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What is automotive mechanics?
Apply principles of
physics and
1. 3.
Study the forms Study various
of generation and elements that
transmission of make up the
movement in a structure of the
vehicle. vehicle.
History of automotive mechanics
Heron of Alexandria Engineer Ma Jun
invents the first steam creates the first car In 1206, Al Jazari
engine. with a gear published the first
differential. book on mechanics.

In ancient Greece, In the 15th century,

Archimedes laid the Isaac Newton
foundations of mechanics. presented his three
Newton's Laws.
Main elements that study automotive
Distributes or interrupts the
Facilitates the exit and entry of
transmission of mechanical
gases into the vehicle cylinders.
energy to its action.

3. 5.
Crankshaft Timing belt
It is used to convert the Synchronizes the rotation of the
reciprocating motion of a piston 4. crankshaft and camshaft in the
into a rotary motion. Engine engine.
It is responsible for
operating the complete
system of a unit.
Duties of an automotive mechanic

- Carry out the diagnosis of the vehicle's condition.

- Prepare a budget that covers repairs and work applied.
- Dismantle the engine parts and other elements for repair.
- Replace damaged parts optimally and safely.
- Assemble the engine and other parts for testing. Guide the client regarding the
correct operation of the vehicle.

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