UNIT 5 Part1

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Unit 5

DevOps Pipeline
• A DevOps delivery pipeline is a series of
steps and tools that facilitate the
continuous delivery of software
applications. It encompasses the entire
process, from code development to
deployment and monitoring.
• Here is an example of typical DevOps
delivery pipeline:
• 1. Code Development: Developers write
and test the code for new features or
bug fixes. They typically use version
control systems like Git to manage code
• 2. Continuous Integration (CI): The code
changes are automatically merged with the
existing codebase. CI tools like Jenkins or
Travis CI commonly used to build and test the
• 3. Automated Testing: Various types of tests,
such as unit tests, integration tests, and end-
to-end tests, are performed automatically to
ensure the code quality and functionality.
• 4. Artifact Generation: The CI system produces deployable
artifacts, such as executable files or container images,
which are ready to be deployed.
• 5. Deployment: The artifacts are deployed to the target
environment, whether it's a development, staging, or
production environment. Deployment tools like Ansible or
Kubernetes may be used to automate this process.
• 6. Continuous Delivery (CD): Once the code is
successfully deployed, additional tests, such as
smoke tests or performance tests, may be
performed to ensure the application works as
expected in the production environment.

• 7. Monitoring and Feedback: Continuous

monitoring tools, such as Prometheus or New
Relic, are used to track the application's
performance and gather feedback about any
issues or bottlenecks.
• 8. Continuous Improvement: Based on the
monitoring data and user feedback,
developers make further improvements or bug
fixes to continuously enhance the application.
• The goal of a DevOps delivery pipeline is to
automate and streamline the software
delivery process, enabling teams to deliver
high-quality software more and reliably. By
continuously integrating code changes,
automating testing, and enabling rapid
deployment, DevOps pipelines help improve
collaboration, increase productivity, and
ensure faster time-to-market for software
What is Selenium
• Selenium is one of the most widely used
open source Web UI (User Interface)
automation testing suite.It was originally
developed by Jason Huggins in 2004 as an
internal tool at Thought Works. Selenium
supports automation across different
browsers, platforms and programming
What is Selenium
• Selenium can be easily deployed on
platforms such as Windows, Linux, Solaris
and Macintosh. Moreover, it supports OS
(Operating System) for mobile applications
like iOS, windows mobile and android.
What is Selenium

• Selenium supports a variety of programming

languages through the use of drivers specific to
each language.Languages supported by Selenium
include C#, Java, Perl, PHP, Python and
Ruby.Currently, Selenium Web driver is most
popular with Java and C#. Selenium test scripts
can be coded in any of the supported
programming languages and can be run directly in
most modern web browsers. Browsers supported
by Selenium include Internet Explorer, Mozilla
Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari.
What does Selenium software do?

