Tour and Travel 3

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FRIDAY 9:30am-11/3-4:30pm

In the tourism industry, a travel agency (middleman) and tour operator (or the so
called whole seller travel agencies of the industry) play a vital role in giving services
to visitors or guests.
Accordingly, a TOUR OPERATOR, is defined, as an entity which may either be a
single proprietorship, partnership, or corporation regularly engaged in the business
of extending to individuals or groups, such as services pertaining to arrangements
and bookings for transportation and or accommodation, handling and or conduct of
inbound tours whether or not for a fee, commission, or any form of compensation.
Based on this definition, the following are some
key points about a tour operator:
1. It is an entity which may either be a single prorietorship, partnership, or corporation
regularly engaged in the business. A travel agency and tour operator may be owned by a
private individual or a group of persons, forming either partnership or corporation
according to the governing laws of Philippine commerce.
2. The services of a tour operator is extended to individuals or groups. They are the
different classes of tourists according to their numbers or their interests. However, such
numbers are usually single in nature, double, triple or group of individuals.
3. The services offered pertain to arrangements and bookings for transportation and or
accommodation. These are in partnership or with contract with different tour suppliers
hotel, resort or any transportation companies for land, air, sea transfers and cruises. All
these tour suppliers, which are usually accredited by the Department of Tourism.
Based on this definition, the following are some
key points about a tour operator:

4. It handles and or conduct inbound tours. However, in reality, tour operators can
also handle other tours like outbound tours.
5. Tour operators are earning for a fee, commission, or any for of compensation. In
giving services to the guests, the tour operators are given by other tourism suppliers
through commission.
How to Establish a Travel Agency

1. Start deciding. If you want it your own or with another person.

2. Decide on the location. Every city or municipality has their own minimal requirement about
the office to where it will handle its operations.
3. Think of a travel agency name. It should be unique and has no other sound like names.
4. Register the travel agency by starting with barangay permit/clearance.
5. After having the barangay clearance, register the name of the nearest Department of Trade
and Industry local office. If corporation and partnership, submit all requirement to the
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
How to Establish a Travel Agency

6. After all the documents are released, proceed to the municipal or city office where the office of the travel agency will operate to process the necessary
7. There will be inspection by the officer to the travel agency office to check if the latter passes their requirement or standard facilities.
8. Next to process are the papers or licenses from the Social Secuity System (SSS) for the safeguard of the company employees and the insurance of
the company’s official receipt by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR).
9. For the accreditation, a travel agency of tour operator is advised to be accredited by the Department of Tourism to be able to transact business to more
10. For those travel agencies who want to assist guests for their documentations with Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) and Bureau of Immigration
(BOI), the owner may file first a bond with the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), before applying permits with the former offices.
A. For assisting guests in securing their passports and authentications of papers, they have to apply with Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA).
B. For assisting guests with visa or extension of stay in the Philippines, they have to apply with the Bureau of Immigration and Deportation (BID).
NOTE: Before a travel agency may be allowed to transact business with a government office, it should apply certain requirements with the Government
Service Insurance System (GSIS).
11. There are tourism-related organizations of tourism suppliers. They are open for membership to better their services in the industry. The Philippine
Travel Agencies Association or PTAA and Philippine Tour Operators Association or PHILTOA are the two leading industry organization in the country.
They allow travel agencies to be their members only after proper submission of their requirements, including the business permits and accreditations
from the Department of Tourism.
Important Details in Opening a Travel Agency

The Travel Agency Name

The name of the Travel Agency is one key point to consider in opening the
business. It should not only be unique, but also easy to remember for
marketing purposes. The name also reflects the image of the said company,
so it should be very a tourism and service oriented one.
Think of a least five Travel Agency Name which are
original and unique that best describe the company. You
may also include the meaning of the name. In checking,
note if there is already the same name in the Internet or in
the list already accredited by Department of Tourism. If
there is, you cannot use it as your company name to avoid
misleading information to the public.
Successful companies became stronger and stable because they are focused on what their mission and vision are all about. It will be
the core of the travel agency in serving their clients or transacting business with their tourism industry colleagues. It is just time to think
and write below your mission in establishing your travel agency and write at least three visions that you think that your company should
Mission Statement and Philosophy As members of the [Company Name] management team, we provide the highest level of travel
management in the industry. We believe that consistent, ethical and quality performance with our customers, vendors, employees and
community will result in loyal, long-term relationships.

