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By: Bederio, April Jay O. Bernabe,Erika Joy T.

Esperanza, Mary Grace

As career competition grows rapidly vicious in the working world, the importance of being able to do well in school provide one greater opportunity in ones chosen career in the future. Being a college student has many obstacles to overcome in order to achieve their optimal academic performance. It takes a lot more than just studying to achieve a successful college career. Different social factors may affect students academic performance, one of this is influence of peers. Peers as defined are the people whom do you identify and spend most of the time. In children and teens, they are usually, but not always, of the same group. In adults, peers may be determined less by age and more of by shared interests or profession. Peer pressure occurs when an individual experiences implied or expressed persuasion to adopt similar values, beliefs, and goals in order to participate actively as those in the peer group. Involving in a peer group may result either positively or negatively. Peer pressure by itself can either be positive or negative, for example, both high and low academic achievements are closely linked to peer influences. Several studies confirm research findings that value of the peer group with whom the students spends most time and a stronger factor in students level of academic success than the values, attitudes, and support provided by the family compared to others who started with the same grades, students whose families were not especially supportive, but who spent time with an academically oriented peer group go better grades. Those students whose families stressed academics but who spent time with peers and whose orientation was not toward academic excellence performed less well. In study, after study, peer pressure is associated in adolescents of all ethnic and racial backgrounds with at risk behaviors such as cigarette smoking, truancy, drug use, social activity, fighting, and shop lifting and daredevil stunts. Again, peer group values and attitudes influence more strongly than do family values the level of teenagers alcohol use. The more accepting peers are of risky behavior and the more they participate in that behavior, the more likely a person is to do the same thing. Peer pressure can either be expressed or implied. In expressed peer pressure a boy may be challenged by the group to prove your manhood by having sex or performing a risky stunt such as riding roof. Girls may be told that if they want to be part of a group they must do something

Implied peer pressure is more subtle and can be harder to combat. For example, a group of girls may make fun of the way another girl is dressed, pressuring members of their group to dress only in one acceptable style often young people who look, dress, act differently who have significant interests that differ from those of their age group become outcasts because of the pressure groups place on their members not to associate with anyone unlike themselves. This can lead the reject person to feel desperate and depressed. Peer groups have so much influence especially with adolescents, because no matters inappropriate it seems to adults, belonging to a group really does give something significant to the young person. Peer groups provide a place where an individual feels accepted, themselves, and where their self-esteem is enhanced. Some psychologists who point but that life become simpler when we conform to expectations. Young people with same problem and on the same situations as themselves and where they feel they will be understood and accepted. There is a very strong need to satisfy that thirst for unity and for acceptance the feeling of belonging is a very powerful force that can outweigh ties to church, school, family and community. However, peer pressure effect depends on the group you belong. There are many risks, as mentioned above, especially when your friends results to negative peer pressure. With these vices from negative peer pressure, it deprives the concentration and motivation of an individual to excel in his academic performance in school. Peer pressure is very powerful because of everyday accompaniment with your friends; you will be able to cope and adopt their habits either bad or good, only to have the essence of belongingness. Dependency to your

Foreign Depression and Teen Girls By: Elizabeth A. Allen Warning Signs and What Parents Can Do Could your teenage daughter be suffering from depression? If you have reason to be concerned, you may want to learn more about the startling incidence of depression in teenage girls. Ten percent of teenage girls suffer at least one depressive episode per year, according to a University of Alberta - Canada study. The study, which analyzed data on more than 1,300 young men and women between the ages of 12 and 19, also found that the number of girls who admitted to a depressive episode within the last year was twice as high as the number of boys. Girls in their late teens (ages 16 to 19) appeared to be more prone to serious depressive episodes. Head researcher Nancy Galambos, Ph.D., believes that hormonal turmoil and the social anxieties that come with adolescence combine to put teen girls at risk. "Problems with peers, difficulties in romantic relationships and family changes might occur in relatively short order and combine with the physical and hormonal changes of puberty to create vulnerability," Galambos notes. A person may be suffering from a major depressive episode if he or she shows many of the following symptoms regularly for at least two weeks: A sad, withdrawn mood Weight loss or gain, accompanied by a disturbance in appetite (losing interest in food or eating more than usual) Sleep disturbances (insomnia or too much sleep) A change in general energy level (becoming very lethargic or very antsy) Persistent fatigue and lack of motivation Feelings of worthlessness Inability to concentrate Frequent thoughts about death, which may include thoughts of killing oneself. What Parents Can Do If you believe your daughter or a teen acquaintance may be depressed, try these recommendations:

