Sujith Techical Seminar

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Department of EEE

Technical Seminar 2022-2023

Presented by:
( EEE)
V. Sujith
IV Year
O.P Suresh

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I. Abstract
II. Introduction
III. Optical inter-satellite communication: Laser based transmission
IV. Link design
V. Processes for efficient link
VI. Intersatellite link permit following
VII. Major problems
VIII. Conclusion
IX. References

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• Optical Inter-satellite communication has become the technology in space

communication. This cutting-edge technology is paving the way for a new era of
downlink, using the power of optical signals to create high-speed, secure and
efficient data links between satellites in Earth's orbit.

• Traditional radio frequency (RF) communications face limitations in bandwidth,

data transfer, and Interference.

• For example, communications using lasers to transmit data, deliver more data, re-
duce latency. This abstract discusses the fundamental principles of OISC, tech-
nologies involved in the OISC and the major problems for satellites.

• It highlights the advantages of optical communication, such as its ability to sup-

port terabit-per-second data rates, making it indispensable for the burgeoning de-
mand for high-speed data transmission in space

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Optical intersatellite communication (OIC), a groundbreaking technology employing

lasers for data transmission between satellites, is transforming space communication.
With significantly higher data transfer rates compared to traditional radio wave meth-
ods, OICS impact extends across various fields. In astronomy, it fosters global collab-
oration and data sharing, enhancing our understanding of the universe. In navigation,
it improves satellite-based systems, contributing to precise mapping and autonomous
navigation. Additionally, OIC facilitates rapid transmission of meteorological data,
advancing weather forecasting and aiding disaster response. As it continues to evolve,
OIC holds promise for applications in space-based internet services and interplanetary
communication, shaping the future of space exploration and connectivity.

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Optical inter-satellite communication: Laser based

• Laser technology in the OISC plays a pivotal role in optical intersatellite commu-
nication by serving as the means of transmitting data between satellites in Earth's

• Data encoding: Information to be transmitted is converted into digital data, and

this data is encoded onto the laser beam.

• Laser transmitter: Onboard each satellite participating in optical intersatellite

communication, there are laser transmitters. These transmitters generate the laser
beams that carry the encoded data.

• Collimation: The laser beam is carefully collimated, meaning that the light waves
are aligned and parallel to each other. This ensures that the laser beam remains fo-
cused over long distances, minimizing signal divergence.

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Link design:

Design considerations for optical intersatellite communication (OIC) systems,

where circular polarization and GaAs (Gallium Arsenide) laser diodes play crucial
roles. Let's break down these aspects:

Circular Polarization:
Purpose: Circular polarization is often used in OIC systems to mitigate the impact
of signal fading and to ensure that the received power remains relatively constant
regardless of the orientation of the receiving and transmitting satellites.
Advantages: Circularly polarized signals maintain their polarization state even
when the receiving satellite undergoes changes in orientation relative to the trans-
mitting satellite.

GaAs Laser Diodes:

Purpose: GaAs semiconductor lasers are commonly used in OIC systems as a
source of coherent light for data transmission between satellites.
Advantages: GaAs lasers are preferred for their efficiency, compact size, and ca-
pability to operate at wavelengths suitable for optical communication. The specific
wavelength chosen is often based on the characteristics of GaAs laser diodes

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Laser based transmission: (contd...)

• Modulation and processing: The laser beam is modulated based on the encoded
data, and additional signal processing techniques may be applied to enhance the
integrity of the transmitted information.

• Receiving satellites: The receiving satellite is equipped with a photodetector or

photodiode that captures the incoming laser beam.

• Data decoding: The received data undergoes decoding to retrieve the original in-
formation. Error correction techniques may be applied to ensure the accuracy of
the transmitted data

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Processes for the efficient link:

In optical intersatellite communication (OIC), pointing, acquisition, and tracking

(PAT) are critical processes that ensure a stable and efficient link between commu-
nicating satellites

Pointing: Pointing involves accurately aligning the optical components of the

transmitting and receiving systems on the satellites to establish a line of sight. This
alignment is crucial to direct the laser beam accurately from the transmitter to the

Acquisition: Acquisition refers to the process of initially locating and establishing

a connection between the transmitting and receiving satellites. It involves coarse
adjustments to align the optical systems before fine-tuning for accurate communi-

Tracking: Tracking involves continuously adjusting the alignment of the optical

systems to compensate for the movement of the satellites. This includes tracking
changes in relative positions, orbital movements, and any other factors that might
affect the line of sight

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Processes for the efficient link (contd...)
In a scenario where satellites are moving relative to each other, there is a delay in the
transmission of the signal due to the finite speed of light. The point-ahead angle takes
into account this delay and aims to ensure that the transmitted signal arrives at the in-
tended location on the receiving satellite at the right time, this can be explained as:

Finite Speed of Light: Light travels at a finite speed, and this speed is a constant
(approximately 299,792 kilometers per second in a vacuum). In the context of satel-
lite communication, the speed of light is a significant factor, especially when dealing
with large distances.