What is the main purpose of travel agency?
• Business travel agencies, also known as travel management companies, provide travel-related services
with discounts and perks, which can be adjusted to meet the company’s travel policy and duty of care for
business travellers.

What is the mission of the agency?

• An agency mission statement is a simple outline of the agency’s overall goal. It should be phrased in
terms of meeting the needs of current and potential clients, and should indicate your business emphasis.
Whatever is used should highlight positive agency features and make some form of commitment.

What is meant by mission statement?

• A mission statement is used by a company to explain, in simple and concise terms, its purpose(s) for
being. The mission statement is usually one sentence or a short paragraph, explaining its culture, values,
and ethics.
From your locality, choose a place where you are going to establish
your tavel agency. You may also ask your city or municipal officers the
best place to establish one.
There are locations that are already congested of the same business,
and the local officers are not permitting the establishment in such. In
considering the place, it should be near your target market. The
importance of choosing a commercial space for the office is to bring in
walk-in guests, who will bring more business transactions.

Below is a space provided to draw your location map and highlight that nearby
businesses that may be a possible market.

The company logo symbolizes that whole organization and business just
like the company name. It should reflect the entire travel agency. It
should be well defined and well-illustrated.
The fonts to be used are readable and may include your business tag
line. The icons must be well define and even the colors used must have
 Travel industry is a dynamic and changing industry. It continously
adapts to the needs of the travelling clients. This fact enables tour
operators and industry suppliers to convene and meet to answer the
demands of their clienteles.
 The industry organizations are formed according to the vision and
mission that they are incorporated, but generally to improve travel
products and services among their members. They usually conduct
regular meetings to study, know and improve travel services of their
associate companies. They regularly held meetings, seminars and
conventions to disseminate updated information that could help both
travel suppliers, travel agencies and allied companies.
The following are the well-known tourism suppliers organizations.
 Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA)
 The International Air Transport Association (IATA)
 Phil Tour Operators Association Inc. (PHILTOA)
 Phil Travel Agencies Association (PTAA)
ACTIVITY - Search the Internet about the Tourism
expositions of the following Industry keyplayers

Organization Activities/Exposition Place and Date of Activity

Philippine Tour Operators


Philippine Travel Agencies


Department of Tourism

Based from your company mision-vision, draw in the space below the details of your
logo with the company name. Make sure that it is unique and there is no look alike of
it nor similar in details.

Travel agencies may offer different services to many tourism suppliers.

1. Domestic tours - may refer to local tour packages for local guests.
2. Inbound tours - may refer to local tours for foreign guests who are visiting the

NOTE: That it is important to know the distinction between domestic and inbound tours
and travels. The tourism suppliers usually offer promotional tour packages to local
tourists and balikbayan. They also provide special contracted rates for certain foriegn
For some suppliers, they have a certain travel market (may be single or group tourists,
or may be domestic, inbound or outbound guests), that they are focused on servicing,
the reason they are providing separate contracted rates among other nationals.

3. International Tours - these are tours for those going out of the

Travel companies may also offer other tourism related services like the
1. Hotel/Resort/Airline Reservations - This involves booking and
reservations of guests to tourism suppliers. It is recommended that said
tourism suppliers hotels, resorts, airlines, etc. should be accredited by
the Department of Tourism.

2. Documentations
A. Passport Assistance - may include the assistance of getting the appearance
date for the guests, prepare their need documentations like NSO Birth
Certificate/Marriage Certificare (if applicable) and assist the guests on their
appearance date with the DFA Officer.
B. Visa Assistance - may include assistance to guests who want to apply for visa
to foriegn lands. For foreigners, it may also refer to assistance for their Philippine
visa or extensions.
C. Authentications Assistance - includes assistance to authenticate the public
documents of guests for travel purposes. the travel agency’s documentation
officer processes it in the government office concerned. Example of these
documents to authenticate are NSo birth certificate/marriage certificate, school
records to be authenticated by DFA.

