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Performance Appraisal

Errors and Obstacles

Presented by- Satyajit Nayak
Swarna Prava Sahoo
Subhalaxmi Hota
Errors and Obstacles of performance
appraisal – Horn effect
 The "horn effect," also
known as the "devil effect,"
is the opposite of the "halo
effect." It occurs when one
negative trait or performance
issue of an individual
influences the perception of
their overall abilities or
character, even if they have
positive qualities.
Central tendency

 Central tendency" in the

context of performance
appraisal is a common error
where a person gives most
employees an average or
similar rating, regardless of
their actual performance.
Recency effect

 The "recency effect" is a

performance appraisal error
that happens when a person's
most recent actions or
behaviors have a
disproportionate impact on
the overall evaluation,
overshadowing their past

 The "halo effect" in a

performance appraisal
context means that if you
have a positive impression of
an employee in one area, it
can unfairly influence your
judgment about them in other

 Leniency in the context of

performance appraisal means
that someone is too
easygoing or generous when
evaluating an employee's

 Stereotyping is when people

make assumptions or
judgments about someone
based on their perceived
characteristics or group
membership, rather than their
individual qualities or

1. Mitigation is Key: Acknowledging and addressing these errors

and obstacles through proper training, clear criteria, and ongoing
feedback is crucial to improve the effectiveness and fairness of
performance appraisals.
2. Continuous Improvement: Organizations should view
performance appraisals as a dynamic process and continually
refine their methods to enhance accuracy, objectivity, and
employee development.

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