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Group 4

- Phạm Thị Liễu

- Mai Phương Thảo
- Trần Thị Thu Hường
- Nguyễn Mai Hương
- Trần Thị Ngọc Ánh
Redirect (ˌriːdəˈrekt) (V) : Chuyển hướng
=>To change the direction or route, in this context, implying a shift of workforce from one location to
Eg: RedirectAfter encountering a road closure, the GPS system promptly suggested a
redirect to ensure a smoother and quicker journey.
Workforce (ˈwɜːkfɔːs) (N) : Lực lượng lao động
=>The total number of workers or employees, often referring to the labor pool.
Eg: Workforce: The company is investing in training programs to enhance the skills of its workforce and
adapt to the evolving demands of the industry.
Suburbs (ˈsʌbɜːb) (N) : ngoại ô
=> Residential areas situated on the outskirts of a city, often characterized by lower population density
compared to the urban center.
Eg: Many families choose to live in the suburbs for a quieter lifestyle and access to green
spaces while still being close to urban amenities.
• Mobility (məʊˈbɪləti) (N): Sự di chuyển
=>The ability to move or be moved freely and easily. In the given context, it likely refers to the movement of
people from urban to suburban areas.
Eg: The introduction of electric scooters has greatly enhanced urban mobility, providing a convenient and eco-
friendly mode of transportation.
• Employment Opportunities:( /ɪmˈplɔɪ.mənt//ˌɒp.əˈtʃuː.nə.ti/ ) (N) :có cơ hội việc làm
=> The chances for individuals to find and secure work or jobs, indicating potential career options.
Eg: Employment opportunities: The newly established tech hub is expected to generate numerous employment
opportunities, attracting skilled professionals to the region.
• Economic Benefits: lợi ích kinh tế
=>> Positive outcomes related to the financial aspects of an area or community, such as increased income, job
creation, and overall economic growth.
Eg: Economic benefits: The implementation of sustainable practices not only helps the environment but also brings
about significant economic benefits by reducing long-term costs and fostering innovation.
• Local Community: Cộng đồng địa phương
Þ Refers to the residents and businesses in a specific geographical area, emphasizing a sense of locality and shared
identity among people living in close proximity.
Eg: Local community: The local community came together to organize a neighborhood cleanup, fostering a sense
of unity and pride.
- Đối với giao thông, chính sách này có thể chuyển hướng lưu lượng lao động làm việc trong
nội đô phải chuyển về vùng ngoại ô.
=>> For traffic, this policy can divert the workforce working urban- based labour force to the

- Vì vậy, lưu lượng giao thông trong trung tâm thành phố hàng ngày sẽ giảm một cách đáng
=>> Therefore, the daily traffic flow in the city center will decrease significantly.

- Cuối cùng, sự di chuyển này có lợi ích lớn trong việc tạo ra nhiều cơ hội việc làm và vì vậy
kinh tế sẽ mang lại lợi ích cho cộng đồng những người dân địa phương ở vùng ngoại ô.
=>>. Ultimately, this mobility has the great benefit of creating more employment
opportunities and thus brings economic benefits to the local community in the suburbs.
• This policy can redirect the workforce working in the inner city to the suburbs.

• The daily traffic flow in the city center will decrease significantly.

• This mobility has the great benefit of creating more employment opportunities
and thus brings economic benefits to the local community in the suburbs.


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