• Automated Testing: Automated Testing comes in handy in larger projects

where if not for Selenium, the tester would have to manually test each and
every created functionality. With Selenium, all of the manual tasks are
automated, thereby reducing the burden and stress on the testers.
• Cross Browsers Compatibility: Selenium supports a wide range of browsers
such as Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, and Opera.
• Increases Test Coverage: With the automation of tests, the overall
testing time gets reduced which results in freeing up time for the tester to
perform more testing on different test scenarios in the same time.
• Reduces Test Execution Time: Since Selenium supports parallel test
execution, it greatly helps in reducing parallel test execution time.
• Multiple OS Support: Selenium WebDriver provides support across
multiple Operating Systems like Windows, Linux, UNIX, Mac, etc. With
Selenium WebDriver you can create a test case on Windows OS and
execute it on Mac OS.
• This architecture involves first injecting Selenium Core into
the web browser. Then Selenium Core will receive the
instructions from the RC server and convert it into a
JavaScript command. This JavaScript code is responsible for
accessing and testing the web elements. If you look at the
image below, you will get an idea of how RC works.
• To overcome these problems, Selenium WebDriver was
developed. WebDriver is faster because it interacts directly
with the browser and there is no involvement of an external
proxy server. The architecture is also simpler as the browser is
controlled from the OS level. The below image will help you
understand how WebDriver works.
• Another benefit with WebDriver is that it
supports testing on the HTML Unit driver
which is a headless driver. When we say a
headless driver, it refers to the fact that
the browser has no GUI. RC on the other
hand does not support the HTML Unit
driver. These are some of the reasons why
WebDriver scores over RC.
Features of Selenium
• Selenium is an open source and portable
Web testing Framework.
• Selenium IDE provides a playback and
record feature for authoring tests without
the need to learn a test scripting language.
• It can be considered as the leading cloud-
based testing platform which helps testers
to record their actions and export them as
a reusable script with a simple-to-
understand and easy-to-use interface.
Features of Selenium
• It also supports parallel test execution which
reduces time and increases the efficiency of
• Selenium can be integrated with frameworks like
Ant and Maven for source code compilation.
• Selenium can also be integrated with testing
frameworks like TestNG for application testing
and generating reports.
• Selenium requires fewer resources as compared
to other automation test tools.
• Selenium supports various operating
systems, browsers and programming
languages. Following is the list:
– Programming Languages: C#, Java, Python, PHP,
Ruby, Perl, and JavaScript
– Operating Systems: Android, iOS, Windows,
Linux, Mac, Solaris.
– Browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox,
Internet Explorer, Edge, Opera, Safari, etc.
• WebDriver API has been indulged in selenium whichis one
of the most important modifications done to selenium.
• Selenium web driver does not require server installation,
test scripts interact directly with the browser.
• Selenium commands are categorized in terms of different
classes which make it easier to understand and implement.
• Selenium Remote Control (RC) in conjunction with
WebDriver API is known as Selenium 2.0. This version was
built to support the vibrant web pages and Ajax.
Selenium Limitations
• Selenium does not support automation testing for desktop
• Selenium requires high skill sets in order to automate
tests more effectively.
• Since Selenium is open source software, you have to rely
on community forums to get your technical issues
• We can't perform automation tests on web services like
SOAP or REST using Selenium.
• We should know at least one of the supported
programming languages to create tests scripts in Selenium
• It does not have built-in Object Repository like UTF/QTP
to maintain objects/elements in centralized location.
However, we can overcome this limitation using Page
Object Model.
• Selenium does not have any inbuilt reportingcapability;
you have to rely on plug-ins like JUnit and TestNG for
test reports.
• It is not possible to perform testing on images. We need
to integrate Selenium with Sikuli for image based testing.
• Creating test environment in Selenium takes more time as
compared to vendor tools like UFT, RFT, Silk test, etc.
• No one is responsible for new features usage; they may or
may not work properly.
• Selenium does not provide any test tool integration for
Test Management.
Advantages of Containerization over
• Containers on the same OS kernel are
lighter and smaller
• Better resource utilization compared to
• Boot-up process is short and takes few
• Docker is an OS virtualized software
platform that allows IT organizations to
quickly create, deploy, and run applications
in Docker containers, which have all the
dependencies within them. The container
itself is a very lightweight package with all
the instructions and dependencies—such as
frameworks, libraries, and bins—within it.
Docker Benifits
• Docker has the ability to reduce the size of development by
providing a smaller footprint of the operating system via
• With containers, it becomes easier for teams across different
units, such as development, QA and Operations to work seamlessly
across applications.
• You can deploy Docker containers anywhere, on any physical and
virtual machines and even on the cloud.
• Since Docker containers are pretty lightweight, they are very
easily scalable.
• The Docker container can be moved from
environment to environment very easily. In
a DevOps life cycle, Docker really shines
when used for deployment. When you
deploy your solution, you want to guarantee
that the code tested will actually work in
the production environment. In addition,
when you're building and testing the code,
it's beneficial to have a container running
the solution at those stages because you
can validate your work in the same
environment used for production.
• You can use Docker throughout multiple
stages of your DevOps cycle, but it is
especially valuable in the deployment stage,
especially since it allows developers to use
rapid deployment. In addition, the
environment itself is highly portable and
was designed with efficiencies that will
enable you to run multiple Docker
containers in a single environment, unlike
traditional virtual machine environments.
• The virtual environment has a hypervisor layer, whereas Docker
has a Docker engine layer.
• There are additional layers of libraries within the virtual machine,
each of which compounds and creates very significant differences
between a Docker environment and a virtual machine environment.
• With a virtual machine, the memory usage is very high, whereas,
in a Docker environment, memory usage is very low.
• In terms of performance, when you start building out a virtual
machine, particularly when you have more than one virtual machine
on a server, the performance becomes poorer. With Docker, the
performance is always high because of the single Docker engine.
• In terms of portability, virtual machines just are not ideal.
They’re still dependent on the host operating system, and a lot of
problems can happen when you use virtual machines for
portability. In contrast, Docker was designed for portability. You
can actually build solutions in a Docker container, and the solution
is guaranteed to work as you have built it no matter where it’s
• The boot-up time for a virtual machine is
fairly slow in comparison to the boot-up
time for a Docker environment, in which
boot-up is almost instantaneous.

