MP Lesson 3 Microbial Growth and Its Control

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Lesson 3

Lesson 3

Microbial Growth and Its Control

• Microbial Growth refers to an increase I number of cell rather increase in
cell size.
• Microbes refers to any microorganisms,especially those causing disease or
infection. The term microbe was coined to refer to microscopic organisms
including bacteria,fungi,protozoa and viruses
Ethmology: Greek mikro-(small)+bios (life)
Synonym: microorganism(Micro-organism)
• Bacteria are considered a type of microorganism are single –celled
• Bacteria a living things can be either pathogenic microorganism and cause
disease or can be useful like human microbes in the gastrointestinal or
respiratory tract
Types of Bacteria
• Spherical(cocci)
• Spiral(spirilla)
• Rod(bacilli)
• Comma( Vibrios)
• Corkscrew (spirochaetes)
Lesson 3

Microbial Growth and Its Control

Two main types of bacteria

• Gram – positive bacteria – they appear purple blue under
microscope comes different shape spherical or round
shape,rod shape,
• Gram – negative bacteria - these are oval or spherical
bacteria are among the most types of bacteria known
Most common bacteria
• Norovirus – that can cause gastroenteritis,an inflammation
of stomach and intestines
• Salmonella Closridium perfringes - can be found on raw
• Campylobacter - acquired by eating raw meat, drinking
untreated water
• Staphylococcus aureus - these bacteria are spread having
direct contact or inhaling infected droplets
Lesson 3

The importance of
• they help you digest food
• protect against infection
• maintain your reproductive health
Lesson 3

• Bacteria are found in every habitat on
earth:soil ,rock,oceans and even arctic snow . Some live
in or on other organisms including plant and animals
including human.There are approximately 10 times as
many bacterial cells found lining the digestive
system.Some bacteria live in soil or on dead plants
matter where they play important role in the cyling in
yhe nutrients.Some type cause spoilage and crop
damage others are useful in production of fermented as
yoghurt and soy sauce.
Lesson 3

Spherical: Bacteria shapes like a ballare called cocci and

single bacterium is coccus .Examples include the

Three Types of streptococcus group responsible for strep throat

Bacteria Spherical

Rod shape:These are known as bacilli(singular

Bacillus).Some rod shape are are curved.These are known
are vibrio.Examples of rod shape bacteria include Bacillus


Spiral:These are known as spirilla (singular spirillus).If

their coil is very tight they are known as
sprochetes.Leptospirosis,lyme disease and syphilis are
caused bybacteria of this shape

Lesson 3

Five Characteristics of Bacteria

1 Unicellular
4 Having Plasma Membrane

2 Prokaryotic

3 Microscopic
Lesson 3

Bacteria can live in hotter and colder

FATTOM temperatures than human but they best
in warm, moist, protein rich
FATTOM is an acronym used to describe the environment that ph or slightly acidic.
condition necessary for bacterial growth:
• Food
• Acidity
• Time
• Temperature
• Oxygen
• Moisture

Foods provide a perfect environment for bacterial

growth, due to their provision of nutrients, energy
and other components needed by bacteria.
Lesson 3

Benefits of Bacteria
• Creating products, such as ethanol and enzyme
• Making drugs such as antibiotics and vaccines
• Making biogas such as methane
• Killing plant pest
• Fermenting foods
Lesson 3

Robert Hooke
Two men are credited today with
discovery of microorganism using
primitive microscope:

• Robert Hooke who described the

fruiting structures of molds in 1665
• Anton van Leeuwenhoek who is
credited with discovery of bacteria in

Anton van Leeuwenhoek

Lesson 3

Three Types of Bacterial Infections:

• Food poisoning(gastroenteritis)
• Sinus infection
• Sexually transmitted infection

Harmful bacteria are called pathogenic bacteria because they cause diseases and illnesses,
such as:
• Strep throat
• Staph infection
• Cholera
• Tuberculosis

Bacteria are transmitted to human through air, water, food or living vectors. The principal
modes of transmission of bacterial infection are contact, airborne, droplet, vectors and
Lesson 3
General symptoms of a
Bacterial infection

• Fever
• Chills and sweats
• Swollen lymph nodes
• New or sudden worsenin of pain
• Unexplained exhaustion
• Headache
• Skin flushing, swelling or soreness
• Gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea
vomiting, diarrhea or rectal pain.
Lesson 3

How Bacteria Diagnosed

• A bacteria culture is a test to identify whether
you have bacterial infection. It can be What happens when you have
performed on a sample blood stool, urine, skin
mucus or spinal fluid. bacteria in your body?

• Some bacteria multiply so rapidly they crowd

out host tissue and disrupt normal
function.Sometimes they kill cells and
tissue,Some times they make toxins that can
Lesson 3

• Bacterial growth is regulated by nutritional
environment. When suitable environment is
there that the time is incubated, its growth
leads to increase in number of cells
Lesson 3
Four Phase of
• Represents an initial period of no growth in terms of increase in cell
• Period of rapid growth
• The bacterial population increases exponentially
• Continuous as long as cells have adequate nutrients and good environment
• Period of equilibrium.
• Cell division decrease to the point that nes cells are produced at same rate
as old cells die
• In this stage microbial death is equal to microbial growth
• i.e Death = Growth
• Also known as Logarithmic Decline Phase
• Decline in number of viable cells
• Reverse of he log phase
• Nutrients consumed
Lesson 3

• BACTERIA use water for following purposes
• To dissolve the food they use
• Water allows the food to get into the cells
• Used for many chemical reactions for life and
• Water allows waste products to escape
Lesson 3

Control of Microorganism
• Although many microorganism are beneficial
and necessary for human beings, microbial
activities may have undesirable consequences
as food spoilage and disease,
• Therefore it is essential to be able to kill a wide
variety of microorganism or inhibit their
The goal is two fold
growth to minimize their destructive effects
• (1)To destroy pathogens and prevent their
• (2)To reduce or eliminate microorganism
responsible for the contamination of water,
food, and other substance
Lesson 3

• (Latin sterilis, unable to produce offspring or
barren) is the process by which the living cells,
viable spores and viruses are either destroyed
or removed from an object or habitat
• When sterilization is achieved by chemical
agent,the chemical is called sterilant
Lesson 3

• It is the process of killing, inhibition or
removal of microorganism that may cause
• The primary goal is to destroy potential
pathogens ,used to carry out disinfection also
substantially reduces total microbial population
• Disinfectant are agents, usually chemical, used
to carry out disinfection and are normally used
only on inanimate objects.
Lesson 3

• Is closely related to disinfection
• In sanitization ,the microbial population
is reduced to levels that are considered
safe by public health standards
Lesson 3

• (Greek: anti = against; sèpsis =
putrefaction)is the prevention of
infection and is accomplished with
• Antiseptics are chemical agents applied
to the tissue to prevent infection by
killing or inhabiting pathogen growth,
the also reduced the total microbial
Lesson 3


Until Next Time

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