In selecting your company employees, you should think of the

tasks and their credentials. In reality, multi-tasking is very
common in any travel agency offices.
However, take caution as to respect the rights of each
employee as well as his/her capacity to work efficiently.
There are some concerns in selecting the employees: These
are the following:

1. Character - It is one of the most important considerations in choosing

an employee. A travel agency is a service-oriented business that needs
people who are always positive, cheerful, energetic, and very hospitable
with everyone.
2. Academic - These are theories that are needed in the business and it
can best be applied if the work opportunities are filled with the correct
people with the right academic background. A BS Tourism Management
graduate is commonly needed in the job.
There are some concerns in selecting the employees: These are the following:

3. Skills - Most work in the travel agency need skills, especially in doing multi
tasking jobs. The employee may assist guests while talking to a tour supplier. In
some matters, a tour coordinator is an all round person in assisting guests while
on tour.
4. Other requirements:
A. Age is one consideration - As long as the employee is of legal age, and
employable, age is not a problem.
B. Sex - In some travel agency, they are considering if they need men or women.
However, men are most likely hired in field works while women are hired for
office work.
C. Attitude towards word and co-employees is one of the criteria of travel agency
owners or managers - This will guarantee on how the applicant employee can
contribute to the growth of the company. Employers are always looking for
someone who is hardworking, goal driven, and knows how to relate with co-
There are also positions to fill-in. For an established organization, the
following are the positions that require high expectations from its

1. Managerial position - This position is the mind of the company. They

are the decision making people with high standard skills and knowledge.
They may pertain to the director, manager for inbound tours, or manager
for outbound tours.
2. Rank and file - They are the soul and the front liners of the company.
They are the people who accommodate and directly serve the guests.
They may be the reservations officer, the accounting staff, the liaison
officers, messengers or the maintenance staff.
Search the Internet for job openings in travel agencies and write down their work
qualifications (5).

A. For Travel Agency Manager

B. For Reservations Officer/Travel Counselor
C. For Travel Agency Accounting Staff
D. For Documentations/Messengers (Other Field Officers)
 The market pertains to those who are possible clients of the travel business. It varies in so many ways,
depending on different factors. Knowing the desired destinations of the guests, their desired activities,
orientations and their number determine what services to offer them.
 A. According to destinations
1. Local/domestic tourists - local guests who want to visit other domestic destinations.
2. Inbound tourists - guests from other country, visiting the Philippines local destinations.
 B. According to psychological orientation (Goeldner)
1. Psychocentric guests - tourists who want to have lighter activities, who are not adventurous in nature,
during tours like bird watching.
2. Midcentric guests - guests who may either want to have lighter or extreme activities during tours.
3. Allocentric guests - guests who want to have extreme activities during tours.
C. According to number (for room
accommodation and transportation purposes
1. Single - a person who will visit a place alone by him/herself.
2. Double or twin - two persons visiting a place. Double may pertain to couples or honeymooners
sharing on big bed.
3. Triple - three guests who may occupy a room or transfers. Usually the third person may have the
extra bed while the two may have the regular bed.
4. Group - may pertain to three or more persons but in a travel agency setting, it may refer to a
larger number of people like 15, 20 or more. Numbers really matter especially in costing since
some suppliers may provide free of charge (FOC) to a group requirement. Sometimes, their FOC
varies for every minimum depends on their supplier concerned.
D. According to profession or other orientation

1. Businessmen - possible clients, found especially in commercial districts. They usually travel
because of commerce or business and is said to have the budget given by their company.
2. Students - individuals who travel in group to have certain exposure on their given field.
3. Walk-ins - individuals who would inquire about certain travel details and might purchase a travel
4. Backpackers - individuals who usually walk-in, inquiring for cheaper and the most affordable tour
services available.
5. Honeymooners - they travel with their partners to celebrate love.
Based on the different kinds of guests, think of those clients who would get your services as a
travel agent. You may also get an idea based from your travel agency location. Write at least
five market that may be present on your given location. (Justify why)

