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 A traditional epic poem from the Kalinga province in the

 An oral tradition that has been passed down through
generations and recited or sung during special occasions
and rituals.
Significance of the Ullalim

Cultural Heritage Oral Tradition Community bonding

• A vital component of • A living example of • Serves as a communal
Kalinga cultural an oral tradition experience, often
performed during special
identity passed down from occasions, rituals, and
one generation to celebrations
Themes and Characters

Multifaceted Themes Heroic Figures

 Encompasses a wide range of  At the heart of the Ullalim
themes including heroism, love, reside its iconic heroes,
conflict, morality, spirituality, and
frequently portrayed as
the interconnectedness of humans
and nature. Amtalao and Dumalao.
The Love Story of Amtalao and Dumalao

In the Kalinga province of the Philippines, amidst the lush mountains and pristine rivers, there lived two
extraordinary individuals: Amtalao and Dumalao. Amtalao was a fearless and noble warrior, known throughout
the land for his strength and courage. Dumalao, on the other hand, was a maiden of unsurpassed beauty and
grace, often described as the fairest in all of Kalinga. Their paths first crossed during a tribal gathering, where
Amtalao's eyes were drawn to Dumalao's radiant presence. Her beauty captivated him, and his fearless
demeanor intrigued her. As they exchanged glances, a deep connection formed, one that transcended the
ordinary. However, the path to love was not without obstacles. Rival clans, jealous of Amtalao's renown and
Dumalao's beauty, conspired to keep them apart. They sowed discord and orchestrated challenges, hoping to
prevent the budding romance. But Amtalao and Dumalao were determined to be together. Amtalao embarked
on heroic quests to prove his worthiness to Dumalao's family, battling fierce creatures and emerging victorious
in countless trials. His bravery and unwavering determination earned him the respect and admiration of
Dumalao's family and clan. As their love grew stronger, Amtalao and Dumalao faced their ultimate test. A great
conflict erupted between rival clans, threatening to tear apart the fabric of their society. Amtalao, recognizing
the need to protect their people and uphold justice, led his fellow warriors into battle. Dumalao, with unwavering
faith in her love, supported him from afar, offering prayers for his safety. The battle was fierce, and Amtalao's
bravery shone brightly. His leadership and valor turned the tide of the conflict, and peace was eventually
restored to the land. Amtalao and Dumalao's love endured, and they were united in a joyous celebration,
marking the culmination of their epic love story.
Their tale became an integral part of the "Epic of Ullalim,"
symbolizing the power of love, bravery, and the enduring spirit of
the Kalinga people. Amtalao and Dumalao's love story serves as
a timeless reminder of the resilience of the human spirit in the
face of adversity, echoing through the generations of Kalinga

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