Offer help. In addition to you, perhaps she could talk to a school counselor, a member of the clergy or someone from a local or national hotline - The Samariteens, for example, 800-252-8336. Suggest treatment. Depressive episodes are fully treatable, usually through a combination of antidepressant drugs and short- or long-term counseling. A girl and her parents should always consult their primary health-care provider or a mental health professional to determine what treatment is best. For further information, visit the National Institute of Mental Health online at Elizabeth A. Allen is a former editorial assistant for, used with permission.

Students bare their peer pressure moments By Angelica Y. Yang Philippine Daily Inquirer DateFirst Posted 22:05:00 05/29/2010 By choosing their friends wisely, they survive-amazingly WHAT IS PEER pressure? ?It?s the ever-present impulse to fit in with ?popular? people,? says 13-year-old E. Claire, an incoming high school freshman in an exclusive girls? school in Metro Manila. ?[It?s] thinking that being one of them will make one be liked and accepted by their fellow students,? she adds. For 15-year-old Aikikyle, an incoming junior in an all-boys school in Metro Manila, peer pressure is all about ?students trying to protect their status so that they will remain ?cool.? They want to be accepted by the whole student body, so if you don?t do what the others do, you?re considered weird.?

Thirteen-year-old Andromeda Porter had her own rude awakening to peer pressure as she was graduating from grade school.
?All of us were invited to the farewell party, and we were supposed to meet a week after graduation at McDonald?s with no parents, just a maid. When I told my parents that, they refused to let me go. When I told my classmates about it, I was like, ?This is so unfair!?? Aquaprincess11121, also 13, says she felt peer pressure ?when lots of people were sharing answers during a quiz, and another, when all the girls wore their hair in this certain style.? For 17-year-old Prettywildnat, it ?would mean friends encouraging you to abuse substances like alcohol and get stupid in parties.?

Worst experience
It gets most unbearable when the whole class gangs up on you?exactly what Boadicea, a 15-year-old high school student in Zamboanga, went through. ?I think that the worst experience I had with peer pressure was when I was shunned by everybody for doing something I thought was right, though everybody else thought it was not my business. I told a friend her boyfriend was cheating on her. Everyone was pressuring me to keep quiet or just take back what I said, but I wouldn?t, because I knew it was wrong. It was hard at first, because no one in class talked to me since they were all friends with the guy. But it gradually passed and they had to apologize.? But Boadicea says living and studying in the province has its quirks. Peer pressure over smoking, drinking and sex is not the main issue of girls her age. Teenage ?provincianas,? she says, are all about ?needing to have a boy- or girlfriend.? The pressure is so great, she adds, that ?it makes other people say ?yes? to suitors who they barely even know, or mistake infatuation for the real thing.? City dweller Prettywildnat nearly gave in to alcohol and drugs, just to belong. ?I admit there were times I was tempted to indulge in them,? she admits. E. Claire, who finished valedictorian in grade school, was witness to friends who succumbed to peer pressure.