Relative Motion: Satellites in orbit may have relative motion, and this motion af-
fects the time it takes for a signal to travel from the transmitting satellite to the re-
ceiving satellite.

Compensating for Signal Delay: The point-ahead angle compensates for the time
delay caused by the finite speed of light. It ensures that the transmitting satellite's an-
tenna is pointed slightly ahead of the receiving satellite's direction of motion so that
the signal arrives at the correct location on the receiving satellite when it is expected

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Intersatellite links permit the following:

• The use of a geostationary satellite as a relay for permanent links between low or-
bit satellites and a network of a small number of earth stations.

• An increase in system capacity by combining the capacities of several geostation-

ary satellites.

• using low orbit satellites as an alternative to systems using geostationary satellites.

• Optical technology is more advantageous in terms of mass and power consump-

tion for high capacity links.

• The planning of systems with a higher degree of flexibility

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Major problems for satellites:

Space Debris: Satellites are at risk of collisions with space debris, posing a threat to
their functionality. Accumulation of space debris in Earth's orbit raises concerns for
satellite safety.

Limited Lifespan: Satellites have a finite operational lifespan, determined by fac-

tors such as fuel depletion, equipment degradation, and technological obsolescence.
Replacement or replenishment is often required for sustained satellite services.

Orbital Congestion: Increasing numbers of satellites contribute to orbital conges-

tion, heightening the risk of collisions and interference.
Coordination and regulation are essential to manage the crowded orbital environ-

Solar Radiation and Space Weather: Satellites are exposed to solar radiation,
which can degrade sensitive components over time.
Space weather events, such as solar flares and geomagnetic storms, pose additional
risks to satellite electronics.

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Major problems for satellites: (cont..)

Communication Interference: Satellites may experience communication interfer-

ence from various sources, including terrestrial signals, radiofrequency interference,
and intentional jamming.

Power Limitations: Satellites rely on limited power sources, such as solar panels or
onboard batteries.
Power limitations can impact the satellite's operational capabilities and lifespan.

Risk of Cyber Attacks: Satellites are susceptible to cyber attacks that can compro-
mise their communication links, data integrity, or even take control of the satellite.
Cybersecurity measures are crucial to safeguard satellite systems.

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• High Data Transfer Rates:

• Reduced Signal Loss

• Smaller and Lighter Equipment

• Security Enhancement

• Low Latency

• Inter-Satellite Links

• Suitability for Long-Distance

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• Atmospheric Interference

• Limited Penetration through Obstacles:

• Vulnerability to Weather Conditions:

• Power Consumption

• Cost of Development and Implementation

• Risk of Interference from Other Light Sources

• Challenges in Ground-Based Tracking

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• High Data Rates

• Low Latency Communication

• Global Satellite Networks

• Space Debris Monitoring

• Deep Space Communication

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Incorporating laser beam transmission, OISC represents a groundbreaking advance-

ment in satellite communication. From Low Earth Orbit (LEO) to Medium Earth Orbit
(MEO) and Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO), this technology offers high data rates,
low latency, and enhanced security.
Despite challenges such as space debris and atmospheric conditions, OISC holds im-
mense promise. Its advantages include energy efficiency, secure communication, and
the potential for global satellite networks. However, careful consideration of power re-
sources and system complexity is essential.
As we embrace OISC, we usher in a new era of space communication, where rapid
data transfer, heightened security, and global connectivity redefine the possibilities for
future satellite missions.

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• W. Reiland, W. Englisch and M. Endemann, " Optical intersatellite communica-

tion links: State of laser technology ", Proc. SPIE, vol. 616, pp. 69-76, 1986.

• Zoran Sodnik; Bernhard Furch; Hanspeter Lutz "Optical Intersatellite Commu-


• T. T. Nielsen and G. Oppenhaeuser, "In orbit test result of an operational inter-

satellite link between ARTEMIS and SPOT4 SILEX", SPIE, 2002

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