objectives • To create an environment in school that facilitates the use of English.

• To develop students’ oracy skills in English.
• To use English in a real-life context.

Best Practices • Allow the students to be imaginative and creative in promoting their products.
(Creating an immersive • Allow students to explore the language and use it effectively.
environment) • Ensure English is the medium of transaction.
• Ensure that this activity is conducted monthly throughout the year and reaches out to the whole school.

Implementation 1. Select a group of students from each class to set up a small ‘business’.
Steps 2. Allow ample time for the groups to discuss the product(s) and strategies to promote their product(s).
3. Students may be given a month to prepare a poster of their product(s).
4. Students are expected to display the names of their product(s), prices or ingredients of their
product(s) during the eE activity.
5. Choose a day (once in a month) for the eE activity.
6. Set up small stalls for each group to sell their product(s).
7. Trading should be carried out only in English.
Activity 6: eE (Eat English)

Adaptation Ideas • Students may bring loaves of bread, tuna in cans and cucumber to school and prepare
(To adapt to restrictions, sandwiches (products) during the trading session itself.
special requirements, and/or • The students can use their classroom tables to set up small stalls.
cost) • A list of other activities can be carried out during eE activity such as assigning emcees to host
the event or having song dedications in English.
Note: Students may sell other products apart from food e.g. stationeries.

Tips for Effective • Allow students to prepare the food (products) during the eE activity itself.
Implementation • Provide a list of food (products) for students to choose.
• Provide opportunity for the students to practice mock trading in English.

Students Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special / Critical
involved Lower Sec. Rural / Low Proficiency Implementation Requirements
(All, Selected, High Upper Sec. Urban / Impact (Low, Med, High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, Low
1 / 2 / Both Both (Low, Med, High) sufficient teachers,
Performing, etc)
All Both Both Low High Low - Parents show their
support by preparing
food or products for the
students to sell.
Activity 7 : We’ve Got Talent
Brief Description This activity provides opportunity for the students to channel and exhibit their talents/creativity through the
use of English. It is aimed that through this activity, students will be enthusiastic and motivated to use

Objectives • To create an environment in school that facilitates the use of English.

• To encourage students to use English to showcase their talents.
• To build students’ confidence to use English.
• To develop students’ creative and critical thinking skills.

Best Practices • Allow students to decide on the type of performance to showcase their talents in English.
(Creating an immersive • Encourage diversity in terms of performance.
environment) • Encourage learner autonomy by getting students to organize their talent show.
• Encourage whole school participation.
• Ensure this activity is conducted on a weekly basis throughout the year.

Implementation 1. Set up We’ve Got Talent committee led by students.

Steps 2. Announce We’ve Got Talent show to the whole school via assemblies/ posters.
3. Set up an audition to select the participants for the show.
4. Decide on the suitable day/time for the show .e.g. every Wednesday after school.
5. Decide on the method to determine the winner .e.g. students’ vote, 50% judges’ decision.
6. Conduct rehearsals to ensure the flow of the event.

Suggested implementation:
1. Students from each class are to choose a type of presentation to be performed.
2. Choose scenes/characters/extracts from any interesting novels/short stories/poems that they have
learnt to be performed.
3. Allow students to perform individually/in pairs/small groups.
4. Prizes are to be awarded to the top three performances.
Activity 7: We’ve Got Talent
Adaptation Ideas • Students may use the texts from the literature textbooks.
(To adapt to restrictions, • Students are allowed to improvise the texts from the literature textbooks.
special requirements, and/or • Suggested presentations/performances
cost) o Role-play
o Singing (solo, duet, small groups)
o Magic show
o Music band
o Poem recitation
o Stand-up comedy
o Talk show
o Dubsmash

Tips for Effective • Employ effective time management.

Implementation • Ensure English is used throughout the activity.
• Ensure effective crowd control.
• Select performances that are familiar and popular among the students.
• Involve parents and community who have expertise in event management.

Students Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special / Critical
involved Lower Sec. or Rural / Low Proficiency Implementation Requirements
(All, Selected, High Upper Sec. Urban / Impact (Low, Med, High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, Low
1 / 2 / Both Both (Low, Med, High) sufficient teachers,
Performing, etc)
All Both Both Low High Low • PA System
• Contribution from
parents and

List of activities – Extra classes
Objective: To further support high-need and achieving students

No. Activity Brief Description

1 We Care This activity aims to guide high-need students to improve their grammar in order to
construct correct sentences in English. It will be carried out by teachers with the help of
parents and ex-students who are proficient in English preferably for an hour a week for a
duration of three to four months.

2 Trip to London This programme aims to encourage high-need students to use idioms/proverbs in essay
writing and daily conversations. It can be carried out as a one-day or weekend holiday
programme guided by teachers/ex-students.

3 Lit Attack This activity aims to support high-need students in the literature component. It focuses on
answering literature questions. This activity would be carried out once a month assisted by
achieving students.

4 Helping Hands This activity aims at guiding high-need students to understand and answer comprehension
questions correctly. The involvement of parents and ex-students are sought in assisting
the effectiveness of this activity. This activity would be carried out once a fortnight.

5 Creative Minds This activity aims to improve speaking skills as well as to build self-confidence among the
high-need students. It would involve the collaboration of the achieving students assisting
the high-need students. This activity is preferably to be carried out during the mid-term
holidays as an enrichment programme.

