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T 2 1 :

REVIEW: Short adjectives
REVIEW: Long adjectives
• autumn and fall mean the same.
• autumn is used in British English.
• fall is used in American English.
A. Answer the questions.

Is it a weekday Is it summer,
What day is it What month is
or is it the autumn, winter
today? it?
weekend? or spring now?

Which month How many days Is September

What century
can you see in are there in the first month
are we in?
the picture? September? of the year?
A. How many words can you find on the
calendar page? Write the words in order of
the times.

hours, days, a weekend, a week, months,

minutes, _____________________________________
summer, fall, winter, a year a century.
B. Choose words from the calendar in A.
a weekend
a century
at the moment

fall a week hours midnight summer a weekend a year midday

days a century months minutes a diary winter at the moment

You should write as clearly as possible.
Marks are lost if letters and/or words are
not legible. Answers should be clear
enough to be read by someone who is not
familiar with your handwriting.
C. Put words in the spring, summer, autumn or winter boxes.

Spring Summer Autumn Winter

D. Look at the pictures.

• Here are two pictures. In both pictures, we can see …

• In picture A, there are 2 birds in trees but in picture B there are …
• What things do you think the people in the pictures can hear?
• What can the people smell in picture B?
• In picture A the sky’s dark blue, but in picture B …
D. What differences can you see?

This is your (student's) picture This is my (teacher's) picture

In my picture, ... But in my picture ...

E. Read the message and write missing words.
Write one word on each line.




Which picture goes Which person in the What's his

with this message? picture wrote it? name?
E. You’re going to think, talk and write about the day in
picture A. Ask and answer the questions.
1. What warm clothes did the children put on that morning?
boots, wool sweaters and hats and scarves
2. Who brought the children to the forest?
3. How did they get to the forest?
4. Do the children live near these woods?
5. What did they do there first? Next?
6. When did they leave the forest?
7. What did they say when they arrived home? Try to make a short story about a
___________________________________ day in picture A.
F. Ask and answer questions.
What time of the year do you usually go on holiday?

Do you use a clock or a phone to wake you up for school?

What's your favourite month of the year?

Which month is usually the hottest where you live?

Where do you usually go at the weekend?

Which century would you most like to live in?

How do you remember important dates?

Do you put them on your phone or calendar?

See you next time!

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