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Business Research

Group Information
Names IDs
Taslima Akter 2021-1-95-006
Afrin Sultana 2021-3-95-084
Sadia Sharmin Sarothi 2021-3-95-091
Monisha Das 2022-1-95-121
Md. Irfan Habib 2022-2-95-010
Sayka Siddique 2022-2-95-015
MOTOROLA: Projecting the Moto Lifestyle
Video Case 11.1
Motorola: A journey Market Enhancement
through decades research Marketing Strategies
 1928: Galvin Manufacturing  Conducted by Motorola and  To create an emotional
Company Ogilvy & Mathers connection with phone
 1930: Motorola branded radio  Focus Group  Appealing to consumers
lifestyle choice.
 1943: Motorola, Inc. ( TV, Radio)  Depth Interviews
 Introduced Moto-lifestyle.
 1960: Cordless TV  Mall-intercept Surveys
“Intelligence Everywhere”
 1983: First commercial cell phone
 2004: Moto-lifestyle Findings-
 2007: Car speakerphone “People choose phone as a fashion statement, rather
a convenience”
Discuss the role that marketing research can play in helping
Motorola further build the Moto brand.
To understand the
attitudes and behaviors

To answer- Pricing and

Host of Other
Helps “what are consumers Marketing Issues Determines Promotion
looking for in a cellular and Strategies
phone handset?” Strategies

To develop appropriate
What type of syndicate data will be useful to Motorola?
1) Data related to Psychographic and Lifestyles
 Data Provider:
 Yankelovich Research and Consulting Services.
 SRI Consulting- provides Information on specific aspects of consumers’ lifestyles through annual
survey data.
2) Data From Advertising Evaluation Survey
 Data Provider:
 Advertising evaluation surveys and dairy media panels such as the Nielsen TV Index.
 Survey by Gallup and Robinson Magazine Impact Research Service (MIRS).
3) Scanner Data- these data provide information on purchases by brand, size, price, product category,
formulation based on sales data collected from the checkout scanner tapes.
 Data Provider:
 ACNielsen and Information Resources, Inc.
Discuss the role of qualitative research in helping Motorola expand
its market share.
 One-on-one Depth Interviews
 Enable us to understand-
 Consumers attachments and associations to a cellular handset.
 Personal and emotional experiences that can best be uncovered in an one-on-one setting.
 Focus Groups
 Help us to identify-
 Choice criteria consumers use in selecting a cellular handset.
Do you think that the mall-intercept interviewing conducted by Motorola
was the best method of administering the survey? Why or why not?

 Yes, the mall-intercept interviewing conducted by Motorola was the best method of
administering the survey.
 Interviewers can easily recruit cellular handset users and non-users in the mall area.
 More efficient for the respondent to come to the interviewer than for the interviewer to go to the
 Provides good sample control and flexibility.
 Ability to ask complex questions.
 Good control of the data collection environment.
 Response rate is also very good.
Discuss the role of experimentation in helping Motorola design
handsets that are preferred by consumers.

 What Motorola did  What actions they took

 Focus group survey  Developed a core idea
 Depth interview  Created Moto as a name for Motorola cell phone
 Mall-intercept survey  Created a Moto lifestyle image

 Outcome of this survey  How the experimentation can help

 Customers did not buy the phone based on  To redesign the phone based on customer’s need.
technical scheme, they buy phone based on how  To identify preferred features.
they emotionally feel about the brand and
 To identify the level at which specific features
particular style.
should be offered in the cellular phone.
 Company’s management had to think of cell  To determine preferred pricing and advertising
phone not so much as engineered functional
devise but as a fashion accessories.
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