Activity 1 : We Care
Brief Description This activity aims at assisting high-need students to construct grammatically correct sentences in English.
It will be carried out by teachers with the help of parents and ex-students who are proficient in English
Language preferably for an hour a week for a duration of three to four months.

Objectives ● To further support high-need students in English.

● To improve the level of proficiency of high-need students.
● To improve the grammar of high-need students.

Best Practices ● Modules prepared by English Language teachers on grammar.

(Creating an immersive ● Grammar workbooks contributed by parents/ex-students.
environment) ● Ensure this activity is conducted during the stipulated duration.

Implementation 1. Set up a committee comprising school head, teachers, PIBG, alumni/community and students.
Steps 2. Identify high-need students based on the Year End results to place them in sets.
3. Prepare and obtain letter of consent from the parents concerned prior to the activity.
4. Send invitation letters to the selected ex-students and parents to seek their assistance in carrying out
this programme.
5. Analyse data on students’ progress in tests and examinations.
6. Chart students’ progress throughout the programme.
7. Reward students based on their progress.

Suggested Activity:
1. Select a particular grammar item to be taught (e.g. nouns, pronouns, tenses, preposition, modal
verb, etc).
2. Facilitators present/teach/reinforce the grammar item to students.
3. Teachers prepare worksheets or tasks for students to complete based on the grammar item selected.
4. Students complete the tasks with the correct grammar items.
Activity 1: We Care
Adaptation Ideas • Facilitators may use pictures from newspapers, magazines or any other similar resources to
(To adapt to restrictions, teach parts of speech.
special requirements, and/or • Facilitators may also ask students to rearrange words to form correct sentences.
cost) • Rewards will be given to students based on their mid-term results to motivate them.
• Award certificates of appreciation to facilitators involved in this programme.
• Classes may also take place outside the school compound

Tips for Effective • Ensure teachers/volunteers involved are committed to this programme.
Implementation • Request parents to provide refreshment during the programme

Students Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special / Critical
involved Lower Sec. or Rural / Low Proficiency Implementation Requirements
(All, Selected, High Upper Sec. Urban / Impact (Low, Med, High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, Low
1 / 2 / Both Both (Low, Med, High) sufficient teachers,
Performing, etc)
All (preferably Both Both Low High Low • PTA- selected
Form 3 & 5) parents
• Manpower (selected
Brief Description This programme aims to encourage high-need students to use idioms/proverbs in essay writing and daily
conversations. It can be carried out as a one-day or a weekend holiday programme guided by

Objectives • To further support high-need students in English.

• To help high-need students understand idioms/proverbs and use them correctly in essay writing and
daily conversations.

Best Practices • Posters on idioms or proverbs to be displayed around the school (bulletin board, canteen, ) or any
(Creating an immersive other suitable places.
environment) • Allow students to explore the language and use it effectively.
• Scaffold students’ learning of idioms and proverbs effectively.
• Employ differentiated teaching for the low proficiency students.

Implementation 1. Conduct a diagnostic test to identify high-need students to participate in this programme.
Steps 2. Prepare and obtain letters of consent from the parents concerned prior to the programme.
3. Identify achieving students/Language Masters to be the facilitators of the programme.
4. Choose a day from the weekends (once in a month/semester/year) for the programme.
5. Identify a suitable venue for the programme .
6. Prepare five stations and label them prior to the programme.
7. Prepare related materials, for example, sufficient list of idioms/proverbs to be used at different

Suggested Activity
1. Inform students to bring the required materials such as dictionary, pictures or newspapers (related to
people, animals, plants) prior to the programme.
2. Students are required to have a notebook specifically for this programme.
3. Students will be placed in groups of five (5).
4. Students are given instructions/briefing pertaining to the programme.
5. Students are required to complete tasks in each station (5 stations).
Implementation 1st station (Match me):
Steps 1.Provide each group with strips of idioms/proverbs.
2.Allocate time (30 minutes) for students to match/draw pictures based on the idioms/proverbs
3.The students will produce a collage (drawing/ newspaper cuttings) pertaining to idioms/proverbs
listed in the paper given to them.
4.Students are to present the meaning of the idioms/proverbs by making a sentence each for
every idiom given.
5.Upon signalling, students proceed to the 2 nd station.
6.Facilitators check the completed tasks and award scores.

2nd station (Fill me)

1.Provide students with gap-filling exercises on idioms/proverbs.
2.Allocate time (15 minutes) for students to complete the tasks.
3.Upon signalling, students proceed to the 3 rd station.
4.Facilitators check the completed tasks and award scores.

3rd station (Charade)

1.Provide each member of a group with a sentence strip of an idiom/proverb.
2.Get the students to conduct the charade. A member acts out the given idiom/proverb and the other
members try to guess it.
3.Allocate 15 minutes for each group to complete the task.
4.Upon signalling, students proceed to the 4 th station.
5.Facilitators check the completed tasks and award scores.

4th station (Show me)

1.Facilitators return the posters to the respective groups.
2.Each group displays their picture poster and present it.
3.Allocate time (3-5 minutes) per group to present.
4.Upon signalling, students proceed to the 5 th station.
5.Facilitators check the completed tasks and award scores.
Implementation Steps
5th station (Collaborative writing)
1.Each group is required to write an essay consisting of at least three idioms/proverbs based on the
picture poster that they have completed.
2.Each group displays their work on a wall.
3.Conduct a gallery walk.