• One of the other challenges of using a virtual machine is that if you
have unused memory within the environment, you cannot reallocate it.
If you set up an environment that has 9 gigabytes of memory, and 6
of those gigabytes are free, you cannot do anything with that unused
memory. With Docker, if you have free memory, you can reallocate and
reuse it across other containers used within the Docker environment.
• Another challenge of virtual machines is that running multiples of
them in a single environment can lead to instability and performance
issues. Docker, on the other hand, is designed to run multiple
containers in the same environment—it actually gets better with more
containers run in that hosted single Docker engine.
• Virtual machines have portability issues; the software can work on one
machine, but if you move that virtual machine to another machine,
suddenly some of the software won’t work, because some
dependencies will not be inherited correctly. Docker is designed to be
able to run across multiple environments and to be deployed easily
across systems.
• The boot-up time for a virtual machine is about a few minutes, in
contrast to the milliseconds it takes for a Docker environment to boot
How Does Docker Work?

• Docker works via a Docker engine that is

composed of two key elements: a server
and a client; and the communication
between the two is via REST API. The
server communicates the instructions to
the client. On older Windows and Mac
systems, you can take advantage of the
Docker toolbox, which allows you to control
the Docker engine using Compose and
• A server which is a type of long-running program called a
daemon process (the docker command).
• A REST API which specifies interfaces that programs can
use to talk to the daemon and instruct it what to do.
• A command line interface (CLI) client (the docker
• The CLI uses the Docker REST API to control or interact
with the Docker daemon through scripting or direct CLI
commands. Many other Docker applications use the
underlying API and CLI.
• REST stands for Representational State Transfer.
This means that when a client requests a resource
using a REST API, the server transfers back the
current state of the resource in a standardized
• Kitematic is an open source project built to simplify
and streamline using Docker on a Mac or Windows
PC. Kitematic automates the Docker installation and
setup process and provides an intuitive graphical
user interface (GUI) for running Docker containers.
• Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-
container Docker applications. With Compose, you
use a YAML file to configure your application's
What Is Kubernetes?

• Kubernetes is an open-source container

management (orchestration) tool. Its
container management responsibilities
include container deployment, scaling &
descaling of containers & container load
What is Kubernetes?
• Kubernetes is an open-source Container Management tool
that automates container deployment, container scaling,
and container load balancing (also called a container
orchestration tool). It is written in Golan and has a vast
community because it was first developed by Google and
later donated to CNCF (Cloud Native Computing
Foundation). Kubernetes can group ‘n’ number of
containers into one logical unit for managing and deploying
them easily. It works brilliantly with all cloud vendors i.e.
public, hybrid, and on-premises.
Why Use Kubernetes?

