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WiE Training- Printing Instructions

Download the file from the link in the mail that comes with this
document. A file called WiE will appear in your
download folder.
Move the file in your favourite location and unzip the file.

You will find the following folders:

Print all the files in each folder in the number of copies indicated in the folder title.
The material is all in pdf format, and it is already optimized for DOUBLE SIDE
PRINTING. According to the edition and number of participants, it is estimated that up
to 2,100 pages (4 reams ) may need to be printed: this number could increase 35% if
double printing is not practiced.
All the printouts should be hole punched.

2,000 pages

1pP means 1 per Person = the number of participants (excluding the facilitators)
i.e. if you have 26 participants and 3 facilitators, print 26 copies.

Printing is normally in B&W, even if the original material is in colour. Exception is made
for the certificates and the badges (see Admin folder).

IF POSSIBLE, it would be nice if the simulation

hand-outs (marked as Si) could be printed in
colour as well. They are in total 9 pages (both
sides) – for 26 participants would be 234 pages
in colour.

Fac -­‐printing instructions -­‐ WiE

Distribution in the folder name means that
the printouts will be distributed at the right
moment. Pack the copies together and keep
them separated by the others

Folder 1pP means that the hand-outs in that (electronic) folder should be
inserted in the (real) participant folders in the same order than the section
number (0.0 Agenda should be front page, and 8.2 the last)

Admin folder:
This folder includes formats for the
preparation of the participant
folders, the badges, registration
formats, etc. All this material is
optional and it is meant to help the
support staff. The names of the
participants need to be a d d e d
to the files before being printed.
Colour printing is recommended for
this section.
Ignore the Facilitator pack, unless there are specific instructions in the mail that
accompany this document.

Thank You!

Fac -­‐printing instructions -­‐ WiE

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