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Lesson 1; getting started with Microsoft PowerPoint

One of the most fun and exciting ways to present an idea, plan or a report to a group of people is to use a slide show

1. A slide show presentation is made of a series of slides that contain eye-catching texts, bullet lists, pictures, charts, graphs,
sounds, video clips and many more.

Microsoft PowerPoint is a software used to create attractive and dynamic presentations. It helps you plan, organize, design and
deliver professional presentations. It even allows you to add, delete and move text in a presentation and check for spelling errors.

In Microsoft PowerPoint, you can emphasize text by applying bold, italic or underlined style and change the font, size and color of
text. You can also enhance your slides by adding and animating objects, such as clips arts, auto shape charts and diagrams.

The Microsoft PowerPoint window

2. The outline and slides tabs provide two ways of viewing the slides in the presentation.
- Outline allows you to view the slides as texts
- Slides allows you to view them as small images.

2. The slide pane displays the convent slide.

3. The view buttons allow you to quickly change the way your presentation is displayed on the screen.

4. The view button allows you to quickly change the way your presentation is displayed on the screen.
5. The notes pane displays the note for the current slide.

6. The drawing toolbar contains buttons that help you work with objects in your presentation.

7. The task pane contains links you can select to perform common tasks such as opening or creating a presentation.

A slide is a basic unit of a Microsoft presentation. A slide contains one or many objects such as texts, graphics, tables, charts and
• The first slide you see when you start Microsoft presentation is the title slide. It is used to introduce a presentation.
• Placeholders are boxes made up of dashed lines that indicate where slides, titles, body, texts, charts, tables and media clicks
may be out
• Layout refers to the way things are arranged in a slide.

Microsoft PowerPoint slide

• A view is a way of looking at your work. Views let you se your work from different perspectives but each view displays the
same presentation

1. Normal view is useful when you are creating and editing your presentation. This view has three areas.
• On the left; tabs that display your slides as text outline and as thumbnail.
• On the right; the slide pane which displays a large view file current slide.

2. Slide sorter view; the slide sorter view lets you see all slides at once. A small version of each slide, called a thumbnail is
displayed on the screen. This view is useful when you are recognizing and deleting slides.

3. Slide show view; is useful when previewing your presentation.

You are already familiar with the parts of Microsoft PowerPoint window and the different views.

Creating basic presentations

1. Click on file
2. Click on basic presemtations
3. Click on a designed layout from the choices on the task pane.
4. You can now add texts and objects to the slides using placeholders

Rearranging slides
You can rearranfe slides in your presentations by:
5. Click on view slide sorter
6. To rearrange slides click on the slidevyou wish to move, held down the left mouse button, and move the object to a new
location in the presentation. Release the mouse button when you are satisfies with its new location.

Deleting slides
To delete single slide you:
7. Select the slide you want to delete.
2. Press delete key.

To delete several slides you;

1. Click on the slide sorter view
1. Hold down the shift key cif the slides are in order or the ctrl key.
2. Press the delete key.

Adding notes
Notes help you in crsting hsndcuts
3. Click on view normal
4. Click inside the prame and add text

Changing design templates

5. Click on format slide design
6. Click inside the frame and add text.
7. Click on the design template youwant to use. Apply to all slides.

Changing colour schemes

8. Click on design or formatting tolbar.
9. Click on colour scheme to display the available colour schemes.
10. Click on the colour scheme youwant to usse.

Lesson 2; adding slide transitions

You can add slide transitions to your presentation. A slide transistion is an effect that appears when you move from one slide to
the next.
1. Display the slides to which you want to add a transistion.
2. Click on slide show slide transitions on the menu bar.
3. Click on the transitions you want to use.
1. To change the speed of the transitions, click on the arrow beside the speed box and select the speed you want to use.
2. To add the transition to all the slides in your presentation, click on apply to all slides near the bottom of the task pane.

Previewing a presentation.
3. Click on file print preview
4. If you are satisified with the appearence of your document click on print button at the top left of the preview window.

Saving a presentation
Ehen saving a presentation for the first time you will be asked to give it a filename.

To save a new presentation.

5. Click on file save as. The save as dialog box will appear
6. In the filename box, enter a name for the presentation.
7. Click on file save.

To save a presentation as a slide.

1. Click on file save as
2. In the filename box, enter a filename for the presentation.
3. In the save as type list box, click on powerpoint show.
4. Click on save.

Printing a presentation.
8. Click on file print on the the menu bar.
9. In the print dialog box is a drop down menu labled print what.
10. Click on the part of the presenation you want to print
4. Click on save.