• Companies out there may be using Docker,

Rocket, or simply Linux containers to
containerize their applications. But,
whatever it is, they use it on a massive
scale. They don’t stop at using 1 or 2
containers in Prod. But rather, 10’s or
100’s of containers for load balancing the
traffic and ensuring high availability.
• Keep in mind that, as the traffic
increases, they even have to scale up the
number of containers to service the ‘n’ no
of requests that come in every second.
And they have also to scale down the
containers when the demand is less. Can all
this be done natively?
Features Of Kubernetes
Kubernetes – Architecture

• Kubernetes Cluster mainly consists of

Worker Machines called Nodes and a
Control Plane. In a cluster, there is at
least one worker node. The Kubectl CLI
communicates with the Control Plane
and Control Plane manages the Worker
• Master controls the cluster and the nodes
in it. It ensures the execution only happens
in nodes and coordinates the
act. Nodes host the containers; in fact
these Containers are grouped logically to
form Pods. Each node can run multiple such
Pods, a group of containers interacting with
each other, for a deployment.
Kubernetes – Cluster Architecture

• Kubernetes has a client-server

architecture and has master and worker
nodes, with the master being installed on a
single Linux system and the nodes on many
Linux workstations.
Kubernetes Components

• Kubernetes is composed of a number of

components, each of which plays a specific
role in the overall system. These
components can be divided into two
• nodes: Each Kubernetes cluster requires
at least one worker node, which is a
collection of worker machines that make up
the nodes where our container will be
• Control plane: The worker nodes and any
pods contained within them will be under
the control plane.
Control Plane Components

