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SSD3: Object-Oriented Programming and


Object-Oriented Programme 1
Unit 3. Advanced Class Implementation
 3.1 Input and Output Programming
 3.2 Graphical User Interface
 3.3 Toward Commercial Use

 Assessments
 Exam 3

Object-Oriented Programme 2
3.3 Toward Commercial Use
 Contents
 3.3.1
For Continued Study 3.2.2 Swing Event

 Assessments
 Exercise 8

Object-Oriented Programme 3
3.3.1 For Continued Study
 Other Java APIs
 Java Resources
 UML Resources
 Design Patterns Resources

Object-Oriented Programme 4
Other Java APIs
 Java has many APIs, some of them as follows:
 Java 2D. The API for two-dimensional graphics "enables
programs to produce jaw-dropping visuals."
 Java Sound. This API provides support for audio
playback and recording.
 JDBC. The API for Java Database Connectivity allows
Java applications to interact with relational databases. If
you are familiar with databases and wish to learn more,
walk through Sun's tutorial on the JDBC Basics.
 Java Games. This API supports the development of
simple online games.

Object-Oriented Programme 5
Object-Oriented Programme 6
Java Resources
 Java has been changing rapidly ! (verson 1.0  1.4  1.5 (5.0))
 the best way to keep up-to-date is to
 read Sun's Web site on HTTP://JAVA.SUN.COM.
 read API Specification

Object-Oriented Programme 7
how to learn more and keep yourself up-to-date?
 Sun Documentation
 Glossary of Java Technology-Related Terms
 Tutorials
 FAQs. Find answers to frequently asked questions.
 The Java Language Specification

Object-Oriented Programme 8
how to learn more and keep yourself up-to-date?
 Sun Developer Services. Register for a free membership.
 Discussion Forums. An interactive message board for
sharing knowledge and questions about Java
technologies and programming techniques.
 Chat Sessions. Sun engineers and other Java software
insiders share their knowledge and perspectives on the
latest Java technology events in these online chats.
 Java User Groups. A JUG is a group of people who share
a common interest in Java technology and meet on a
regular basis to share technical ideas and information.
Most JUGs maintain email lists where members can post
 Core Java Technologies Tech Tips. A monthly newsletter
that contains tips, techniques, and sample code on
various topics of interest.

Object-Oriented Programme 9
some useful books
 Effective Java Programming Language Guide
 by Joshua Bloch
 Core Java 2, Volume 1: Fundamentals (5th Edition)
 by Gary Cornell, Cay Horstmann, and Cay Forstmann
 Thinking in Java (3rd Edition)
 by Bruce Eckel
 Just Java 2 (5th Edition)
 by Peter van der Linden
 Head First Java
 by Bert Bates, Kathy Sierra
 The Elements of Java Style
 published by Cambridge University Press

Object-Oriented Programme 10
UML Resources
 The class diagram notation introduced in this
course is just a small subset of UML.
 the Object Management Group (OMG) manage
development of the UML standard.
 Their Web site contains a list of tutorials;
 you can start with the Borland tutorial because it
is straightforward and concise.
 Martin Fowler, a prolific writer on software topics,
has written an excellent introduction to UML:
 UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard
Object Modeling Language (2nd Edition).
Object-Oriented Programme 11
Design Patterns Resources
 Most books on design patterns are written for a
professional audience and are not adequate for
 The following books are more introductory in nature
as follows:
 Design Patterns Explained: A New Perspective
on Object-Oriented Design
by Alan Shalloway, James R. Trott
 Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and the
Unified Process (2nd Edition)
by Craig Larman

Object-Oriented Programme 12

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