Elegant Education Pack For Students Pink by Slidesgo

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Prikaz članka

Place Identity: A Central Concept in

Understanding Intergroup

Relationships in the Urban Context

Katarina Novović
Dubravka Živković 908/2020
Anđela Stamenković
02. Prikaz uvodnog dela članka
U vezi intervencija u urbanim okruženjima, primetan je
rastući trend problema delinkvencije, kao i pozitivne i
negativne diskriminacije zasnovane na osećaju pripadnosti
određenoj geografskoj oblasti. Postoje opšte prepoznati
stereotipi koji se vežu za različite delove grada i njihove
stanovnike. Takođe, naše mesto stanovanja ima uticaj na
našu percepciju grada i naše odnose sa stanovnicima drugih

Identitet mesta se posmatra kao podskup našeg šireg

društvenog identiteta, koji obuhvata aspekte našeg
samopoimanja vezane za našu pripadnost određenim
geografski definisanim grupama. Ovo znači da mesta mogu
biti posmatrana kao društvene kategorije sa zajedničkim
društvenim značenjem, koje se formira kroz interakciju
među članovima grupe, a ne samo kao prostor u kojem se
dešavaju te interakcije.
Koncept društvenog identiteta je razvijen i temeljno
istraživan u socijalnoj psihologiji, ali tek nedavno se počelo
obraćati nešto više pažnje na ulogu okruženja u formiranju
društvenog identiteta. Bez postojanja teorijskog alata za
analizu odnosa između okruženja i našeg sopstvenog
identiteta, koncept identiteta mesta se ovde razmatra kao
način na koji se sami kategorizujemo u vezi sa određenim
mestom. Ova konceptualizacija se zasniva na principima
Teorije društvenog identiteta (TDI) i Teorije
samokategorizacije (TSK).

Važno je napomenuti da prema TDI, grupa se definiše kao

psihološki fenomen, tj. grupa postoji koliko god pojedinac
veruje da pripada toj grupi. Na isti način, mesto postoji
koliko god osoba mentalno definiše granice tog mesta. Iako
se teorijski može razmotriti mogućnost postojanja mesta bez
ljudi, u praksi mesto uvek dobija svoju definiciju kroz
aktivnosti i ljude koji ga psihološki poseduju.
03. Prikaz odeljka Metod
U navedenom članku, navodi se više istraživanja koja su
rađena u Lisabonu sa četiri naselja u kome su meštani bili
ispitivani. Dakle, uzorak su bili svi meštani koji su
učestvovali, a da žive u jednom od četiri naselja koja su
odabrana za istraživanje. Takođe, pomenute su dve studije
koje se bave veličinom grupe na osnovu mesta gde se nalaze
– izveden je laboratorijski i terenski eksperiment. U
laboratorijskom eksperimentu su korišćene Tajfelove
alokacijske matrice, a minimalna grupna shema je korišćena
da podeli ispitanike u dve jednake grupe (jedni koji vole
velika naselja i drugi koji vole mala naselja).

Napomenule bismo nedovoljno detaljan prikaz instrumenata

(skala, testova, upitnika), kao i načina selekcije ispitanika i
metode obrade, zbog čega su naše mogućnosti za prikaz
ovog odeljka bile ograničene.
Content of this template
Here’s what you’ll find in this Slidesgo template:

1. A slide structure based on a multi-purpose presentation for education, which you can easily adapt to
your needs. For more info on how to edit the template, please visit Slidesgo School or read our FAQs.
2. An assortment of graphic resources that are suitable for use in the presentation can be found in the a
lternative resources slides.
3. A thanks slide, which you must keep so that proper credits for our design are given.
4. Three resources slides, where you’ll find links to all the elements used in the template.
5. Instructions for use.
6. Final slides with:
● The fonts and colors used in the template.
● A selection of illustrations. You can also customize and animate them as you wish with the
online editor. Visit Storyset to find more.
● More infographic resources, whose size and color can be edited.
● Sets of customizable icons of the following themes: general, business, avatar, creative process,
education, help & support, medical, nature, performing arts, SEO & marketing, and teamwork.

You can delete this slide when you’re done editing the presentation.
Table of contents

01 Backgrounds 03 Reminder 05 Homework

You can describe You can describe You can describe
the topic of the the topic of the the topic of the
section here section here section here

02 Avatars 04 Planning 06 Others

You can describe You can describe You can describe
the topic of the the topic of the the topic of the
section here section here section here
Change your background in Google Meet
Important: Users who join the video call while not logged into a Google account
and users which need to knock to get admitted, can only change their background
once in the video call. Users who join a G Suite for Education video call can’t select
their own background images

Before a video call: Go to Google Meet and then select a meeting

1. On the bottom right of your self view, click Change Background

a. To completely blur your background, click Blur your background
b. To slightly blur your background, click Slightly blur your background
c. To select a pre-uploaded background, click a background
d. To upload your own image for your background, click Add
2. Click Join Now
During a video call
1. On the bottom right, click More
2. Click Change background
a. To completely blur your background, click Blur your background
b. To slightly blur your background, click Slightly blur your background
c. To select a pre-uploaded background, click a background
d. To upload your own image for your background, click Add
e. Tip: Your camera is automatically turned on when you click Change