Students are requested to write the idioms/proverbs learnt in their ‘Trip to London’ notebook.

Adaptation Ideas ● Incorporate drawings, newspaper cuttings and dictionary in this programme
(To adapt to restrictions, ● Engage achieving students or Language Masters to assist teachers.
special requirements, and/or ● The title of the programme Trip to London can be changed to, for example, Trip to The USA
cost) according to the focus of the skills.

Tips for Effective • Students' work will be displayed on the bulletin board
Students Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special / Critical
involved Lower Sec. or Rural / Low Proficiency Implementation Requirements
(All, Selected, High Upper Sec. Urban / Impact (Low, Med, High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, Low
1 / 2 / Both Both (Low, Med, High) sufficient teachers,
Performing, etc)
High Need from Both Both Low High Low
Brief Description This activity aims to support high-need students in the literature component. It focuses on answering
literature questions. This activity would be carried out once a month assisted by achieving students.

Objectives • To further support high-need students in English.

• To help high-need students answer questions pertaining to the literature component.

Best Practices 1. Interactive discussions on the literature questions are encouraged.

(Creating an immersive 2. The achieving students help to conduct the session (with teachers’ supervision).
environment) 3. The high-need students answer literature questions based on the literature component.

Implementation 1. Teachers identify the areas in the literature component which high-need students require further
Steps support.
2. Teachers identify the high-need students for the programme.
3. Teachers and achieving students work together to source for materials and tools that can assist in the
learning of literature component.
4. Teachers and achieving students prepare literature questions.

Suggested Activity
1. Teachers and achieving students select suitable video clips pertaining to moral values of the literature
text from eduweb, YouTube or they may create their own video animation clips for example,
1. The high-need students view the video clips and discuss the content.
2. The high-need students answer questions pertaining to moral values guided by the teacher/achieving
3. Teachers and achieving students conduct a feedback session based on the answers provided.
Adaptation Ideas 1. Identify achieving students to help with the selection of video clips and construct questions
(To adapt to restrictions, based on the video clips.
special requirements, and/or 2. Students may create their own video animation clips.(supervised by teacher)
Tips for Effective 1. Teacher download videos related to the lit component prior to class/activity in instances
Implementation where there is no available internet connection.
2. The achieving students need to have the knowledge of selecting videos and ICT skills.

Students Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special / Critical
involved Lower Sec. or Rural / Low Proficiency Implementation Requirements
(All, Selected, High Upper Sec. Urban / Impact (Low, Med, High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, Low
1 / 2 / Both Both (Low, Med, High) sufficient teachers,
Performing, etc)
High Need Both Both Low High Low 
ICT room

Internet Connection


Expertise in ICTL
Brief Description This activity aims at guiding high-need students to understand and answer comprehension questions
correctly. The involvement of parents and ex-students are sought in assisting the effectiveness of this
activity. This activity would be carried out once a fortnight.

Objectives • To further support high-need students in English.

• To help high-need students to understand the main idea(s) of the comprehension passages and
answer the questions correctly.
• To skim and scan for information.

Best Practices • Employ wh-questions to gauge students’ understanding of the text

(Creating an immersive • Employ wh- questions in the skimming and scanning process.
environment) • Extract main ideas and supporting details from text and transfer into graphic organizer.
• Conduct shared reading to make reading more meaningful.
• Employ thinking aloud protocols to assist high-need students in reading aloud the passages.

Implementation 1. Identify students to participate in this programme.

Steps 2. Inform parents of the extra class .
3. English Language Panel selects comprehension texts from different genres and topics to motivate
students to read. (e.g. narrative, descriptive, factual etc).

Suggested Activity
1. Provide each student with a comprehension passage/listen to a comprehension text.
2. Ask students questions to activate their prior knowledge of the topic.
3. Allow time for students to read the text silently.
4. Ask wh-questions to probe students’ understanding of the text.
5. Distribute a graphic organiser to each student.
6. Request students to read the text/listen again to identify the main ideas and supporting details and
transfer them into the graphic organiser.
7. Provide a list of comprehension questions for students to answer.
Adaptation Ideas • This activity can also be a jigsaw reading task where students are provided with different extracts
(To adapt to restrictions, from the same text. Students are required to read and explain their extract to their group
special requirements, and/or members. In groups, students are required to assemble the text and answer the comprehension
cost) questions.
• This activity can also be carried out in the form of running dictation. Extracts from the text are
pasted on the wall. Students are required to work in groups of four or five (4-5). Each group is
provided with a set of questions. Each member has to take turn to run to different extracts in
order to answer the questions.

Tips for Effective • The reading passage should be the topics of interest to the students.
Implementation • Search for suitable resources from the social media to attract students’ attention

Students Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special / Critical
involved Lower Sec. or Rural / Low Proficiency Implementation Requirements
(All, Selected, High Upper Sec. Urban / Impact (Low, Med, High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, Low
1 / 2 / Both Both (Low, Med, High) sufficient teachers,
Performing, etc)

Examination Both Both Low High Low

Brief Description This activity aims to improve speaking skills as well as to build self-confidence among the high-need
students. It would involve the collaboration of the achieving students assisting the high-need students.
This activity is preferably to be carried out during the mid-term holidays as an enrichment programme.