?I?ve seen people whose grades dropped and whose personalities took a turn for the worse because their supposed friends pressured them to conform to a warped version of ?cool.? It?s frightening how easily negative peer pressure can destroy your life, just so you could feel like you belonged, even for a fleeting moment.? Group support For Aikikyle, that feeling of belonging (and overcoming peer pressure) meant joining organizations. ?My organization helps me meet new people and help people in need, especially the youth at risk,? she says. Aikikyle is an active member of his school?s social action group. ?As we contribute to society, we also form a family as well.? Strong family ties helped Prettywildnat overcome peer pressure. ?I worked hard to be a good student and earn the trust of my parents. I didn?t want to throw that away all too easily. I?m very proud to say the friends I surround myself with are good influences and would always remind me of the consequences of my actions. Through all these, I am able to guard myself against unwanted peer pressure and unnecessary mistakes. Keep in mind that with confidence in oneself and faith in God, one will always succeed during difficult moments.? Aquaprincess11121 says she turns to prayer when she?s confronted with peer pressure. ?I pray to God to help me overcome peer pressure because it?s kind of the only thing that helps me, actually.? Sense of assurance Boadicea says: ?If you?ve got self-confidence, self-reliance and responsibility, peer pressure will most likely not affect you as much as it affects others. Usually, the people who give in to peer pressure are those who are insecure, or those who lack friends or need a sense of assurance that they can be accepted.? While self-acceptance may be tough to have at such a young age, E. Claire believes it becomes a doable goal when one gets a little push from friends who really care. ?Overcoming peer pressure is a matter of keeping a positive self-image and sticking with the kind of people who can help me maintain just that,? she says. ?When I appreciate who I am and know what I?m capable of, there is no reason for me to be pressured into doing something only because ?everyone else? is doing it.? Crazylittlegrasshopper01 gives this advice: ?Choose friends carefully. Have a solid support systemof family, friends, teachers and your faith. And know thyself.?

This chapter presents the method of research used, method of collecting data and development of the research instrument, sampling design and statistical treatment of data. Method of Research Used The researchers descriptive employed the descriptive method of research. Descriptive method also known as statistical research, it is fact finding with adequate and exact interpretation of findings. It describes and interprets what actually exists such as, current condition practice situation or other phenomena. Since the present study was concerned with the Peer pressure of the Nursing Students in Arellano University-Pasig, this method of research was deemed the best method to use. Method of Collecting Data and Development of Research Instrument The instrument used to gather data was survey questionnaires because the researchers considered using the survey method gathering data considering the time constraint. It was supported by interviews from reliable individuals who where much knowledgeable about the topic. The question were structured in such a way that the respondents will just have check question has corresponding answer to the question.

Data Gathering Procedure The following is the procedure of the study: Formulation of the title for the study. Formulation of the Main Problems Formulation of the survey questionnaires. The ideas of formulating the survey questionnaire were based on the topic, although research was conducted to acquire information and ideas in order to form a good questionnaire. Administration of the questionnaires. The researchers conducted survey on the Nursing Student of Arellano University-Pasig. Retrieval of the questionnaire and tallying responses. This section shows the tally or the results of the survey conducted by researchers.

SAMPLING DESIGN The researchers used random sampling, following the Slovens Formula to get the samples of the respondents needed for the survey questionnaire. It is the method wherein the researchers had to meet the desired numbers of respondents from the Nursing Students of Arellano University-Pasig. Statistical Treatment Data The researchers used frequency and percentage techniques to get the sample of the respondents needed of the survey questionnaire, as follow:

%= f/N X 100 Where: %= Percentage f= frequency N= Total number of respondents

Below 15 yrs. Old 18-20 yrs. Old 15-17 yrs. Old 20 yrs. Old above

0% 20% 30%


Age. Table 1 shows the age of the respondents. Out of 20 respondents, 6 among them or 30 % is aging 15-17 years old, 10 of them or 50% is 18-20 years old, while 4 of 20 respondents or 20% is 20 years old above and none of them is aging 15 years old below.


Age Below 15 yrs. Old 15-17 yrs. Old 18-20 yrs. Old 20 yrs. Old above total

Number 6 10 4 20

Percentage 30 50 20 100

Rank 4 2 1 3

Male Female



Gender. Table 2 presents the gender of the respondents, based on 20 respondents which is equivalent to 100%. Out of 20 respondents their gender is equal to 16 or 80% are females and 4 or 20% are males.

Table 2 GENDER













Civil Status
Single Married Separated Widowed



Civil status. . Table 3 shows the civil status of the respondents. Out of 20 respondents, 19 among them or 95% are single, 1 of them or 5% is married and none of them is separated or widowed.


Civil status













Economic Status
Low income Middle class High income




Economic status. It reveals that 4 or 20% belongs to low income group, 12 or 60% belongs to middle class group and 4 0r 20% belongs to high income group.


