Crisis in Manchuria

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Crisis in Manchuria

Why did the League fail to stop Japan

Attack on Manchuria

The army was very powerful force in Japan.In the 1920s the power of the army grew to a point where politicians could no longer
tell soldiers what to do.Army officers wanted to increase Japanese control over Manchuria(north-east China). In September 1931
the army took the initiative and organized clash with the Chinese forces.War followed.Japan won the war and and set up a puppet

The invasion of Manchuria was a clear test to of the League and collective security.Both Japan and China were members of the
League of Nations. Would the league use economic sanctions or war to stop the aggression?

In fact the League did virtually nothing.A group called Lytton Committee was sent to Manchuria to find out what was
happening.Eventually it criticised both Japan and China.

It criticized Japan but did not recommend a trade ban or the use of force.Even though the League did little Japan was not prepared
to accept any criticism and left the League in 1933.
The missing powers.

Two powerful countries with an interest in this part of Asia were not members of the League. These were the USA and USSR. The
USSR were worried about Japan actions.The move in Manchuria was seen as a challenge to Soviet Power in East Asia.However the
government was busy at this time,dealing with chaos at home as peasants were forced to live on new collective farms.In addiction
the USSR had no allies who might join forces against Japan,and Soviet leaders were not ready to act alone.

Some members of the American government were appalled by the Japanese aggression.However,President Hoover believed in
isolationism and did not want to get involved in the conflict between China and Japan. As a result the USA refused to support the
idea of economic sanctions against Japan. This greatly weakened the ability of the League to threaten trade sanctions.Members of the
League knew that if they refused to trade with Japan the USA might simply carry out the trade instead.
The sympathetic powers

Italy and Germany were important members of the League.They were happy with Japanese aggression.Italy was not interested in
the far East but,like Japan,was keen to built up its own empire.

Germany had investment in China,but its main concern was to see if the Japanese would get away with the use of force.As a
result,Italy and Germany offered no opposition to Japan.
The worried powers

The French were completely preoccupied with the German threat in Europe.While they disapproved of Japanese actions the French
had no wish to get involved in war in Asia. The use of French and Britain force forces against Japan would weaken defences against
Germany in Europe.In public French government condemned Japan action; in private messages were sent to Japanese to let them
know that France sympathized with the difficulties faced by Japan in China.

Members of the British were in difficult position.They did not feel that British navy was in a position to take on the Japanese.The
advice from military leaders was that a war with Japan might be disastrous. Vital parts of the British empire - India,Singapore and
Hong Kong - could be lost if fighting broke out between Britain and Japan. British businesses did considerable trade with Japan and
the government was unwilling to lose the trade. Although the British government was worried about Japan it was not prepared to take
firm action.

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