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5 What does human geography involve

6 Give x3 examples of human
geography. 10 Give two examples of job opportunities for human geographers?

Reflection: describe on

1 What is geography? WHAT ON EARTH IS GEOGRAPHY? thing you have learnt from
reading this article that you
Task – read the article and then answer the questions in full sentences. did not know before?
Geography is the study of the earth. The final type of geography is
The word ‘geography’ comes from the environmental geography. Lots of
latin ‘geo’ which means earth and the geographers are environmental
word ‘graphia’ which means to describe geographers because this involves
Which words in ‘latin’ does
2 geography come from?
or write. human and physical geography, It looks
at how humans and the environmental
Geography helps us to makes sense of interact and can involve studying So where can studying geography take
the incredible world upon which we climate change and resources. me?
live. There are generally three broad People who study geography, especially
types of geography. One type of So what makes a good geographer? if they study a geography degree at
geography is physical geography, which A good geographer investigates and university, are highly employable.
involves studying what our planet is understands how the three different Geographers have a really impressive
like and investigating the natural types of geography shape the world in range of skills, knowledge and
processes that shape our earth. which we live. They also develop an understanding which opens up a world
Physical geography includes studying: excellent knowledge of where places of opportunities. Geographers can be
rivers, oceans, ice, weather, natural are in the world and they are linked. employed as: volcanologists (experts
What does physical
3 geography involve
environments and coasts. Superb geographers ask great questions
and use a wide range of geographical
who study volcanoes), seismologists
(experts who study earthquakes),
skills to investigate places. weather forecasters, oceanographers
(experts who study oceans), marine
It has never been more important to biologists (scientists who study plants
study geography. The famous actor and and animals in oceans),, city planners
travel writer Michael Palin believes that and in charities working to help deliver
‘geographers hold the key to the world’s aid to some of the world’s poorest
problems and that so many of world’s people.

4 Give x3 examples of
physical geography. A second type of geography is human
current issues – at a global and local
scale – boil down to geography.
9Give two examples of job
opportunities for physical
geography. Human geographers study Geographers of the future will help us
how and where people live and how to understand global warming as it geographers?
human processes shape our planet. affects countries and regions, food and
Human geography includes studying: energy security, the spread of disease
settlement, development, tourism, and the economic change on places and
industry and globalisation. communities’.

7 Why are lots of geographers ‘environmental

geographers’? 8
What makes a ‘superb’ geographer?

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