A travel agency’s basic skill is to know and practice the phonetic alphabets. It is one of
the skills that a travel agency staff uses every day. It is used to spell out words and other
details to the tour suppliers.
Write down five names that you know and spell it using the codes corresponding the
letters. Make sure that you spell it out clearly and correctly in the shortest period of time.
Phonetic Alphabets
A Alpha N Nancy/November
B Bravo O Oscar
C Charlie P Papa
D Delta Q Quebec
E Echo R Romeo
F Foxtrot S Sierra
G Golf T Tango
H Hotel U Uniform
I India V Victor
J Jack/Juliet W Whiskey
K Kilo X X-ray
L Lima Y Yankee
M Mama Z Zulu/Zebra


Local Tours/Inbound Outbound Tours Division Chief Accountant Marketing Sales Division
Tours Division Supervisor Supervisor

Reservation Officers Reservation Officers Cashier Marketing and Sales Office

Documentations Officers Accountant

Manager’s Guide
 Being a manager of a travel agency needs to have a dynamic attitude and should be applied to all situations that surrounds
the business. Managers and directors should be very open to all possibilities with positive attitude and intelligent actions in
dealing business because the life of the travel agency is dependent on them.
 A. In Office Operations and Management
1. Make sure that the company is dynamic and able to compete with the changing ways of the industry. Example, the
manager should know ways on how to handle competitions with on-line travel agencies.
2. Think on how to improve tour services, which are unique with its competitors.
3. Widen the tour business throgh expansion and feasibility of services.
4. Always be informed of the Department of Tourism updates as well as the other tourism organizations.
 B. In Managing the Tour Supplier’s Relation
1. Built a good business relationship with other tour suppliers.
2. Always be updated with the tour supplier’s services.
3. Participate with the tour supplier’s industry activities like familiarization tours.
Manager’s Guide
C. In Managing Staff
1. Always build a corporate relation with the staffs.
2. Be open to staff’s corporate suggestions and review accordingly. Since the staffs are the ones
directly or the frontliners of the company, they can sense the needs of the guests or their
suggestions to better the tour products.
3. Have regular meetings with the employees to know matters like office problems and
4. Always have equal employment relations with the staff.
5. Solve employee problems professionally.
 According to Oxford Dictionay, Reservation means an arrangement whereby something, especially a seat or room, is
reserved for a particular person.
 In a travel agency setting, it is an act of reserving a seat, accommodation or transfer of guests with his/her preference, or
travel needs.
 The reservation process is a direct communication between a travel agency and the tour supplier to reserve or block a
particular room, seat or services for a particular guest or group.
 In this procedure, the travel agency will know the status or confirmation of its request with the supplier before the
reservations officer will advise the said status to his guest, for payment and issuance of voucher.
 Examples of reservations may either include:
1. a hotel room with breakfast
2. a seat in airlines, sea and land transfers (including car, van, coaster, bus or even rail)
3. services of tour coordinator or tour guide
4. may pertain to all of the above
 A Reservations Officer is not only a ticketing officer but also an all-around, know it all person. He/she is the most skilled
person in the office.
 The reservation officer knows all the products and services of the travel agency. The products may pertain to the resort,
hotel, transportations and the like.
 He/she should also have knowledge on how much it costs from promo to the contracted rate and the published rate.
 He/she also know all contracts or contracted rates between the travel agency and the tour suppliers hotel, airlines,
resorts and the like.
 The approach may be very basic but if the reservations officers will be negligent, he/she may ruin the tour expectations of
the guest and even the name of the travel agency/
 The reason, travel agents are the one of the most reliable and highly skilled persons in the tourism industry. He or she
should know all the operations and the services of the travel agency or tour operator.
Search the net. Look for at least 3 domestic airlines and 10 international airlines and
list down their routes or destination offering. Write all the cities and its corresponding

