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Types of data

What is data ? Primary vs Secondary

Raw Data ? --- not has been processed Questionnaire
Actual data Records
Information --- after analysis

Research Methodology
Data and Qualitative Data Collection

Symbiosis International (Deemed University)

Session Objectives
By the end of this session, you will be able to:

1. Explain internal and external sources of data

2. Explain Sources of Data : Primary and Secondary

3. Explain Methods of Primary Data Collection and Secondary Data


4. Explain Advantages and Disadvantages of Primary and Secondary Data

Data Collection in Research Process
Method vs Methodology ---
Methodology --- is the process
DATA COLLECTION Method is the technique / tool

• Data collection is the systematic approach

to gathering and measuring information
from a variety of sources to get a complete
and accurate picture of an area of interest.
• Data collection enables a person or
organization to answer relevant questions,
evaluate outcomes and make
predictions about future probabilities and
• Accurate data collection is essential to
maintaining the integrity of research,
making informed business decisions and
ensuring quality assurance.
Sources of Data
External Sources
When information is collected from outside agencies it is called external source
of data.

It is divided into:-

a) Primary data

b) Secondary data
Primary Data
The data which are collected from the field under the control and supervision of an
It is real time data which are collected by researchers.

Primary data means original data that has been collected specially for the purpose
in mind.
This type of data are generally afresh and collected for the first time.

It is useful for current studies as well as for future studies.

Methods and Techniques
Focus • Personal interviews – face to
Group face , over the phone , over
Discussion online video calling ---
- Types of structured vs semi-structured
FGD – advantages – perception
- One and belief
moderat • Mails – interview , survey –
or people don’t answer
- Dual • Focus groups
or • Case studies – one
- Brand organization
oriented • Human observations –
FGD mystery shopping ,
• Telephone, fax, web
• Surveys and polls.
(Quantitative Data Collection)
Advantages and Disadvantages of
Primary Data
• Targeted issues are addressed
• Data interpretation Is better
• Decency of data
• Greater control
• Addresses specific research issues
• High cost
• Time consuming
• Inaccurate feed-backs
• More number of resources is required.
Secondary data are those that have
already been collected by others.

SECONDARY So it is data that has been gathered

and recorded by someone else

DATA prior and for a purpose of other


It is less costly, involves less time

and efforts.
Methods and Techniques of Secondary
Data Collection

• Journals
• Books
• Newspapers &magazines
• Abstracts of articles
• Internet
• Publications
Advantages and Disadvantages of
Secondary Data

Advantages Disadvantages
Ease of access Quality of research
Low cost to acquire Not timely
Clarification of research question Incomplete information
Many answer to research question Not specific to researcher's needs
• Real time data
• Sure about sources of data

Costly and time consuming
Avoid biasness of response of
• More flexible

Past data
Not sure about sources of data
• Low cost and efforts
DATA • Don’t know the biasness of data
• Less flexible
• Many institutions, company's and
departments have information about their
regular functions for their own internal
INTERNAL • When those information is used in any
survey or analyses of any problem. Its called
SOURCE OF internal source of collection of data
It includes:-
DATA: 1. Company records
2. Employee records
3. Sales and financial data
4. Other publications.
Session Outcomes
In this session you learned about:

1. Internal and external sources of data

2. Sources of Data : Primary and Secondary

3. Methods of Primary Data Collection and Secondary Data


4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Primary and Secondary Data

Thank You

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