• It is basically a collection of various

components that help us in managing the
overall health of a cluster. For example, if
you want to set up new pods, destroy pods,
scale pods, etc. Basically, 4 services run on
Control Plane:
• Kube-API server
• The API server is a component of the Kubernetes control
plane that exposes the Kubernetes API. It is like an initial
gateway to the cluster that listens to updates or queries via
CLI like Kubectl. Kubectl communicates with API Server to
inform what needs to be done like creating pods or deleting
pods etc. It also works as a gatekeeper. It generally
validates requests received and then forwards them to
other processes. No request can be directly passed to the
cluster, it has to be passed through the API Server.
• Kube-Scheduler
• When API Server receives a request for Scheduling Pods
then the request is passed on to the Scheduler. It
intelligently decides on which node to schedule the pod for
better efficiency of the cluster.
• Kube-API server
• The API server is a component of the Kubernetes
control plane that exposes the Kubernetes API. It is
like an initial gateway to the cluster that listens to
updates or queries via CLI like Kubectl. Kubectl
communicates with API Server to inform what needs to
be done like creating pods or deleting pods etc. It also
works as a gatekeeper. It generally validates requests
received and then forwards them to other processes.
No request can be directly passed to the cluster, it has
to be passed through the API Server.
• Kube-Scheduler
• When API Server receives a request for Scheduling
Pods then the request is passed on to the Scheduler. It
intelligently decides on which node to schedule the pod
for better efficiency of the cluster.
• Node Components
• These are the nodes where the actual work happens. Each
Node can have multiple pods and pods have containers
running inside them. There are 3 processes in every Node
that are used to Schedule and manage those pods.
• Container runtime
• A container runtime is needed to run the application
containers running on pods inside a pod. Example-> Docker
• kubelet
• kubelet interacts with both the container runtime as well
as the Node. It is the process responsible for starting a
pod with a container inside.
• kube-proxy
• It is the process responsible for forwarding the request
from Services to the pods. It has intelligent logic to
forward the request to the right pod in the worker node.
• 1. Scalability:
• Kubernetes makes it easy to scale applications up or down by adding
or removing containers as needed. This allows applications to
automatically adjust to changes in demand and ensures that they can
handle large volumes of traffic.
• 2. High availability:
• It automatically ensures that applications are highly available by
scheduling containers across multiple nodes in a cluster and
automatically replacing failed containers. This helps prevent
downtime & ensures that applications are always available to users.
• 3. Improved resource utilization:
• Kubernetes automatically schedules containers based on the available
resources, which helps to improve resource utilization and reduce
waste. This can help reduce costs and improve the efficiency of your
• 4. Easy deployment & updates:
• It makes it easy to deploy & update applications by using a
declarative configuration approach. This allows developers
to specify the desired state of their applications & it will
automatically ensure that the actual state matches the
desired state.
• 5. Portable across cloud providers:
• It is portable across different cloud providers, which
means that you can use the same tools & processes to
manage your applications regardless of where they are
deployed. This can make it easier to move applications
between cloud providers.
• Continuous integration is possible with
Jenkins, a software program DevOps tool.
2. Buildbot
3. Travis CI
4. Gump
5. Jenkins
What is Continuous Integration?
• According to the development practice known as
continuous integration, developers must
periodically integrate new code into a shared
• This idea was developed to solve the issue of
discovering issues in the build lifecycle after
they had already occurred.
• The developers must conduct frequent builds in
order to use continuous integration.
• It is standard procedure to launch a build
whenever a code commit takes place.
What Is Jenkins?
• Jenkins is an open-source solution
comprising an automation server to enable
continuous integration and continuous
delivery (CI/CD), automating the various
stages of software development such as
build, test, and deployment.
• Jenkins is a Java-based open-source
automation platform with plugins designed
for continuous integration. It is used to
continually create and test software
projects, making it easier for developers
and DevOps engineers to integrate changes
to the project and for consumers to get a
new build. It also enables you to release
your software continuously by interacting
with various testing and deployment
• Organizations may use Jenkins to automate
and speed up the software development
process. Jenkins incorporates a variety of
development life-cycle operations, such as
build, document, test, package, stage,
deploy, static analysis, and more.
What is Jenkins and why we use
• Jenkins is an open-source automation tool
written in Java with plugins built for
continuous integration. Jenkins is used to build
and test your software projects continuously
making it easier for developers to integrate
changes to the project, and making it easier
for users to obtain a fresh build. It also allows
you to continuously deliver your software by
integrating with a large number of testing and
deployment technologies.
• With Jenkins, organizations can accelerate the software
development process through automation. Jenkins
integrates development life-cycle processes of all kinds,
including build, document, test, package, stage, deploy,
static analysis, and much more.
• Jenkins achieves Continuous Integration with the help of
plugins. Plugins allow the integration of Various DevOps
stages. If you want to integrate a particular tool, you
need to install the plugins for that tool. For example Git,
Maven 2 project, Amazon EC2, HTML publisher etc.
Continuous Integration With Jenkins
• Developers have to wait until the complete software is
developed for the test results.
• There is a high possibility that the test results might
show multiple bugs. It was tough for developers to
locate those bugs because they have to check the
entire source code of the application.
• It slows the software delivery process.
• Continuous feedback pertaining to things like coding or
architectural issues, build failures, test status and file
release uploads was missing due to which the quality of
software can go down.
• The whole process was manual which increases the risk
of frequent failure.
• It is evident from the above-stated
problems that not only the software
delivery process became slow but the
quality of software also went down.
• This leads to customer dissatisfaction.
• So to overcome such chaos there was a
dire need for a system to exist where
developers can continuously trigger a
build and test for every change made in
the source code. This is what CI is all
• Jenkins is the most mature CI tool
• First, a developer commits the code to the source code repository.
Meanwhile, the Jenkins server checks the repository at regular
intervals for changes.
• Soon after a commit occurs, the Jenkins server detects the changes
that have occurred in the source code repository. Jenkins will pull
those changes and will start preparing a new build.
• If the build fails, then the concerned team will be notified.
• If built is successful, then Jenkins deploys the built in the test
• After testing, Jenkins generates a feedback and then notifies the
developers about the build and test results.
• It will continue to check the source code repository for changes
made in the source code and the whole process keeps on repeating.
Jenkins Master
Your main Jenkins server is the Master. The Master’s job
is to handle:

• Scheduling build jobs.

