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Classroom Observation


Loving Lord,
We praise and Glorify your name, We are
humbly asking for your guidance throughout
the day. May we have the wisdom to understand
today’s lesson.
We are thankful that today we are alive and
well, that we are given another chance to partake
with the fullness of life and most specially to have
the opportunity to do good and be of service
Playing Game:
*It is considered as the basic unit of life.
*It is the control center of the cell.
*It contains the genetic maternal called
genes. DNA

*It is the basic unit of heredity. Genes

Celular reproduction is what
makes our bodies grow and
develop. One type of cellular
reproduction is mitosis
Group Activity
Phases of Mitosis
Prophase- is the first phase of
mitosis, the process that separates
the duplicated genetic material
carried in the nucleus of a parent
cell into two identical daughter
cells. During prophase, the
complex of DNA and proteins
contained in the nucleus, known
as chromatin, condenses.
Prometaphase -the process that separates the
duplicated genetic material carried in the nucleus of
a parent cell into two identical daughter cells.
During prometaphase, the physical barrier that
encloses the nucleus, called the nuclear envelope,
breaks down. The breakdown of the nuclear
envelope frees the sister chromatids from the
nucleus, which is necessary for separating the
nuclear material into two cells. Another important
event during prometaphase is the development of a
protein formation called a kinetochore around the
centromere, the central point joining the sister
chromatids. Long protein filaments called
kinetochore microtubules extend from poles on
either end of the cell and attach to the kinetochores.
Metaphase is a stage during the
process of cell division (mitosis or
meiosis). Normally, individual
chromosomes are spread out in the
cell nucleus. During metaphase,
the nucleus dissolves and the cell's
chromosomes condense and move
Metaphase together, aligning in the center of
the dividing cell.
Anaphase is the fourth phase of
mitosis, the process that
separates the duplicated genetic
material carried in the nucleus of
a parent cell into two identical
daughter cells.
Telophase is the fifth and final
phase of mitosis, the process that
separates the duplicated genetic
material carried in the nucleus of
a parent cell into two identical
daughter cells. Telophase begins
once the replicated, paired
chromosomes have been separated
and pulled to opposite sides, or
poles, of the cell.
•First situation:
*Second situation:
•Third situation:
Thank you
very much!!

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