Social Work Supervisor

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Who Are We?
We sup p ort an d en co u r ag e g r o w th f o r all
so cial work ers, in clu d in g th o se so cial w o r k er s
seekin g licen sur e an d w o r k in g in d ep en d en tly
in p rivate p ractice.

We do th is th ro u g h th e sh ar in g o f
in f o rmatio n, k eep in g so cial w o r k er s
co nn ected to the latest ch an g es in licen su r e,
in f o rmatio n an d ed u catio n in th e f ield .

We also h elp con n ect so cial w o r k er s w h o n eed

Licen sed Clinical So cial Wo r k Su p er v iso r s
to g eth er th ro ug h So cialWo r k Su p er v iso m
Our Values
Since 2014 our business has been built on
the principles of fairness, integrity, and
respect for people.

Our Mission
To make the lives of social workers easier
through providing social workers
comprehensive licensure, clinical and
supportive informationand connection to
Licensed Social Workers.
We’re here to help Social Workers
succeed in the field of social work
Find Social
Work Supervision

As so cial wo rk er s, th e main q u estio n w e h ear o v er an d o v er ag ain is,

“W h ere can I f in d so cial w o r k su p er v isio n ?” A n d m o r e imp o r tan tly,
“W h ere can I f in d G O O D so cial w o r k su p er v isio n ?”

The answer is h er e…

To b e listed w ith So cialWo r k Su p er v iso m all so cial w o r k su p er v iso r s

mu st attest th at th ey ar e b o ar d cer tif ied in th eir state o f
licen sure/certif icatio n to p r o v id e so cial w o r k su p er v isio n an d ar e in
cu rren t g o od stan d in g . A d d itio n ally, th ey mu st sig n a statem en t th at th ey
will abide by th e Ter ms, Eth ical Stan d ar d s, an d Pr iv acy Po licy o f
SocialWo rkSu p er v iso m. We car e ab o u t so cial w o r k su p er v isio n
b ecau se th at’s o u r jo b .

Yes…we h ave y o u r b ack .

Exam Prep Materials
Social Work
Exam Information The exams are developed by
Social work exam information is provided below in
the Association of Social
four different ares. Work Boards (ASWB):
There are four different Social Work Exams and
which you take will depend on: (a) your state, and • Bachelors Social Work Exam
(b) your license or certification level. • Masters Social Work Exam
• Advanced Generalist Social Work
To find out which Social Work Exam you must
take, the best way is to go to our social work Exam
license information page and select your state from • Clinical Social Work Exam
the map. Your states page will come up with clear
information outlining which exam is required.
License Information for
Your State
Social Work License Information
Made Easy
Figuring out state Arizona Social Work License
requirements can be confusing because there is no set
standard for social work licenses across states. Even
the names of social work license types can vary
widely from state to state.

We summarize social work license requirements by

state as a way to save social workers time.

To be assured that we provide social workers with

accurate information, we update our national
centralized social work license information every 30
Social Work Job
Social Work Jobs
and Careers
Finding a job in social work or social services has
become easier as the internet has expanded but can be
overwhelming. We have created a list of the most
focused social work job sites to help you find a social
work job that helps you advance your social work

Best Social Work and Social Service Job Sites

We reviewed the sites specific to social work jobs and
determined that these sites give the best chance for
finding a social work job. We have broken them down
into public sector social work jobs, federal-
government social work jobs and non profit social
work jobs. These sites are in no particular order of

Contact Us socialworksupervisor

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