• Dispatching builds to the slaves for the actual execution.
• Monitor the slaves (possibly taking them online and offline
as required).
• Recording and presenting the build results.
• A Master instance of Jenkins can also execute build jobs
Jenkins Slave
• A Slave is a Java executable that runs on a remote
machine. The following are the characteristics of
Jenkins Slaves:
• It hears requests from the Jenkins Master instance.
• Slaves can run on a variety of operating systems.
• The job of a Slave is to do as they are told to, which
involves executing build jobs dispatched by the
• You can configure a project to always run on a
particular Slave machine or a particular type of Slave
machine, or simply let Jenkins pick the next available
Advantages of Jenkins include:

• It is an open-source tool with great

community support.
• It is easy to install.
• It has 1000+ plugins to ease your work. If a
plugin does not exist, you can code it and
share it with the community.
• It is free of cost.
• It is built with Java and hence, it is
portable to all the major platforms.
Jenkins Features
• Adoption: Jenkins is widespread, with more
than 147,000 active installations and over 1
million users around the world.
• Plugins: Jenkins is interconnected with well
over 1,000 plugins that allow it to integrate
with most of the development, testing and
deployment tools.
What Is Jenkins Used For?
• Deploying code into production
• If all of the tests developed for a feature or
release branch are green, Jenkins or another CI
system may automatically publish code to staging
or production. This is often referred to as
continuous deployment. Changes are done before
a merging action can also be seen. One may do
this in a dynamic staging environment. Then it’s
distributed to a central staging system, a pre-
production system, or even a production
environment when combined.
• Enabling task automation
• Another instance in which one may use Jenkins is
to automate workflows and tasks. If a developer
is working on several environments, they will need
to install or upgrade an item on each of them. If
the installation or update requires more than 100
steps to complete, it will be error-prone to do it
manually. Instead, you can write down all the
steps needed to complete the activity in Jenkins.
It will take less time, and you can complete the
installation or update without difficulty.
• Reducing the time it takes to review a code
• Jenkins is a CI system that may communicate with
other DevOps tools and notify users when a merge
request is ready to merge. This is typically the case when
all tests have been passed and all other conditions have
been satisfied. Furthermore, the merging request may
indicate the difference in code coverage. Jenkins cuts
the time it takes to examine a merge request in half. The
number of lines of code in a component and how many of
them are executed determines code coverage. Jenkins
supports a transparent development process among team
members by reducing the time it takes to review a code.
• Driving continuous integration
• Before a change to the software can be released, it must
go through a series of complex processes. The Jenkins
pipeline enables the interconnection of many events and
tasks in a sequence to drive continuous integration. It has
a collection of plugins that make integrating and
implementing continuous integration and delivery pipelines
a breeze. A Jenkins pipeline’s main feature is that each
assignment or job relies on another task or job.
• On the other hand, continuous delivery pipelines have
different states: test, build, release, deploy, and so on.
These states are inextricably linked to one another. A CD
pipeline is a series of events that allow certain states to
• Increasing code coverage
• Jenkins and other CI servers may verify code to
increase test coverage. Code coverage improves
as a result of tests. This encourages team
members to be open and accountable. The results
of the tests are presented on the build pipeline,
ensuring that team members adhere to the
guidelines. Like code review, comprehensive code
coverage guarantees that testing is a transparent
process for all team members.

