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UNIT 19:


light building pond

(n) /laɪt/ (n) /ˈbɪldɪŋ/ (n) /pɑːnd/
• decide (v) /dɪˈsaɪd/ : to think carefully about the different possibilities
that are available and choose one of them
• project (n) : a piece of work involving careful study of a
/ˈprɑːdʒekt/ subject over a period of time
• asleep (adj) /əˈsliːp/ : sleeping
• explore (v) /ɪkˈsplɔːr/ : to travel to or around an area or a country in
order to learn about it
• hurry (v) /ˈhɜːri/ : to move or act quickly because there is not
much time
• enormous (adj) /ɪ : extremely large
A. Read the story. Answer the questions.

Who were the What did Hugo

How old was Hugo What was Hugo’s children with want to look at
in the story? sister’s name? when they saw first in the
the museum? museum?
A. Write the correct word next to numbers 1-5.



A. Now choose the best name for the story



B. Listen and colour the museum picture in A.
C. Write the correct question words after numbers 1-6.
Ask and answer the questions.

1. ___________
What is your name?

2. ___________ is the cleverest student in this class?

3. _________
How did you come to school today? Did you cycle?

4. ___________
Whose birthday is in April?

5. ___________
How old are you? 10? 11?

6. ___________
What time did you get up this morning? Seven o’clock?
C. Write the correct question words after numbers 7-12.
Ask and answer the questions.

7. ___________
How much work do you do on a table, laptop or computer? Too much?

8. ___________
How many people live in your house? Four? Five?

9. _________
Which is the best place to go? A museum, a funfair or a music festival?

How often do you use apps? Every day?

10. ___________

11. ___________
When will you go home? Soon?

12. ___________ are you learning English?
In Speaking Part 4, make sure that you
have plenty of practice in answering
questions about yourself. Your answers
can be short and simple but you will
probably get better marks if you answer
in complete sentences.
D. Try to create the questions for each situation.
Answer the questions.
on the beach Can we go for a swim now?

Where’s my towel?

Is the sea cold?

How deep is the water?

Are the waves high?

Do you prefer sailing or swimming?

D. Try to create the questions for each situation.
Answer the questions.

in class
in a

at a party
See you next time!

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