Printing a presentation.
1. Click on file print on the the menu bar.
2. In the print dialog box is a drop down menu labled print what.
3. Click on the part of the presenation you want to print.
4. Click on the option in the print range sections to specify which slides you want to print.
5. Type the number of slides you want to print in the slide box.

Opening an existing presentation

6. Click on file open
7. Click on the name of the presentation you want to open.
8. Click on open the presentation.

Exiting ms powerpoint
9. Click on file exit
10. Press alt+F+X
11. Press alt+F4
Lesson 3; working with text

Adding text to a placeholder

1. Click on the placeholders where you want to add text.
2. Type your text in the place holder.
3. Click anywhere on the slide after the text is entered.

Adding text using the text box tools

Use the text boxes to place text anywhere on a slide.
4. Click on the text box tool on the drawing tool bar
5. Position the mouse on the slide pane.
6. Click and drag the mouse until you create a text box.
7. Click and type text inside the text box.

Resizing a text box

8. Click inside the text box. Selection handles will appear on the edge of the text box.
9. Position the arrow were a selectionhandle.
10. Click and drag the selection handle and resize the text box.
11. Release the mouse when you obtain the deign mouse.

Inseting texts
12. Click the text box where you want to insert text.
13. Type the text you want to insert.
Deleting text
1. Select the text you want to delete.
2. Press the delete key.

Copying text
3. Select the text you copied
4. Click on the copy button on the satandard toolbar. Press ctrl c
5. Click on the paste button on the standard toolbar you can also press crtr+v

Moving text
6. Select the text you want to move.
7. Clcik on the cut butto to move the text. press ctrl +x
3. Click on the location where you want to place the text.
4. Click on the paste button yo place the text in the new button pess cctrl+v
Lesson 4 adding graphics to a slide

Adding autoshape

To add an autoshape
8. Display the slide ypu want to add an autoshape to.]
9. Click on autoshape on the drawing toolbar.
10. Cick on the types of autoshapes you want.
11. Click on the autoshape you want to add
12. Position the mouse where you want to begin drawing the autoshape.
To add wordart.
1. Display the slide you want to add a wordart to
2. Click on insert wordart button on the drawing toolbar wordart gallery will appear
3. Click on the wordart style you want to use.
4. Click OK to confirm
5. Type the font type of your wordart, select a font in the font list.
~6. clcik OK to add the wordart to the slide.

Locaring and inserting clip arts.

6. Select and clcik on the slide you want to add a clipart to.
7. Click on insert picture clip art on the menu bar.
8. Type a word that describes the clip art you want.
4. Click on go.
5. Click on the clipart you want.

Inserting a picture from a file.

9. Select and click o the slide you want to adda picture to.
10. Click on insert picture from the file on the ,enu bar.
11. Click on the picture you want to add
12. Click on insert.
Lesson 5 sdding sounds and videos

Inserting a sound file

13. Click on the slide to which you want to add music or effects
14. Click on insertmovies
1. Choose a loaction of the file
2. Click on file
3. Click OK
Vusing timepng to create a karaoke like presentation.
Karaokeis a form of interactive entertainment in which singers sing along with the record music whose lyrics are actually
displayed at the bottom of a screen.

4. Type the lyrics of the song.

5. Insert the sound file on the firsts slide
6. Click on slide star reherse triangles.
7. Click on advance written to keep the music in sync with the lyrics.
8. Whene you reach the end of the slide show click on yes to accept the trianle.

Lesson 6 animations, action links and hyperlinks

Animatin is a special visual effect added to a text or an object in a presentation

Animation texts and objects

9. Clisk on the object you want to animate.
10. Click on the slide show custom aniamtion on the menu bar.
11. Clsik om add effects to display the types of animation you can add.
12. Click on the type of animation you want to add.

Changing the sequence of aniamtion

Lesson 7 principles of effective slide design

Creating an effective slide presentation can seem like an overwhelming task. One way to make the whole presentation more
magneable is by following a three-step process.

Identify the purpose of the presentation. Does it intend to sell an idea or product, report results of study or educate the audiece
The typeon audience determines the level of detail you place on one slide. Before you create your presentation , determinewho
are likely to attend.
A storyboared is a rough sketch of the slide that shows where the clip art, textsand other elemets should be placed.

After creating, your story board, youcan then transfer your visual ideas to the computer . Do not get caried away with the many
features that acn be used in ms pwerpoint

Refers to the arrangement of visual elemnts like textsand graphics]

Slides should contain the minimuminformation necessary.

Is an important component ina graphic.
People have limited attention spans.

Wahes perfect so practice , practice and practice. Rehearse your presentation before an audience imagined nor real. Have family
or friend that listen and offer critiques


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