Airline Airline Code City/Destination and City

Domestic Airlines

International Airlines

Get sample airline booking card/ticket - Domestic

Get sample airline booking card/ticket - International
The following are the step by step process how to make and finalize a reservation:
A. For walk-ins
1. The reservation officer should always wear proper uniform and identification for the guest to acknowledge.
2. Greet the guest with a smile.
3. Get the information from the guest, using the reservation’s form.
4. Ask the guest if he/she has other preferences or options.
5. Call the tour suppliers concerned availability.
6. Should there be an availability, verbally tell the supplier to hold on to the accommodation, seat or services as you relay
and finalize it to the guests. If not available, ask for the next available seat, accommodation or services or any options.
7. Should there be an available room or accommodation, the tour supplier shall give a reservations or booking number for
the said transactions and the option date and time and to finalize and to pay the said services.
8. Advise the guest the status of the reservations. The guest may either finalize it or reschedule
or change the requirement according to his/her preference.
9. If it is for finalization, prepare the sales slips for the transactions. Indicate all details
accordingly and do the costing.
10. Ask the guest for the payment.
11. Endorse the payment and the sales slip to the cashier and accounting for proper verification
and issuance of receipt and verification.
12. Give the receipt, tour voucher, or ticket to the guest.
13. Thank the guest for the trust and the patronage of the service given.
14. After the guest leaves the office, email a booking order or purchase order to the tour supplier. Some tour suppliers
would indicate the words ‘’guaranteed booking’’.
15. Email the booking or purchase order to the tour supplier concerned and wait for their email return, showing the
required payment.
16. Prepare the payment by endorsing all issued sales trips, copy of receipt, as well as the copy of the voucher to the
accounting department for proper processing of payment.
17. Check with the accounting department the status of the payment. Usually, the accounting department shall make
the payment of the said bookings or reservations.
18. After the tour, contact the guest for feedback.

• NOTE: For airline reservations, it is suggested to provide an airline booking card per guest to properly monitor the
booking and the reservations officer should be knowledgeable of the airline code and the city codes.
B. By Phone/Electronic Mail
1. Greet the guest.
2. Get the information from the guest, using the reservation form.
3. Ask the guests if he/she has other preferences or options.
4. Call the tour suppliers concerned for availability.
5. Should there be an availability, advice the supplier that you will fax or email a reservation form. If not available, ask for
the next available seat, accommodation or services or any options.
6. Take note of the reservations or booking reference of the tour supplier as well as the option date and time on when to
pay or finalize the reservations or booking.
7. Call back the guest the status of the reservations. The guest either may finalize it, reschedule or change the
requirement according to guest preference.
8. If it is for finalization, prepare the sale slips for the transactions. Indicate all details accordingly and do the costing.
9. Ask the guest for the payment. It may either be by bank to bank or by personal delivery. In some instances, guests
have a credit line with the travel agency or tour operator, as may be permitted by the travel manager concerned.
10. Endorse the payment and the sales slip to the cashier and accounting for proper verification and issuance of receipt
and verification.
11. Fax it to the tour supplier concerned and wait for their fax return, showing the required payment.
12. Prepare the payment by endorsing all issued sales slips, copy of receipt as well as the copy of the voucher to the
accounting department for proper process of payment.
13. Issue the voucher and deliver it to the guest through the company messenger or liaison officer.
14. Thank the guest for the service rendered.
15. Check with the accounting department the status of the payment. Usually, the accounting department shall make the
payment of the said bookings or reservations.
16. After the tour, contact the guest and ask for feedback.
After the tour date, the reservations officer may call back the guests about their experience or tour feedback. This will
further better services of the tour operations.
Summary of Reservations
Getting of Information

Reservation Proper

Finalization of Booking

Common Problems and Suggested Solutions in
1. Lapse Option - If the reservations has been cancelled due to lapse option, try to revive the booking by calling the tour
supplier and request it its reinstatement. Take caution on the option date and time to finalize the booking and update the
guests for its status. Should there be no other reservations possible, give the guest a number of options.
2. Double booking - There are time that a guest or another agent is booking with the same tour supplier. Should be there
a double booking, inform the guest of the status and to which he/she wants to retain.
3. Guest complaints - In dealing with guest complaints, apologize and listen to the complaints. Investigate using the
paper transactions and other scenarios. Then take action on the complaints. If the agent is at fault, never scold the
reservations officer in front of the guest. Deal with the problem first. Give the guest extra or rebate from the tour service.