Changing your background may slow down your device. You may want to turn this
feature off to allow other apps to run faster on your computer
Change your background in
Change your backgrounds easily and make your Zoom
video calls more fun and original
Change your background in Zoom
First of all, download the backgrounds you want from this template:

1. Select the slide you want to save or print

2. Modify it and add text if needed
3. Click File > Download > PNG image/JPEG image
4. It will be downloaded to your computer, and now you can print the slide or
use it elsewhere

● First, download the PC version of Zoom and log in with your account
● Once inside, Zoom, click on Settings, located in the upper right corner
● Click on the Virtual Fund option
● Now click on the background you want. In the case of wanting a background
downloaded to your computer, click on the plus symbol and the option to add
an image or video will appear
Prikaz uvodnog
dela članka

Customize it Next Avatar
Customize it Next Avatar
Customize it Next Avatar
Previous Avatar Customize it Next Avatar
Previous Avatar Customize it Next Avatar
Previous Avatar Customize it Next Avatar
Previous Avatar Customize it 03. Reminder
Previous Avatar Customize it 03. Reminder
Previous Avatar Customize it 03. Reminder

Important for the next class

Science Read today’s lesson Do exercises 1 and 2

Music Bring instrument Practice song

Language Read book Do grammar exercises

Maths Do calculation Learn lesson

Do not forget

Tasks Subjects
● Translate text ● English
● Paint mural ● Art
● Do spelling homework ● Language
● Do exercises 4 and 5 ● Maths
What materials must I bring to class?


Rounded scissors
Student Attending M T W T F
Student 1

Student 2

Student 3

Student 4

Student 5

● Ask lesson
● Correct homework
● Send homework for
Ask homework to:

● Student 1
● Student 2
● Student 3
● Student 4
● Student 5
Today’s Tasks

● Do science exercises
● Paint mural
● Do spelling homework

● Do science exercises
● Paint mural
● Do spelling homework


Weekly planning
Monday Tuesday Wednesday
08:00 | Go to class 17:00 | Study for Friday 10:30 | Relax time

16:30 | Do homework 18:00 | Maths class 19:00 | Piano Lesson

Thursday Friday Saturday

08:00 | Breakfast 07:30 | Review for exam 11:00 | Do homework

09:30 | Music class 11:30 | Science test

13:30 | Lunch with mum 17:30 | Go to Sarah’s 10:00 | Plan next week
Monthly planner

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28 29 30
First semester 2021

January February March

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7 8 9 10 11 12 9 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 14 15 16 17 18 16 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

April May June

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30
Second Semester 2021

July August September

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 5
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 19 19
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30
30 31

October November December

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 27 28 29 30 31

Write your homework
Monday - 5th april, 2021

Science Do science homework



Art Draw a mural

Write your homework

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

Read to book Do Science Draw Translate text Play piano

Study Maths Study Music Exercise 1

Do grammar
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
8:00 - 8:30 Music Science Language English Science

8:30 - 9:00 Art English Maths Music Art

9:00 - 10:00 Language Maths Science Art Language

10:00 - 10:45 Lunch

11:30 - 12:30 Maths Art Music Language Music

12:30 - 13:30 Science Music Art Maths Maths

Part 1
1. Link it:
a. Is a gas giant and the biggest planet Venus
b. Has a beautiful name, but it’s hot Mars
c. Despite being red, is a cold place Jupiter

2. Write the missing data:

Mass Diameter Gravity

100 355 ?
Part 1I
3. Describe Venus: It’s the second planet in the Solar System
and It has a beautiful name

4. Make a list of synonyms of the given word:

Planet ? ? ?

? ? ? ?


Mars Jupiter Saturn Neptune

Despite being Jupiter is a gas It’s composed Neptune is the
red, Mars is a giant and the of hydrogen farthest planet
cold place biggest planet and helium from the Sun

Saturn Mercury
Saturn is composed of Mercury is the closest
hydrogen and helium planet to the Sun

Neptune Mars
Neptune is the farthest Despite being red,
from the Sun Mars is a cold place

Mars Saturn Jupiter

Despite being It’s composed Jupiter is a gas
red, Mars is a of hydrogen giant and the
cold place and helium biggest planet
The slide title goes here!

Do you know what helps you make your point

clear? Lists like this:

● They’re simple
● You can organize your ideas
● You’ll never forget to buy milk!