Objectives • To further support high-need students in English.

• To improve high-need students’ speaking skills.
• To build self-confidence among high-need students

Best Practices • The integration of ICT- viewing drama from You Tube.
(Creating an immersive • Achieving students work together with the high-need students to produce a variety of performances
environment) based on the drama (e.g. pantomime, sketch, poem recitation, rap, parody).

Implementation 1. Identify the high-need students.

Steps 2. Prepare and obtain letter of consent from the parents concerned prior to the activity.
3. Identify the achieving students to assist the activity as facilitators.
4. Identify a suitable venue and resources for this activity.
5. Group the high-need and achieving students equally.

Suggested Activity: Sketch

1. Facilitators play the drama/movie/video clip for students to view.
2. Students work together to prepare the script for the sketch with the help of the facilitators.
3. Stage the sketch to the other groups.
4. Vote for the best performance.
Adaptation Ideas • Quizzes are conducted to reinforce the understanding on the aforesaid activity/task.
(To adapt to restrictions, • Students produce creative works (e.g. diorama, paintings, sculpture) based on the literature text
special requirements, and/or that they have learnt and present it orally.

Tips for Effective • Performances to be carried out in a hall.

Implementation • Encourage parents and community involvement.

Students Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special / Critical
involved Lower Sec. or Rural / Low Proficiency Implementation Requirements
(All, Selected, High Upper Sec. Urban / Impact (Low, Med, High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, Low
1 / 2 / Both Both (Low, Med, High) sufficient teachers,
Performing, etc)

High Need Both Both Low High Low Qualified parents, ex-
students and achieving

List of activities: Outreach activities
Objective: To increase the immersiveness of English through community outreach & various collaborations

No. Activity Brief Description

1 The Young Teachers This activity provides a platform for students to learn English from their peers especially
Programme from other schools/colleges (within the vicinity) which has good English environment or
level of immersiveness.

2 Nature Trail This activity provides platforms for students to identify and appreciate the flora and fauna
through guided tours in English conducted by people involved in nature-related field.

3 Dreaming High This activity exposes students to various vocations/jobs through presentations/workshops in
English shared by personnel of different fields.

4 Silver Screen Prattle This activity encourages students to exchange opinions and perspectives on English
movies/dramas/television programmes watched, chaired by NGOs. In addition, students could
develop script writing skills in English.

5 Our Best Kept Secrets This activity allows students to promote their home towns to the outside world using the
English language. Students work together with the local community/municipal and tourism
board in sharing the best kept secrets of their towns or villages.

6 Chefs In The House This activity provides a platform for the students to be exposed to the use of instructions in
the baking and cooking process in English through the collaborative partnership with
culinary students/personnel. Besides that, students will have the opportunity to identify
ingredients used by their English names.

List of activities: Outreach activities
Objective: To increase the immersiveness of English through community outreach & various collaborations

No. Activity Brief Description

7 Little Free Library This activity encourages and cultivates the love of reading English books amongst students by
having smart partnership with the local/university/college libraries.

8 IT’s The Way This activity exposes students to diverse ways of using the information technology for the
benefits of their future and at the same time improving their English language through
blogs, VLE Frog, Facebook, Twitter, email and et cetera. IT companies will help to
collaborate by working together with the school.

9 Budding Writers This activity help students to produce articles for the school’s bulletin boards and magazines
guided by journalists and writers from news agencies and publishing companies.

10 The View This activity provides opportunities to express views on current issues/ special interests through
lively banter in English with the experts from different fields of interests to share their
perspectives and to become moderators.


Brief Description This activity provides a platform for students to learn English from their peers especially from the other
schools/colleges (within the vicinity) which has good English environment or level of immersion.

Objectives • To promote the use of English among students from different schools.
• To provide a platform for students to learn English from their peers of different schools with good
English environment.
• To collaborate on activities and tasks facilitated by peers.

Best Practices • Create student-centred activities and encourage active participation by students.
(Creating an immersive • Create a platform for students to share their strengths in English with peers from neigbouring schools.
environment) • Encourage inter-school collaborations at least once a year.
• Encourage collaborative learning through smart partnership.

Implementation 1. Identify and link with neigbouring SBP/SBT/SKK schools.

Steps 2. Identify the group of students suitable for the programme.
3. Identify the activities relevant to the students’ needs and scope of ability.
4. Provide clear instructions on how to carry out the one-day programme.
5. Monitor the use of English by both the participants and the young teachers throughout the programme

Suggested activities for the programme:

1. Growing stories – A similar sentence is given to groups of students. Every student adds a sentence
and finally they have different endings in stories that they have created .
2. Poetry recital – Poems are recited with the right intonation and expressions.
3. Drama/Sketch – A scene is acted out from popular dramas or those found in the literature component.
4. Singing/Choir- A song is selected from a compilation of popular/famous compositions.

Adaptation Ideas • Can be conducted as inter-class programme in the school where high performing students are
(To adapt to restrictions, selected as the young teachers on board. Parents could be roped in to facilitate the activities.
special requirements, and/or • Can be conducted as a school-based programme where parents/individuals in the community or
cost) perhaps the alumni/former students are selected as the young teachers.

Tips for Effective • Ensure English is used as the medium of instructions.

