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Title: "Empowering the Manipal

University Jaipur Community-"
Subtitle: A Web Solution to Connect Students and Local Businesses
• Introduction to the Problem: Lack of Access to Local Services
• Students at Manipal University Jaipur face challenges in accessing
information about local businesses and services.
• The Purpose of the Project: Create a Local Business Information
• Our project aims to address this issue by creating a website that connects
students with local businesses and provides essential information.
Our Vision
• Defining Our Vision: Bridging the Gap
• Our vision is to bridge the gap between students and local businesses by
providing an easily accessible and comprehensive information portal.
• Objective: Empowering Students and Local Businesses
• We aim to empower students with the information they need to make
informed choices while also promoting local businesses.
Building the Website
• Building Phase: Website Builders and Content Collection
• In the building phase, we selected a website builder to create our platform,
which doesn't require extensive coding skills.
• Resources: Mention the website builder and tools used
• We chose WordPress, a user-friendly content management system, and began
collecting essential data about local businesses.
Thank You

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