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Descriptive Writing

What is a descriptive
Descriptive Writing

A description is a picture in
words that helps the reader
see, hear, taste, smell, or
feel something that the
writer has experienced.
Descriptive Writing

What sense is being used in

the following sentences?
The door to her house was
battered. There were dents
and dings and the red
paint was peeling to reveal
the blackness underneath.
Descriptive Writing

What sense is being used in

the following sentences?
As I entered the house the
floor boards creaked. From
another room I heard the
crash of glass shattering on
the floor.
Descriptive Writing

What sense is being used in

the following sentences?

I jumped and bit my lip. The

taste of rusty pennies filled
my mouth, making me want
to spit or gag.
Descriptive Writing

What sense is being used in

the following sentence?

As we pulled into the

driveway, I could tell the
hamburgers and hot dogs
were on the grill.
Descriptive Writing

What sense is being used in

the following sentence?
The room was like a
furnace, causing beads of
sweat to trickle down my
Descriptive Writing

When we write a description,

we must remember to:

 Begin with a hook that

tells what the description is
Descriptive Writing

 Use exact, vivid words to

create a picture in the
reader’s mind.

 Include important details

about what you are
Descriptive Writing

 Put details in time order,

spatial order, or in order of
 Use sensory words that
help your reader picture
what you are describing.
Descriptive Writing

 End in a way that wraps

up the description.
Descriptive Writing

The Best Possible Vacation

The first time I went to
St. Augustine, Florida, I
knew that this was just the
kind of vacation I would
always love.
Descriptive Writing

As I sat on the beach, I felt the

gentle breeze coming from the
water. The warm sun was
illuminating the water making it
sparkle. Music radiated from
car stereos while the smells of
grilling and suntan lotion filled
me with joy.
Descriptive Writing

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