Implementation • Early planning and thorough preparation are essential.
• The young teachers are identified and briefed on the programme.
• The young teachers identified are informed that their contributions are recognized and will be
rewarded (co-curricular merits).
Students Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special / Critical
involved Lower Sec. or Rural / Low Proficiency Implementation Requirements
(All, Selected, High Upper Sec. Urban / Impact (Low, Med, High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, Low
1 / 2 / Both Suburban/ (Low, Med, High) sufficient teachers,
Performing, etc)
All transportation)
All Both All Low Med - High Medium Other neighbouring
schools/colleges with
high performing students
/ good command of the
English language

Support from JPN/PPD

Activity 2: NATURE TRAIL

Brief Description This activity provides avenues for students to identify and appreciate the flora and fauna through guided
tours in English conducted by people involved in nature-related fields.

Objectives • To enhance their vocabulary by identifying variety of flora and fauna from the guided tours.
• To practise listening skills in English through guided tours.
• To enable students to experience nature and real-life (e.g. survival skills in the jungle).
• To have discussions in English based on the guided tour.
• To collaborate and support each other in ensuring that English is used as the medium of instruction.

Best Practices • Integrate the activity as part of the curriculum.

(Creating an immersive • Engage the support from the nature-related personnel to incorporate English-based tasks during the
environment) tour.

Implementation 1. Decide on the date and venue (e.g. national parks, botanical gardens, National Zoo) for the guided
Steps tours.
2. Discuss with the nature-related personnel on activities to be conducted.
3. Plan for the trip (e.g. permission, logistics, schedule).
4. Brief the students on the trip (e.g. rules and regulations, tasks need to be completed).
5. Assign tasks to students during guided tours.
6. Encourage active participation from students during tour.

Suggested activity
1. Liaise and discuss with the nature-related personnel on the itinerary during tour.
2. Prepare a list of questions for the quiz on flora and fauna.
3. Divide students into smaller groups .
4. Provide a template for students to take notes during the tour.
5. Brief students on the rules and regulations.
6. Conduct a quiz after the guided tour has ended.
7. Award the winning group.
Activity 2: NATURE TRAIL

Adaptation Ideas • If no English guided tours are available for flora and fauna, identify other places with English
(To adapt to restrictions, guided tours such as planetarium, museums and edutainment centre. The choices of places
special requirements, and/or should be related to the curriculum.

Tips for Effective • Ensure English is used as the medium of instructions.

Implementation • Early planning and thorough preparations is essential.
• Liaison and discussion with the nature-related personnel is vital to ensure that planned activities
can be conducted smoothly.

Students Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special / Critical
involved Lower Sec. or Rural / Low Proficiency Implementation Requirements
(All, Selected, High Upper Sec. Urban / Impact (Low, Med, High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, Low
1 / 2 / Both Suburban/ (Low, Med, High) sufficient teachers,
Performing, etc)
All transportation)

All Both All Low Med - High Medium Community/ Nature-

related personnel such
as national parks and
botanical gardens.
support in terms of
transportation & food.

Brief Description This activity exposes students to various vocations/jobs through presentations/workshops in English
shared by personnel of different fields.

Objectives • To provide exposure to students on descriptions of different vocations/jobs in English

• To prepare students for the working world by having career talks in English
• To motivate students to perform better in examinations and thus, securing a better future.

Best Practices • All sessions should be conducted in English.

(Creating an immersive • Engage the support from school counsellors under career guidance and counselling.
environment) • Involve parents or alumni with different fields of jobs to share their experiences fortnightly.
• Get the involvement of corporations or multi-national companies such as Esso, Google, Microsoft, or

Implementation 1. Identify the careers that are popular choices amongst students.
Steps 2. Expose students to new field of careers too.
3. Identify the relevant personnel to be invited
4. Conduct the presentations/workshops on vocations/jobs in English.
5. Have question-and-answer (Q & A) sessions with the students after the presentations/workshops.

Suggested activities for the programme:

1. Provide tips on attending interviews.
2. Provide samples and introduce structure of writing e.g good job application letters and curricular
3. Conduct mock interviews.
4. “The sharing of experiences moment” with popular personalities , parents or even heads of
communities – they share their experience on how being fluent in the English language had helped
them in their fields.
5. Conduct motivational talks.

Adaptation Ideas • Expose students to scholarship opportunities by collaborating with scholarship providers such as
(To adapt to restrictions, Petronas, Khazanah Nasional etc.
special requirements, and/or • Conduct field trips to companies to expose students to the workplace.

Tips for Effective • Ensure English is used as the medium of instructions.

Implementation • Select careers that are of popular choices among students.
• The list of careers should be prepared earlier to ensure varieties in vocations/jobs.
• Involve people who are role models eg. CEOs of companies, top personnel / personalities in the
field from the community.

Students Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special / Critical
involved Lower Sec or Rural / Low Proficiency Implementation Requirements
(All, Selected, High Upper Sec. Urban / Impact (Low, Med, High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, Low
1 / 2 / Both Suburban/ (Low, Med, High) sufficient teachers,
Performing, etc)
All transportation)
All Both All Low Med - High Low Parents / alumni /
community /
universities / personnel
with different fields of

Brief Description This activity promotes the exchange of opinions and perspectives on English movies / dramas / television
programmes viewed, hosted by NGOs. In addition, students could develop script writing skills in English.