And the audience won’t miss the point

of your presentation
A picture is worth
a thousand words
A picture always
reinforces the concept
Images reveal large amounts of
data, so remember: use an
image instead of long texts
Big numbers catch your audience’s attention

Mercury Venus Mars

Mercury is the Venus is the second Despite being red,
closest to the Sun planet from the Sun Mars is a cold place

Saturn Neptune Jupiter

It’s composed of Neptune is the It’s a gas giant and
hydrogen and helium farthest from the Sun the biggest planet

32% 60% 88%

Mercury Neptune Saturn

Mercury is the Neptune is the Saturn is a gas giant
closest to the Sun farthest from the Sun and has several rings
This is a map

It has a nice name, but
It’s terribly hot
Earths is the Sun’s mass

24h 37m 23s

is Jupiter’s rotation period

is a very long distance
“This is a quote, words full of wisdom
that someone important said and can
make the reader get inspired”
—Someone Famous
This can be the part of the presentation
where you can tell a funny anecdote
This is a graph

Mars 40%
Despite being red,
Mars is a cold place Neptune 35%
Neptune is the
Saturn 25% farthest from the Sun

It’s composed of
hydrogen and helium

To modify this graph, click on it, follow the link,

change the data and paste the resulting graph
here, replacing this one

Mercury Venus Mars

Mercury is the Venus is the second Despite being red,
closest to the Sun planet from the Sun Mars is a cold place
Need more columns of text?

Mercury Mars
Mercury is the Despite being red,
closest to the Sun Mars is a cold place

Venus Jupiter
Venus is the second It’s a gas giant and
planet from the Sun the biggest planet
Our team

Helena James
You can replace the
image on the screen
with your own

John Doe
You can replace the
image on the screen
with your own
Desktop software

You can replace the image on the

screen with your own work. Just
delete this one, add yours and
center it properly
Tablet app

You can replace the image on the

screen with your own work. Just
delete this one, add yours and
center it properly
Mobile web

You can replace the image on the

screen with your own work. Just
delete this one, add yours and
center it properly
Science moodboard
Maths moodboard
Art moodboard
Do you have any questions?
addyouremail@freepik.com | +91 620 421
838 | yourcompany.com

CREDITS: This presentation template was created

by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon,
infographics & images by Freepik

Please, keep this slide for the attribution

Alternative resources
● Wedding facebook cover template
● Wedding planner facebook cover template

● Front view composition with different books
● Full shot student with books floor
● Creative composition with books flower
● Front view stack books with vase flowers
● Medium shot smiley woman reading bed
● Creative assortment world book day
Alternative resources
Alternative resources
● Wedding planner facebook cover template
● Covers collection with organic shapes
● Hand drawn people avatar collection
● Collection illustrated people avatars
● Flat design back school background

● Front view stack books with one open
● Top view books with copy space
● Friends attending online class together
● Front view science elements with chemicals assortment
● High angle science elements
● Front view science elements arrangement lab
● Scientist working with chemical substances
● Cute girl science lab
● Front view girl scientist posing with lab coat safety glasses
● Mathematics with numbers copy space
● Math colorful rulers supplies calculator
● Maths with numbers stationery school items
● Colorful statistical pie charts
● Girl studying maths
● Girl making calculation
● Apple books pile near chalkboard
● Colorful math numbers with calculator
● Flat lay colorful abacus counting
● Dirty coloured palette pain
● Dirty color palette watercolour
● Front view minimalist frame easel brushes
● Close up paintbrush watercolor paint
● Easel watercolor paint
● Brushes paint creativity art concept
● Science elements with chemicals assortment
Instructions for use
In order to use this template, you must credit Slidesgo by keeping the Thanks slide.

You are allowed to:

- Modify this template.
- Use it for both personal and commercial projects.

You are not allowed to:

- Sublicense, sell or rent any of Slidesgo Content (or a modified version of Slidesgo Content).
- Distribute Slidesgo Content unless it has been expressly authorized by Slidesgo.
- Include Slidesgo Content in an online or offline database or file.
- Offer Slidesgo templates (or modified versions of Slidesgo templates) for download.
- Acquire the copyright of Slidesgo Content.

For more information about editing slides, please read our FAQs or visit Slidesgo School:
https://slidesgo.com/faqs and https://slidesgo.com/slidesgo-school
Fonts & colors used
This presentation has been made using the following fonts:

Hammersmith One


#f1dede #db9191 #acbbc0 #40474b #ffffff

Create your Story with our illustrated concepts. Choose the style you like the most, edit its colors, pick
the background and layers you want to show and bring them to life with the animator panel! It will boost
your presentation. Check out How it Works.

Pana Amico Bro Rafiki Cuate

Use our editable graphic resources...
You can easily resize these resources without losing quality. To change the color, just ungroup the resource
and click on the object you want to change. Then, click on the paint bucket and select the color you want.
Group the resource again when you’re done. You can also look for more infographics on Slidesgo.


Task 1

Task 2


Task 1

Task 2



Task 1

Task 2
...and our sets of editable icons
You can resize these icons without losing quality.
You can change the stroke and fill color; just select the icon and click on the paint bucket/pen.
In Google Slides, you can also use Flaticon’s extension, allowing you to customize and add even more icons.
Educational Icons Medical Icons
Business Icons Teamwork Icons
Help & Support Icons Avatar Icons
Creative Process Icons Performing Arts Icons
Nature Icons
SEO & Marketing Icons

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