Should the fault lies on the tour supplier, write a letter of complaint and send it through fax or email. Should the tour
supplier not act on it., stop selling it by informing your other guests that you are not selling the property as of the
Objective: To practice the students on how to do the entire practice of reservations and finalizations of booking.
A. Form a group of three members. One shall act as a reservations officer, the other is the guest and the other,
the tour supplier. Complete the reservations process using the forms: (SEARCH THE NET)
1. Reservations form/booking request
2. Booking/Purchase order
3. Sales slip
4. Receipt
5. Voucher
B. Take a video of the scenario and evaluate aftewards using the score sheet. Check the box corresponding to
the points of the trainee. Write your comments under the score sheet.
ACTIVITY - Reservations Score Sheet
Tasks to be Graded Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs
(4 points) (3 points) (2 points) Improvement
(1 point)
The trainee wears proper uniform and identification.

The trainee greets the guest with a smile.

The trainee is able to ask for the needs or tour information of the guest.

The trainee is able to answer the guest queries about the tour.

The trainee is able to inform the guest about the process and the fees
The trainee is able to assist the guest will full confidence.

The trainee is able to call the appropriate tour supplier.

The trainee is able to issue the appropriate travel agency document for
the guest like sales slips and receipts.
The trainee is able to process the transaction fast and efficiently.

The trainee is able to issue the guest with proper voucher.

 In a service-oriented industry and profession like in a travel agency, it is important to practice basic spiels to start a
good conversation with clients or guests. Below are the spiels that are helpful for a training travel agent.
Remember to always smile while saying the spiels below.
1. On answering telephone calls
Good (morning/afternoon), thank you calling (name of travel agency), this is (name of travel agent), how may I help

2. In transferring calls
‘’Kindly hold your line (Maam/Sir), I will transfer your call’’.

3. In holding calls
‘’I am sorry (Maam/Sir) but (the name of the travel agent/line), is still busy and would you like me to put you on hold’’.
 According to Oxford Dictionary ‘’Reservation means an arrangement whereby something, especially a seat or room, is
reserved for a particular person.
 In a travel agency setting, sales and marketing is the division or department that determines the market and the appropriate
sales approach of the company.

1. Write contracted rate requests for the tour suppliers. Contracted rates are special contracts between the tour suppliers hotel,
airline, resorts and etc. which are usually valid every year and bears the rates of the said suppliers for accommodation,
transfers, meals, etc. (Sample Letter of Request for Contracted Sales)
2. Do call sales. Sales calls are some of the activities to search for possible clients or to meet the existing clients of the travel
agency. In this way, they will be more familiarize with the people whom they will deal with the company. The travel agency staff
may bring with them sales materials (like company brochures, fliers, and other new tour suppliers packages) and other
souveniers/token like ballpens, umbrellas, tumblers.
ACTIVITY 1 - Travel Agency
ACTIVITY 2 -Create vision, mission, objectives, tagline
ACTIVITY 3 -Location map (with complete address and landmarks)
ACTIVITY 5 - Search the Internet about the Tourism expositions (NAME ACTIVITY, DATE, VENUE
ACTIVITY 6 - Search the Internet for job openings in travel agencies and write down their work
qualifications (5)
ACTIVITY 7 - Think of those clients who would get your services as a travel agent.
ACTIVITY 8 - Write down five names that you know and spell it using the codes corresponding the
letters.(phonetic alphabets
ACTIVITY 9 - Search the net. Look for at least 3 domestic airlines and 10 international airline and list
down their routes or destination offering.
ACTIVITY 10 - Get sample airline booking card/ticket - Domestic
 Get sample airline booking card/ticket - International
ACTIVITY 11 - Role Play - Reservations (ACTIVITIES 6-11 FINAL PERIOD)

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