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From the Greek
words “anthropos”
which means
human and “logos”
or the study of.
Anthropologist seeks answers
to an enormous variety of questions
about humans. They are interested
in discovering when, where , and
why humans appeared on the earth,
how and why they have changed
since then, and how and why
modern human populations vary in
certain physical features.
It is interested to
all people of all
periods. It traces the
development of
humans until the
It has three major
1. Physical Anthropology

2. Cultural Anthropology

3. Applied Anthropology
Physical Anthropology
studies the emergence
of humans and their
later evolution. This is
called human
paleontology or
Anthropologist, psychologists,
and biologists who specialize in
the study of primates are called
primatologists. Biological
anthropologists use the principles,
concepts, and techniques of at
least three other disciplines:
human genetics, population
biology and epidemiology.
Cultural Anthropology refers to
the customary ways of thinking and
behaving of a particular population
or society. It includes language,
religious beliefs, food preferences,
music, work habits, gender roles,
how they rear their children, how
they construct their houses, and
many other learned behaviors and
ideas that have come to be wildly
shared or customary among the
Applied anthropology
refers to the application
of method and theory in
anthropology to the
analysis and solution of
practical problems.
Marvin Harris, a historian of
anthropology, begins The
Rise of Anthropological
Theory with the statement
that anthropology is “the
science of history.”
Universal History
of Mankind
a German-American
anthropologist who
is known as the
‘pioneer of modern
He argued against the
theories that distinguished
people on the basis of race and
discredited the belief that
western civilization is superior to
the other societies. He was also a
prolific writer; some of his well-
known books in the field of
anthropology include ‘The Mind
of Primitive Man’, ’Anthropology
Throughout his life he
spoke out against racism
and advocated the need
for intellectual freedom
and worked to protect
German and Austrian
scientists who fled from
the Nazi regime.

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