Objectives • To build confidence to exchange opinions and perspectives on English movies / dramas / television
• To create a non-threatening environment for students to practise their speaking skills by voicing out
their opinions in the English language.
• To develop students writing’ skills in English

Best Practices • Involve popular film / drama / television personnel in the discussion
(Creating an immersive • Screen the movie for the whole school using venues such as the school hall / field with the big white
environment) screen
• Allow the students to express their views freely on the movies / dramas / television programmes they
have watched

Implementation 1. Identify suitable English movies / dramas / television programmes

Steps 2. Find a suitable date to screen.
3. Before screening, identify the relevant personnel to be invited for a discussion of the
4. After screening, conduct the discussion in English.
5. Have a question-and-answer (Q&A) session with the students after the discussion
6. After the discussion, the school can ask the students to do a follow-up activity by writing a short one-
act sketch script.

Adaptation Ideas • Invite other people such as film students / lecturers or people in the community/ NGOs who love
(To adapt to restrictions, English movies / dramas / television programmes to moderate the discussion.
special requirements, and/or • Besides script writing, students can also write reviews on the English movies / dramas /
cost) television programmes as a follow-up activity.

Tips for Effective • Ensure English is used as the medium of instruction.

Implementation • Choose English movies / dramas / television programmes according to the students’ interest &
age for discussions.

Students Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special / Critical
involved Lower Sec. or Rural / Low Proficiency Implementation Requirements
(All, Selected, High Upper Sec Urban / Impact (Low, Med, High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, Low
1 / 2 / Both Suburban/ (Low, Med, High) sufficient teachers,
Performing, etc)
All transportation)

All Both All Low Med - High Low Collaborate with

community / NGOs /
drama personnel

Brief Description This activity allows students to promote their home towns to the outside world using the English language.
Students work together with the local community/municipal and tourism boards in sharing the best kept secrets
of their towns or villages.

Objectives • To promote their home towns to the outside world using the English language.
• To use English language when dealing with the local community/ tourism boards acting as partners in
• To share the best kept secrets of their towns or villages with the common people.

Best Practices • Group work with a maximum of 10 students in a group.

(Creating an immersive • Groups act as companies which will liaise with the community/ tourism boards.
environment) • English language is fully used in this activity – such as in promoting their home towns/ villages.
• Local community/ tourism boards will give advice and work hand in hand with these students.
• The best kept secrets / specialties of the home towns / villages are highly emphasized – foods or places.
• This activity is carried out one every month.
• This activity promotes Project- Based Learning and information can be updated periodically.

Implementation 1. Groups of students are identified. They act as in companies and corporations.
Steps 2. Briefing for the students. They will promote their home towns / villages best kept secrets/ specialties.
3. The local community/ tourism boards are contacted as their co-operation is greatly needed.
4. Students work with the local community/ tourism boards, promoting their towns/ villages through the social
media such as websites, Instagram, Facebook or the other media as in newspaper or pamphlets.
5. Students can role play as tourist guides of their towns/ villages.

Suggested activities for the programme:

1. Get students to create posters, build websites, Facebook page, Instagram account.
2. Assist students to do presentation through slide shows or videos through YouTube.
3. Get the municipal/ tourism board to have radio interviews or special appearances on television to promote
students’ products, road shows or tours promoting the place or have a fair to promote the
towns/ villages.

Adaptation Ideas • Highlight the school’s , district, state or the country’s best kept secrets/specialities.
(To adapt to restrictions, • Traditional games, food, fashion or natural resources / environment, or places of interests could
special requirements, and/or be promoted as well instead of the best kept secrets.
Tips for Effective • English is used through out the implementation of the activity.
Implementation • Brain storm for ideas in finding the best kept secrets of town/ villages.
• Select reliable students to become group leaders .
• Liase with the local community/ municipal and tourism boards.

Students Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special / Critical
involved Lower Sec. or Rural / Low Proficiency Implementation Requirements
(All, Selected, High Upper Sec. Urban / Impact (Low, Med, High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, Low
1 / 2 / Both Suburban/ (Low, Med, High) sufficient teachers,
Performing, etc)
All transportation)

All Both All Low Med - High Medium Collaboration with local
community / municipal /
tourism board
Brief Description This activity provides a platform for the students to be exposed to the use of instructions in the baking and
cooking process in English through the collaborative partnership with culinary colleges/personnel. Students
will also have the opportunity to identify ingredients in English.

Objectives • To use instructions in the baking and cooking process in English through the collaborative partnership with
culinary colleges / personnel.
• To expose students to baking and cooking demonstrations in English.
• To identify ingredients in English.
Best Practices • Group work
(Creating an immersive • Active interaction amongst students- limit to four or five( 4-5) persons in a group.
environment) • Group leaders and members are selected randomly according to numbers.
• Culinary colleges or personnel are identified and notified. They become facilitators for this activity.
• Give insights for what would take place during the demonstrations.
• The activity is conducted in the English language.
• Venues, recipes, cooking utensils, ingredients are vital for this activity.

