Reproduction Assignment 1

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Assignment 01

Systematic Clinical Examination of the

Female Genitalia of Cattle
Submitted By:
Mishkat ullah (01)
Tayyaba Mehboob (02)
Submitted To:
Dr. Zia ur Rehman
Semester: 9th
Subject: Reproduction Clinic-III
• Gather necessary equipment such as gloves, lubricants, a clean cloth,
a light source (flashlight or headlamp), and a palpation sleeve or
• Ensure a safe and quiet environment to minimize stress on the
• Approach the animal calmly and gain its trust before initiating the

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External Examination
• Begin by visually inspecting the external genitalia for any
abnormalities, injuries, or signs of infection.
• Examine the vulva for any discharge, swelling, or lesions.
• Assess the perineal area for cleanliness and signs of diarrhea or fecal

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Palpation and Internal Examination
• Put on gloves and apply lubricant to your hand or palpation sleeve.
• Stand on the animal's left side and gently insert your hand or sleeve into
the vagina.
• Proceed to palpate the reproductive tract, starting with the cervix. Note
any abnormalities like inflammation, adhesions, or cysts.
• Continue palpating through the uterus, feeling for any irregularities,
masses, or signs of uterine infections (e.g., uterine discharge, foul smell).
• Identify the presence of any abnormalities in the ovaries or fallopian tubes.
• Carefully withdraw your hand or sleeve from the vagina, taking care not to
cause any injury.
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Assessment of Estrus Status (Optional)
• If assessing the animal's estrus status, note the consistency, color, and
odor of any vaginal discharge. Estrus discharge is typically clear,
slippery, and elastic.
• Perform a transrectal examination to assess the size and condition of
the ovaries, uterine horns, and the presence of a corpus luteum or

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• Document your findings accurately, including any abnormalities,
observations, or potential diagnoses.
• If necessary, collect samples for further analysis, such as vaginal
swabs or uterine flushes.
• Always consult with a veterinarian or experienced professional when
performing a clinical examination of cattle genitalia.

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Biometry of reproductive tract in adult non-pregnant cow
Organ Cow
Oviduct (length cm) 25
Type Bipartite (having two parts)
Length of Horn (cm) (35-40)
Length of body (cm) 2-4
Surface of lining of endometrium 70-120Caruncles

Length (cm) 8-10
Outside (cm) 3-4
Cervical Lumen
Shape 2-5 annular rings
Os Uteri
Shape Small and protruding
Interior Vagina 25-30
Hymen Ill-defined
Vestibule 10-12

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Abnormalities of Female Reproductive
• The female genitalia of cattle can be affected by a variety of diseases
and abnormalities. Here is a list of some common conditions:
1. Vaginal Infections:
• Metritis: Inflammation of the uterus often caused by bacterial
infection following calving or injury.
• Vaginitis: Infection or inflammation of the vagina.
• Pyometra: Accumulation of pus in the uterus.

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Abnormalities of Female Reproductive
2) Reproductive Organ Abnormalities:
• Cystic Ovarian Disease: Formation of cysts in the ovaries, causing
hormonal imbalance and reproductive dysfunction.
• Uterine Adhesions: Formation of scar tissue within the uterus,
leading to reduced fertility.
• Uterine Prolapse: Protrusion of the uterus through the vaginal
opening, typically occurring after calving.
• Cervical or Vaginal Prolapse: Protrusion of the cervix or vagina often
during or after calving.

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Abnormalities of Female Reproductive
3) Tumors:
• Ovarian Tumors: Benign or malignant growths in the ovaries.
• Uterine Tumors: Benign or malignant growths in the uterus.
4) Sexual Transmitted Infections:
• Trichomoniasis: A sexually transmitted infection caused by the
parasite. Tritrichomonas foetus, leading to infertility and abortion.
• Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD): Viral infection affecting the reproductive
system and leading to reproductive disorders, including abortion.

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Technique of Rectal palpation in Large
Rectal palpation represents the only practical diagnostic method permitting
direct examination of the reproductive organs of females.
• It is the basic procedure for:
• 1. Artificial insemination
• 2. Estrus detection
• 3. Pregnancy testing
• 4. Diagnosis and treatment of various reproductive disorders of females.
A Veterinarian intending (aim) to conduct rectal palpation, he must be
thoroughly familiar with female reproductive tract. However, for a perfect
palpation, proper preparation of the worker as well as that of the animal is
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Personal Protection Equipment’s
• The nails must be properly trimmed so that the rectal mucosa would
not be injured.
• Al sleeve or glove should be used for sanitary as well as for protection.
• Protective clothing (e. g. dangri) and gum boots should be used to
avoid excessive spoiling of clothes with fecal material.
• Proper lubrication of the hand is necessary to facilitate easily entry into
the rectum. Special attention should be given to this point in mares as
the rectum is dry and there is the danger of its rupture. Any nonirritant
lubricants may be used for this purpose. Toilet soap and water can also
be used for lubrication.

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Restraining and preparation of the animal
• Animal must be restrained to avoid accidents or injuries to the animal
as well as to the student. For this purpose a side line or a rope or
cattle crush can be used. The hind quarter of the animal especially
vulvar lips, anus and surrounding area should be thoroughly washed
and cleaned."

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Restraining and preparation of the animal
• Lubricate your left hand properly with the available lubricant.
• Raise the tail of the animal to one side. A fellow student may be asked to do so.
• Make your hand into a cone-shaped and insert it into the rectum slowly and
• Remove the faecal material from the rectum completely as it interferes with the
• Locate the cervix which firm, cylindrical structure lying on the mid line of the
pelvic floor
• Examine the cervix for approximate size, form and position.
• If the cervix is freely movable, pull it backward gently.

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Restraining and preparation of the animal
• Using the cervix as a guide, grasp the body of uterus and put your finger
between two horns at the inter-cornual ligament.
• Grasp the ventral inter cornual ligament and pull it upward and backward so
that the uterine horns are within the reach of your hand.
• Grasp each horn alternately and examine thoroughly from the base to tip for
size and content: fluid, pus, fetal parts, fetal membranes or placentomes etc.
• Try to examine each fallopian tube for size and content..
• Locate each ovary, grasp it between your index and middle fingers and
examine with the thumb for Graffian follicle, corpus luteum ,cysts or other
pathological structures.
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