Economic status




Low income


Middle class



High income





Spoken pressure
Threatening to leave someone out or end a freindship. Giving reasons to do something or why it would be okay to do it Others Insulting or calling names to make someone feel bad. Lying about something in order to satisfy your peers.

5% 15%




Spoken Pressure. Table 5 presents the Insulting or calling names to make someone feel bad have 3 or 15 % while giving reasons to do something or why it would be okay to do it is 12 or 60 % and lying about something in order to satisfy your peers is 4 or 20%. Threatening to leave someone and other answer is none.

Spoken pressure Threatening to leave someone out or end a freindship.

Number -

Percentage -

Rank -

Insulting or calling names to make someone feel bad.

Giving reasons to do something or why it would be okay to do it Lying about something in order to satisfy your peers. Others Total

12 4 1 20

60 20 5 100

1 2 4

Unspoken pressure
1 2 3 4 5 Others Total






10% 3%

Table 6 UNSPOKEN PRESSURE Unspoken Pressure. Table 6 reveals A group stands together talking or laughing is 6 or 30% and Students who think theyre so smart is 2 or 10%, Popular students simply buy or wear or something is 4 or 20 %, Doing what friends do is 3 or 15%, and Peer pressure influence your studies is 4 or 20% with other answer by the respondents is 1 or 5%.

Unspoken pressure A group stands together talking or laughing Students who think theyre so smart Popular students simply buy or wear or do something Doing what friends do

Number 6 2 4 3

Percentage 30 10 20 15

Rank 1 4 2 3

Peer pressure influence your studies

Others Total

1 20

5 100


Table 7 Effects of Peer Pressure and the underlying problem when it comes to the studies of Nursing Students in Arellano University-Pasig
Underlying Problems
1. Spending time with peer group 2. Do something that is Wrong to stay with friend

Weighted Mean
1.8 2

Disaagree Disaagree

3. I Sometimes go along with my friends to keep them happy 4. It's hard for my peers to get me change my mind 5. I would break the Law 6. I give my true opinion 7. I take more risk 8. I act the same way 9. I study hard 10. Be myself

2.55 2.3 2.1 2.55 2.1 2.1 2.55 2.3

Maybe Disagree Disagree Maybe Disagree Disagree Maybe Disagree

11. I preffer to participate to school activities

12, My peer group is a good influence 13. My Peer Group is a bad influence

2.4 1.7

Disagree Disagree


3(3) + 2(10) + 1(7)= 1.8 20 3(2) + 2(16) + 1(2)= 2 20 3(13) + 2(5) + 1(2) = 2.55 20 3(9) + 2(8) + 1(3)= 2.3 20 3(4) + 2(14) + 1(2) = 2.1 20 3(13) + 2(5) + 1(2) = 2.55 20 3(6) + 2(10) + 1(4) = 2.1 20

3(9) + 2(4) + 1(7) = 2.1 20 3(15) + 2(1) +1(4) = 2.55 20 3(10) + 2(6) + 1(4) = 2.3 20 3(9) + 2(6) + 1(5) = 2.2 20 3(13) + 2(2) + 1(5) = 2.4 20 3(3) + 2(8) + 1(9) = 1.7 20

The following are the findings of the study: On the types of peer pressure of the nursing students in Arellano University-Pasig . The total respondents of 20 or 100%, Insulting or calling names to make someone feel bad have 3 while giving reasons to do something or why it would be okay to do it is 12 or and lying about something in order to satisfy your peers is 4 or . Threatening to leave someone and other answer is none. On unspoken pressure A group stands together talking or laughing is 6 and Students who think theyre so smart is 2 , Popular students simply buy or wear or do something is 4 , Doing what friends do is 3 , and Peer pressure influence your studies is 4 or with other answer by the respondents is 1.

On the effects of peer pressure and the underlying problems when it comes to the studies of Nursing Students in Arellano University-Pasig. Spend more time with peer group Based on the survey results it shows that the Nursing students like to spend more time with their peer group than to study their lesson had a weighted mean of 1.8. Do something that is wrong Based on the survey results it shows that the Nursing students like to do something that they know is wrong just to stay on their friends good side had a weighted mean of 2. Go along with their friends just to keep them happy Based on the survey results it shows that the Nursing students like to go along with their friends just to keep them happy had a weighted mean of 2.55. Its pretty hard for my peers to get me to change my mind Based on the survey results it shows that the Nursing students hard for their peers to get them change their minds had a weighted mean of 2.3.