Implementation 1. Students are identified. Then, groups of students are selected randomly according to numbers and briefed.
Steps 2. Culinary colleges are contacted for their students’/ personnel’s participation. They will become facilitators
or moderators or perhaps trainers for the students during the activity.
3. The school will decide on the date and venue for this activity.
4. Culinary students/ personnel give cooking / baking demonstrations to these groups of students, fully
conducted in the English language. Students learn instructional language and the names of ingredients
throughout the demonstrations.
5. Students then conduct the baking / cooking process themselves, perhaps creating new recipes as they go
by the ingredients (mystery boxes)

Suggested activities for the programme:

1. Cooking competitions
2. Creating recipes
3. Masterchef programme as iseen on television

Adaptation Ideas • Outdoor cooking demonstrations using basic things found at camping sites.
(To adapt to restrictions, • Cooking demonstrations by local community / parents from the school.
special requirements, and/or • Instead of baking and cooking process, other activities can be conducted such as:
cost) - flower arrangement / craft making session
- ice-cream, coffee or iced drinks.

Tips for Effective • Select enthusiastic students with a passion for baking / cooking
Implementation • Contact reputable culinary / baking colleges /schools with English as their medium of
• Get the whole school participation by selecting them as audience.
• Document this activity through video and photography
• Get sponsors from supermarket / grocery stores / parents / community for the ingredients
Students Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special / Critical
involved Lower Sec. Rural / Low Proficiency Implementation Requirements
(All, Selected, High Upper Sec. Urban / Impact (Low, Med, High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, Low
1 / 2 / Both Suburban/ (Low, Med, High) sufficient teachers,
Performing, etc)
All transportation)

All Both All Low Med - High Low Collaboration with the
community/ chefs/
students from cooking
culinary colleges/
faculties/ parents with
high culinary interests
Brief Description This activity encourages and cultivates the love for reading English books amongst students by having
smart partnership with the local/university/ college libraries.

Objectives • To encourage and cultivate the love for reading amongst students with the help of the local libraries.
• To promote reading skills such as fluency, vocabulary and comprehension in a language-rich

Best Practices • Involve participation from the libraries in the area – colleges, varsities, national, mobile or district.
(Creating an immersive • Effective planning by the teachers, get the paper work done ideally 3 months before the actual date.
environment) • Encourage group work preferably four to five( 4-5) in a group.
• Monitor the use of English throughout the activity.
• Ensure active participation of students in reading at the library.
• The personnel from the libraries become the guides or facilitators during the activity.
• This activity best carried out on a weekly basis throughout the year.

Implementation 1. Identify students.

Steps 2. Group students into four or fives (4-5).
briefed accordingly. Leaders are elected amongst them.
1. Libraries are contacted for their personnel to be facilitators or moderators during the visit/activity.
2. The school will decide on the date for the activity.
3. Personnel from the libraries will conduct sessions where students participate in reading of story books
in English, finding clues in the libraries such as famous and popular authors of English novels, library
maze (they locate books at the sections of the library), scavenger’s hunt and et cetera.
4. Students then conduct presentations at the end of each session.

Suggested activities for the programme:

1. Books discussions by famous/ popular authors
2. Reading of pages in the books by personalities –such as local celebrities, or famous actors
3. Get to know your books - librarians explain what is found in a book such as the cover, bibliography,
and year of publication.

Adaptation Ideas • Collaboration with mobile libraries, or of the neighbouring schools or even in own school.
(To adapt to restrictions, • Get the involvement of parents / alumni who are proficient in English lto become facilitators.
special requirements, and/or

Tips for Effective • Teachers must plan ahead with the library personnel on the sessions to be conducted in the
Implementation libraries.
• Thorough and effective planning of sessions is crucial for the effectiveness of this activity
• The idea is to get students to have the feel of the English books and be able to touch and skip
through the pages.(Students who do not come from privileged background do not have access to
Students Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special / Critical
involved Lower Sec. or Rural / Low Proficiency Implementation Requirements
(All, Selected, High Upper Sec. Urban / Impact (Low, Med, High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, Low
1 / 2 / Both Suburban/ (Low, Med, High) sufficient teachers,
Performing, etc)
All transportation)

All Both All Low Med - High Low Smart partnership with
the local / university /
college libraries
Brief Description This activity exposes students to diverse ways of using the information technology for the benefits of their future
and at the same time improving their English language through websites, blogs, VLE Frog, Facebook, Twitter,
email and et cetera. IT companies will help to collaborate with the school.

Objectives • To maximise the use of English amongst students in the cyber world.
• To expose students to various means of cyber communication through the different social media network.
• To promote the application of information technology as one of the learning tools in the 21 st century teaching
and learning (T&L).

Best Practices • Encourage students to use English in their daily cyber activities.
(Creating an immersive • Create IT exploration habit amongst students.
environment) • Provide a fun and interesting English-medium platform for students to use English.
• Promote 21st century learning environment.

Implementation 1. Identify the possible IT companies to come to school to carry out the session and link with them.
Steps 2. Students are divided into small groups.
3. Each group is equipped with a laptop to ensure the smoothness of the programme.
4. A list of internet-related tasks is given e.g. creating posters or brochures or browsing for information.
5. Students go through hands-on experience in their respective groups.
6. The IT personnel facilitate throughout.
7. A representative from each group presents their outcome/product.

