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In the context of formal language theory and BNF (Backus-Naur Form), lexemes and tokens are related concepts

that are
used to describe the structure of a programming language or other formal languages. Let's explore the differences between
lexemes and tokens:


A lexeme is the smallest unit in the source code that has meaning.
It is a sequence of characters in the source code that matches the pattern for a specific token.
Lexemes are the raw, abstract units of the language, and they represent the basic building blocks for constructing tokens.
For example, in the expression x = 5, the lexemes are the individual characters x, =, and 5.

A token is a pair consisting of a token name and an optional attribute value.

The token name represents a category of lexemes, and the attribute value provides additional information about the
specific instance of the lexeme.
Tokens are the meaningful units identified during the lexical analysis phase of language processing.
Continuing with the example, in the expression x = 5, the tokens are <identifier, x>, <assignment, =>, and <integer, 5>.
In the context of BNF, both lexemes and tokens are important for defining the grammar of a language:

BNF Rules for Lexemes:

BNF rules describe the patterns and structures of lexemes. Lexical rules specify how characters are grouped together to
form lexemes. These rules are often defined using regular expressions.

BNF Rules for Tokens:

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