• Enhancing coding efficiency
• Jenkins dramatically improves the efficiency of
the development process. For example, a
command prompt code may be converted into a
GUI button click using Jenkins. One may
accomplish this by encapsulating the script in a
Jenkins task. One may parameterize Jenkins
tasks to allow for customization or user input.
Hundreds of lines of code can be saved as a
Why We Need Continuous Monitoring?
• Continuous Monitoring Tools resolve any
system errors ( low memory, unreachable
server etc. ) before they have any negative
impact on your business productivity.
Important reasons to use a monitoring
tool are:
• It detects any network or server problems
• It determines the root cause of any issues
• It maintains the security and availability of the service
• It monitors and troubleshoot server performance issues
• It allows us to plan for infrastructure upgrades before
outdated systems cause failures
• It can respond to issues at the first sign of a problem
• It can be used to automatically fix problems when they are
• It ensures IT infrastructure outages have a minimal effect
on your organization’s bottom line
• It can monitor your entire infrastructure and business
Continuous Monitoring
• Continuous Monitoring is all about the ability of an
organization to detect, report, respond, contain and
mitigate the attacks that occur, in its infrastructure.
Continuous Monitoring is actually not new, it’s been around
for some time. For years our security professionals are
performing static analysis from – system log, firewall logs,
IDS logs, IPS logs etc. But, it did not provide proper
analysis and response. Today’s Continuous Monitoring
approach gives us the ability to aggregate all of the
events that I discussed above, co-relate them, compare
them and then estimate the organization’s risk posture.
• We have various security tools, like Firewall, IDS, End Point Protection
etc. they are connected with a ‘Security Information and Event
Management system.
• In order to achieve Continuous Monitoring, we need to have all the
parts talking to each other,.
• So we have security tools and series of ‘End Points’, this can include
client and servers, routers, switches, mobile devices and so on.
• These two groups can then talk to a Security Information and Event
Management system (SIEM), through a common language and in more
automated fashion.
• Connected to this SIEM there are two important components, first one
is a Data Warehouse. Now to this Data Warehouse, we will connect
‘Analytics’ and ‘Security Intelligence’.
• Security intelligence (SI) is the information relevant to protecting an
organization from external and insider threats as well as the processes,
policies and tools designed to gather and analyze that information.
• This SIEM is also connected to a ‘Governance Risk and Compliance
System’ it basically provides dashboarding.
• To this ‘Governance Risk and Compliance System’ we attach a risk
database. This gives us ‘Actionable Intelligence’.
• Actionable Intelligence is nothing but information that can be acted
upon, with the further implication that actions should be taken.
• Nagios is used for Continuous monitoring of
systems, applications, services, and
business processes etc in a DevOps
culture. In the event of a failure, Nagios
can alert technical staff of the problem,
allowing them to begin remediation
processes before outages affect business
processes, end-users, or customers. With
Nagios, you don’t have to explain why an
unseen infrastructure outage affect your
organization’s bottom line.
How Nagios works.
• Nagios runs on a server, usually as a daemon or a service.
• It periodically runs plugins residing on the same server,
they contact hosts or servers on your network or on the
internet. One can view the status information using the
web interface. You can also receive email or SMS
notifications if something happens.
The Nagios daemon behaves like a scheduler that runs
certain scripts at certain moments. It stores the results
of those scripts and will run other scripts if these
results change.
• Plugins: These are compiled executables or scripts (Perl
scripts, shell scripts, etc.) that can be run from a
command line to check the status or a host or
service. Nagios uses the results from the plugins to
determine the current status of the hosts and services
on your network.
Nagios Architecture:
• Nagios is built on a server/agents architecture.
• Usually, on a network, a Nagios server is running on
a host, and Plugins interact with local and all the
remote hosts that need to be monitored.
• These plugins will send information to the
Scheduler, which displays that in a GUI.
NRPE (Nagios Remote Plugin Executor).
• The NRPE addon is designed to allow you to
execute Nagios plugins on remote
Linux/Unix machines. The main reason for
doing this is to allow Nagios to monitor
“local” resources (like CPU load, memory
usage, etc.) on remote machines. Since
these public resources are not usually
exposed to external machines, an agent like
NRPE must be installed on the remote
Linux/Unix machines.
• The check_nrpe plugin, resides on the local monitoring
• The NRPE daemon, runs on the remote Linux/Unix
• There is a SSL (Secure Socket Layer) connection
between monitoring host and remote host as shown in
the diagram above.
Why Nagios

• It can monitor Database servers such as

SQL Server, Oracle, Mysql, Postgres
• It gives application level information
(Apache, Postfix, LDAP, Citrix etc.).
• Provides active development.
• Has excellent support form huge active
• Nagios runs on any operating system.
• It can ping to see if host is reachable.

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