Suggested activities for the programme:

1. Creating websites and video clips using online applications e.g.scratch (www.scratch.mit.edu)
2. Career Hunt – Each group googles for the careers that interest them.
Activity 8: IT’S THE WAY

Adaptation Ideas • In the event where IT personnel cannot commit, IT students from nearby colleges or parents with
(To adapt to restrictions, good IT knowledge can be invited to facilitate.
special requirements, and/or • The IT personnel could bring along the needed gadgets to assist the schools with limited IT
cost) facilities.
• The whole team of participants could be brought out to the IT company’s computer lab or nearby
colleges’ computer lab to overcome the gadget supply or internet connection issue.
• Can practise writing skills in writing blogs and Facebook if no IT equipment is available

Tips for Effective • Enough laptops/gadgets supply

Implementation • Good internet connection in school.
• Early planning and thorough preparations are essential.

Students Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special / Critical
involved Lower Sec. or Rural / Low Proficiency Implementation Requirements
(All, Selected, High Upper Sec. Urban / Impact (Low, Med, High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, Low
1 / 2 / Both Suburban/ (Low, Med, High) sufficient teachers,
Performing, etc)
All transportation)
All Both All Low Med - High Low Smart partnership wit
the IT experts and
teachers, college
students with IT
companies such as
Google and Microsoft.
Parents with strong IT

Brief Description This activity help students to produce articles for the school’s bulletin boards and magazines guided by
journalists and writers from news agencies and publishing companies.

Objectives • To promote English as one of the important languages in printed media.

• To raise interest in students to write in English using a different approach and genre.
• To raise awareness on the importance of printed media as one of the important sources of knowledge.

Best Practices • Produce students who are constantly observant and updated with the current issues (school
(Creating an immersive environment).
environment) • Create an alternative for students to pursue their passion for writing.
• Encourage writing amongst students.
• Promote the publication as an annual magazine.

Implementation 1. Identify and link with several newspaper agencies or publishing companies.
Steps 2. Identify the group of students suitable for the programme.
3. Students work in small groups facilitated by people from the newspaper agency.
4. Articles written are compiled into a newsletter using the format of producing a newspaper.
5. Monitor the use of English by the students throughout the programme.
6. Each group presents the first draft of their newsletter.

Suggested activities:
1. Students are informed about article writing in newspaper / magazines.
2. Each member of the group is in charge of a category, The suggested categories are on academic,
students’ affairs, co-curricular activities, school’s events and other school-related news.
3. All articles are compiled into a newsletter.
4. The best newsletter selected could be published and distributed in school.

Adaptation Ideas • College students in journalism course / the community / alumni can be invited as an alternative
(To adapt to restrictions, to the newspaper agencies’ team.
special requirements, and/or • School editorial board can help in students’ writing for school magazine.

Tips for Effective • Samples of newspapers and newsletters distributed.

Implementation • A complete and fully prepared team from the newspaper agencies / publishing companies.
• Early planning and thorough preparations are essential.

Students Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special / Critical
involved Lower Sec. or Rural / Low Proficiency Implementation Requirements
(All, Selected, High Upper Sec. Urban / Impact (Low, Med, High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, Low
1 / 2 / Both Suburban/ (Low, Med, High) sufficient teachers,
Performing, etc)
All transportation)
All Both All Low Med - High Low Collaboration with
newspaper agencies
/ publishing
Brief Description This activity provides opportunities to express views on current issues / special interests through lively
conversations, discussions and talks in English with the experts from different fields of interests to share their
perspectives and to become moderators.

Objectives • To promote discussion and expression of views in English on topics of interest.

• To encourage students to speak in English.
• To broaden the students’ minds and horizons by being exposed to mature ways of thinking.

Best Practices • Promote creative and critical thinking through this conversations and discussions.
(Creating an immersive • Encourage opinionated students

Implementation 1. Identify people of different backgrounds and interests to hold conversations and discussions or present
Steps talks.
2. Invite these individuals to the school for a view-sharing session on topics/areas decided by the students
and filtered by teacher.
3. Identify the group of students suitable for the programme.
4. The invited individuals will serve as moderators for the discussion.
5. The session is carried out in a casual manner where the students are divided into groups of 8-10
moderated by the invited guests.
6. Each group will discuss a different topic of interest, moderated by one invited guest (one guest to a
7. Monitor the use of English by the students throughout the programme.
8. A representative from each group presents the outcome of their discussion.

Suggested topics:
1. Unsung heroes
2. Revolution of the IT world.
3. History of football.

Note: Topics pertaining to politics and religion are not allowed.

Activity 10: THE VIEW

Adaptation Ideas • Parents or students’ family members or former students can replace the potential individuals
(To adapt to restrictions, intended to be invited if they cannot make it to the school.
special requirements, and/or • Handouts (newspaper cuttings/printed materials) on the selected topics of interest could be
cost) distributed to the students in the schools where English language is a barrier. This is to aid the
students in voicing out their thoughts, assisted by the information in the handouts.

Tips for Effective • Quick identification of the potential individuals and the suitable students.
Implementation • Students reminded in advance to read up/prepare themselves mentally on the topics of interest
that have been determined.
• Early planning and thorough preparations are essential.

Students Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special / Critical
involved Lower. Sec. Rural / Low Proficiency Implementation Requirements
(All, Selected, High Upper Sec. or Urban / Impact (Low, Med, High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, Low
1 / 2 / Both Suburban/ (Low, Med, High) sufficient teachers,
Performing, etc)
All transportation)

All Both All Low Med - High Low Parents/community


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