Break the law if their peers said that they would. Based on the survey results it shows that the Nursing students that break the law if their peers said that they would had a weighted mean of 2.1. Always give true opinion in front of friends and peers Based on the survey results it shows that the Nursing students always gives true opinion in fr ont of friends and peers had a weighted mean of 2.55 Taking more risk when with peer group Based on the survey results it shows that the Nursing students taking more risk when with peer group had a weighted mean of 2.1. Acts the same way when alone and with peers Based on the survey results it shows that the Nursing students acts the same way when alone and with peers had a weighted mean of 2.1

Study hard even though their peers does not

Based on the survey results it shows that the Nursing students like to study hard even though their peers does not had a weighted mean of 2.55
Thinks its more important to be myself than fit in with the crowd to Thinks its more important to be myself than fit in with the crowd had a weighted mean of 2.3. I prefer to participate to school activities with my peers for extra credit than doing something that doesnt help my studies. Based on the survey results it shows that the Nursing students like to participate to school activities with my peers for extra credit than doing something that doesnt help my studies had a weighted mean of 2.2. Based on the survey results it shows that the Nursing students like

Peer is a good influence Based on the survey results it shows that the Nursing students said peers is a good influence had a weighted mean of 2.4.

Peer is a bad influence

Based on the survey results it shows that the Nursing students said peers is a bad influence had a weighted mean of 1.7. Conclusion:

Based on the weighted mean computed. It shows that the BSN Student of Arellano University-Pasig disagree to peer pressure making it a bad effect to them.

APRIL JAY O. BEDERIO 204 90 RR St. Soldiers Village, Brgy. Sta. Lucia, Pasig City 901-90-70 / 09994547559 PERSONAL PREFERENCES: Age 17 Date of birth December 6, 1993 Place of birth Manila Nationality Filipino Civil status Single Height 53 Weight 55 Sex Male Language / dialect spoken and written Filipino, English Fathers name Ceriaco D. Bederio Jr. Mothers name Estilita O. Bederio EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT: Arellano University Bachelor of Science in nursing Caniogan, Pasig City 2009 to present Sta. Lucia High School 2008 2009 Lady of Roses School Pasig 2005-2008 Lady of Roses School Pasig 2002-2005 San Francisco Elementary School 2000-2002 Francisco P. Felix Elementary School 1999-2000

ERIKA JOY T. BERNABE 1140 kamagong St. Napico Manggahan, Pasig City 09994547442 PERSONAL PREFERENCES: Age Date of birth Place of birth Nationality Civil status Height Weight Sex Language / dialect spoken and written Fathers name Mothers name EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT: Arellano University Bachelor of Science in nursing Caniogan, Pasig City 2009 to present La Immaculada Concepcion School 2005-2009 MES-Napico Annex Elementary School 2002-2005 Star Of Hope Christian School 1999-2002 CAREER OBJECTIVE: To be a competent professional nurse. SEMINAR ATTENDED: Forensic nursing 2010

Filipino, English Elmer S. Bernabe Delia T. Bernabe

17 October 20, 1993 Rizal Medical Center Filipino Single 51 51 Female

MARY GRACE R. ESPERANZA Blk 65 lot2 spring beauty St. corner Sampaguita extention, Rizal, Makati City 09262023250 PERSONAL PREFERENCES: Age 18 Date of birth August 3, 1993 Place of birth Makati Nationality Filipino Civil status Single Height 54 Weight 55 Sex Female Language / dialect spoken and written Filipino, English Fathers name Eduardo O. Esperanza Mothers name Dolores R. Esperanza EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT: Arellano University Bachelor of Science in nursing Caniogan, Pasig City 2009 to present Benigno Aquino High School 2005 2009 Pembo Elementary School 1999-2005 CAREER OBJECTIVE: To be a competent professional nurse. SEMINAR ATTENDED: Forensic nursing 2010 SKILLS: cooking

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