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Who can think of the most….

In your book, write down as
many fuels as you can think of
and answer the register with
the name of a fuel.
Title: Fuels

LO: Find out what fuels are and

what happens when they
What is a fossil
Keyword: combustion

Combustion is when fuels

burn releasing energy

What sort of energy?

Keyword: combustion

Fuel + oxygen  carbon dioxide + water

[+ energy]

Do you believe me?!

How can we test it?

Which is a better fuel? Candle
wax or wood?
• Boiling tubes
• Thermometers
• Candles
• Splints
Which is a better fuel? Candle
wax or wood?

1. Write your prediction

Which is a better fuel? Candle
wax or wood?

2. Write your equipment

Which is a better fuel? Candle
wax or wood?

3. Write or draw your

Method (don’t forget
to mention safety!)
Which is a better fuel? Candle
wax or wood?

4. Show me. Then you can

collect your equipment
and start.
Which is a better fuel? Candle
wax or wood?

5.Write your conclusion.

What did you find out?
Which is a better fuel? Candle
wax or wood?

6. Evaluation
What was good and bad
about your experiment. What would
you change next time?
Which is a better fuel? Candle
wax or wood?

7. How did you do?

Swap with a friend and mark each
other’s work!
PLENARY Swap your book with a
Two stars and a wish: 2 good things
and one thing to improve on!
PLENARY In your books, write down...
• The word equation for a fuel
Fuel + ______  ___________ + water
[+ energy]

• What combustion is:

when _________ burn releasing ________

• What a fossil fuel is

What are the reactants and products
in the reaction when a fuel is burned?

Is burning fuel a chemical or physical

reaction? Explain why!

What is released when fuels burn?

What do you know about fossil fuels?

Give some examples of fuels

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