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•Discussion of a theme or question

•Win by creating the most convincing
•No correct answer
Who is a debater?
• Think critically and analyze a problem
• Present thoughts logically and elegantly
• Speak skillfully in public
• Listen to and interpret information carefully
and quickly
• Broaden understanding of issues
•Persuade through invention
•Argument arrangement
•Remembering speech
•Enhancing delivery
Tips to improve speaking
• Get rid of filler words
• Find synonyms
• Slow pace
• Be calm
• Control movement
• Maintain eye contact
• Diversify tone
Rebuttal Flaws
• False dichotomy
• Assertion
• Morally flawed
• Correlation rather than causation
• Failure to deliver promises
• Straw man
• Contradiction
• Comparing conclusion to reality
Asian parliamentary
•Parliamentary – Persuasiveness,
Logical Reasoning, Wit
•Two opposing teams
(Government & Opposition)
Asian parliamentary…
 Proposes and defends motion
 Refutes and negates motion
Asian parliamentary…
•Government Members
 Prime Minister (opens
debate, defines motion,
advances arguments)…context,
Asian parliamentary…
•Government Members
 Deputy Prime Minister (refutes
opposition case, reestablish gov’t
claim, advances arguments)
Asian parliamentary…
•Government Members
 Whip (makes an issue-based
rebuttal of opp case,
summarizes gov’t case)
Asian parliamentary…
•Opposition Members
 Leader (responds to gov’t
case: clash, advances
arguments); (May challenge
Asian parliamentary…
•Opposition Members
 Deputy Leader (refutes case
of DPM, reestablishes case of
opp, advances an argument)
Asian parliamentary…
•Opposition Members
 Whip (makes an issue-based
rebuttal of gov’t case,
summarizes opp case)
British parliamentary
•4 teams (2 members each)
 First proposition
Second proposition
First opposition
Second opposition
British parliamentary…
•First proposition
•Second proposition
 Member, Whip
British parliamentary…
•First opposition
•Second opposition
 Member, Whip
Point of Information
•After the first minute up to sixth
•No POI in reply speeches
***Point of Order
***Point of Personal Privilege
• Start with: personal anecdote, a nifty quote,
shocking stats, an image that will prompt a
• Label of argument (because)- THW change
the Philippine national anthem because it is
imperative to give positive meaning to the
• explanation and logic- outline why the motion
stands or fails, theory
[change involves revising for better meaning
(particular trait)= better meaning means positive
attributes (trait leads to outcome)= promote
positivity in the country (desired effect)= the
national anthem must be changed(prove motion)]
• primary example- prominent case, trends
and statistics, proof of authority, proof by
analogy, hypothetical examples
• link example to logic
• secondary example
• link to the motion
• Tautology
• Truism
• Specific-knowledge case
• Matter (content)
• Manner (delivery)
• Method (structure of arguments)
Bobby Mc Gee O. Lee
• Email –
• LinkedIn – Bobby Mc Gee Lee
• Instagram – bobbymcgeelee
• Twitter - @bmgolee
• TikTok - @bmgolee

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