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1. Meiosis in spermatogenesis occurs in
which of the following steps?

A. Primary spermatocyte to intermediate

B. Primary spermatocyte to secondary
C. Secondary spermatocyte to round spermatid
D. Round spermatid to elongated spermatid
2. Which of the following is the
feature of Y chromosome?
A. Acrocentric
B. Telocentric
C. Sub metacentric
D. Metacentric
3. In a young female of reproductive age with regular
menstrual cycles of 28 days ovulation occurs around
14th day of periods. Which is the first polar body

A. 24 hrs prior to ovulation

B. Accompanied by ovulation
C. 48 hrs after the ovulation
D. At the time of fertilization
4. A person showing two cell lines derived from two
different zygotes is known as :

A. Chimerism
B. Mosaicism
C. Segregation
D. Pseudo-dominance
5. True about morula:

A. 8-cell stage
B. 16-cell stage
C. Solid mass with fluid inside
D. Zona pellucida absent
6. Amnion is present on:

A. Decidua basalis
B. Fetal surface
C. Meternal surface
D. All of the above
7. Which of the followings is true regarding

A. Establishes all the three germ layers

B. Occurs at the caudal end of the embryo prior
to its cephalic end
C. Involves the hypoblastic cells of inner cell
D. Usually occurs at 4 weeks
8. According to embryologist, embryo is termed till:

A. 8 weeks of fertilization
B. 10 weeks after LMP
C. 10 weeks after fertilization
D. 12 weeks after fertilization
9. Acromial fibers of deltoid is?
A. Unipennate
B. Bipennate
C. Multipennate
D. None of the above
10. Structures derived from the neural crest are:

A. Dental papilla
B. Adrenal medulla
C. Schwan cells
D. All of the above
11. Aurebanchs plexus and meissners ganglion cell are
derived from:

A. Yolk sac
B. Primordial germ cells
C. Neural crest
D. Fetal GIT
12.Derivative of neural creast is/are except:

A. Para follicular cells of thyroid

B. Adrenal medulla
C. Dorsal root ganglia
D. Autonomic ganglia
13. Neural ectoderm derivatives is:

A. Corneal stroma
B. Corneal epithelium
C. Iris stroma
D. Sphincter pupillae
14. Hydatidiform- mole, blood cells does NOT
develop because defect in:

A. Primary ectoderm
B. Mesoderm
C. Endoderm
D. Trophoblast
15.Muscular component of dorsal aorta
develops from:

A. Axial mesoderm
B. Paraxial mesoderm
C. Intermediate mesoderm
D. Lateral plate mesoderm
16. The cell junctions allowing exchanges of
cytoplasmic molecules between two cells are

A. Gap junctions
B. Tight junctions
C. Anchoring junctions
D. Focal junctions
17. The cells belonging to the following type of
epithelium are provided with extra reserve of
cell membrane:
A. Transitional
B. Stratified squamous
C. Stratified cuboidal
D. Stratified columnar
18. Ansa nephroni is lined by:

A. Columnar
B. Squamous epithelium
C. Cuboidal and columnar epithelium
D. Stratified squamous epithelium
19. Cuboidal epithelium lines which:

A. Distal convoluted tubule

B. Descending loop of Henle
C. Proximal convoluted tubule
D. Ascending loop of Henle
20. Which vitamin deficiency may led to keratinization?

A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
21. Basal layer of cell in stratified squamous epithelium

A. Squamous
B. Transitional
C. Cuboidal – columnar
D. Pseudo stratified
22. A patient presented with acute abdominal pain. On clinical
suspicion patient underwent cholecystectomy. On
histopathological examination the finding is normal. The gall
bladder epithelium will be?

A. Squamous
B. Simple columnar
C. Simple columnar with brush border
D. Cuboidal with stereocilia
23. Myelin sheath in CNS is synthesized by:

A. Microglia
B. Schwann cell
C. Oligodendroglia
D. All
24. Pseudounipolar neurons are seen in:

A. Olfactory
B. Celiac ganglion
C. Spinal dorsal root ganglion
D. Cochlea
25. All of the following are the components of
the white pulp of spleen except:

A. Periarteriolar lymphoid sheath

B. B cells
C. Antigen presenting cells
D. Vascular sinus
26. All are true about thymus gland except:

A. Hassal’s corpuscles are highly characteristic

B. Histology varies with age
C. Thymic corpuscles are seen in cortex
D. Medulla has more reticular cells
27. Henle’s and Huxley’s layer are histologically seen in

A. Bulb of hair follicle

B. Tongue
C. Salivary gland
D. Sweet gland
28. Cardiac muscle is able to function as a syncytium
because of the structural presence of:

A. Branching fibers
B. Intercalated disc
C. Protoplasmic bridge between cells
D. Gap – junctions
29. Which is not a feature of skeletal muscle:

A. Cylindrical shaped
B. Syncytium
C. Striations
D. Multiple nucleus
30. All of the followings features are seen in neurons
from dorsal root ganglion except:

A. They have centrally located nuclei

B. They are derived from neural crest cells
C. They are multipolar
D. They contain lipofuscin granules

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